
Anti Fat Logic. Anti TITP. Anti-FATtitude.

@anti-fattitude / anti-fattitude.tumblr.com

A safe space for the naturally thin in a world where body positivity is a movement dedicated to tearing us down in an attempt to boost the confidence of those larger in size. It is a reminder for them that they ARE real, they are NOT fake, that their bodies do NOT mean they are shallow, have an eating disorder, or are 'Privileged' as many Fat Activists like to call it.THIS IS NOT A THINSPO BLOG. THIS IS NOT A PRO ANA OR PRO MIA BLOG. I will not encourage unhealthy eating habits or disordered behavior of any kind. If you think you have an eating disorder, have been diagnosed with one, or have a friend who you suspect has an eating disorder. Feel free to message us and we will provide you with links to support websites as well as giving you a safe space to talk.
Anonymous asked:

i recently bought my first crop top and i felt quite self conscious because of how skinny it makes me look but i worked up the courage to wear it to school. The first thing my friend says to me? "God, you're skinny. We need to put some meat on you." Fuck. My. Life.

Dude fuck that. I see SO many bigger girls wearing crop tops and feeling confident in them, you should be able to wear what you like without someone bringing you down. Fat or skinny. If you feel cute then that's what matters.

Anonymous asked:

I am Not Thin but this blog is so great and I really respect what you're doing here. Have a good one :3

Thank you!

Anonymous asked:

I just had my dad-the same one that encouraged me to get healthy-tell me that no one likes a stick.I went from 169to109 and I'm just so mad?!Like what's wrong with wanting to be the best fit I can be?I'd rather be a stick than be fat again. Fat sucks

You can ever win. It's always too big or too small. Just make sure you're healthy and let the confidence come from knowing you're taking good care of yourself.

Anonymous asked:

Who do you think is more ignorant when it comes to medical science and health?; Tess Holliday (Fat Acceptance) or Jenny Mccarthy (anti vax and vaccines cause autism)

Hmm that's a tough one. They're both completely foolish.


Maybe this is the only place on tumblr I can vent this out. I’m 1.70 yet weight around 52 kg (not really sure what that is in ft and pounds, sorry), so I am really skinny, especially for my height. It’s kind of a genetic thing, everyone in my family is really skinny too and we have a tendency to lose weight incredibly easy and struggle to gain it back or even maintain it.

The thing is that my country has obesity problems so culture is kinda shifting towards the glorification of obesity and, particularly when it comes to clothing, I swear is like everything is now made in such a big format nothing fits me anymore. I literally can’t find anything pretty my size because everything is so big I could literally swim inside those clothes, so I am left with the only option of going to the stores that glorify anorexic body types because those are the only places where the small size is actually my size. But then people go on and about saying I’m a terrible person for buying at places that fatshame women.

I guess we’re just meant to be on the losing side no matter what, right?

Anonymous asked:

I'm not fat. My doctor say my BMI is perfect. My thighs touch, I have a double chin when I lay on my back, but I work out regularly until i sweat puddles on the floor and I'm sore the next day. It makes me so mad when fat people complain about trying everything but never losing weight. I use to be obese. My huge belly turned into a small pudge in my lower abdomen. My size 12 turned into a size 4. Literally all it takes is motivation and not being a lazy shit!

Congratulations! If getting healthy was meant to be easy, they wouldn't call it hard work.

Anonymous asked:

Tbh, I find it oddly encouraging when obesse/overweight women start shit about "flat stomachs aren't REAL"&"No one REALLY looks like that in real life!"Like yes, I am a mythical creature that mankind thirst for and what you long to be so keep crying.

My stomach is flat too, I'm pretty sure it's real, idk though. Us skinny girls are questionable.

Anonymous asked:

*pant* *pant* I just spent my entire day from the time I woke up to now going through all 82 pages of your blog. Lovely. I searched for a blog like this after I saw that all of the 'body positivity' blogs on tumblr were actually 'body positivity as long as you're fat, thin girls can GTFO.' Also love the people trying to say that skinny shaming isn't a thing. Keep this up girl! We need more blogs like this. :)

Wow I didn't even know there were so many pages to this blog haha I can't believe I've had this thing going for two years. Thanks so much for your kind words and I'm glad you like the blog! Body positivity for all, not just for some.

Anonymous asked:

It's so sad people think obesity/fat people are completely healthy. Tumblr tends to tell itself, "You're perfect, you don't have to change, you're never at fault". It's really toxic. Take care of your bodies people. It's ok to change for the better.

If we're gonna constantly preach about skinny girls being unhealthy and anorexic but then turn a blind eye to obesity, that's a problem. And Tumblr lovesssss when people ignore their problems.

Anonymous asked:

idk if this belongs here but I hate the mentality that having big tits/round hips/thick thighs/round ass=more womanly or 'real' For a long time I wouldn't wear tight jeans, fitted tshirts or tank tops because I thought people would be like 'ew look at that bitch with no ass/tits and stick legs' (I've had all 3 said to me before) The amount of fat you have esp in certain places, shouldn't dictate if a person looks 'womanly', if you are a woman you look like a woman period

Well said

Anonymous asked:

Not all fat people are killing themselves? There's a line between Fat and OBESE. Obese is when it's unhealthy and it's not beautiful anymore, like those people who are too big to get out of their house or have diabetes/ heart problems.

I've said probably a hundred times that I'm not against fat people, fat people feeling confident, or people finding fat people beautiful.I am against 2 things primarily 1. Glorifying obesity 2. Body shaming thin girls in an attempt to make bigger girls feel better.

Anonymous asked:

Skinny people have so much privilege with being socially acceptable on how they look and some people who are fat don't even have bad medical conditions?

Yeah I know, some of them are fat just because they don't take care of themselves. Good call champ!

Anonymous asked:

This blog is so ugly smh

Probs not as ugly as someone who has to hide behind anon, sweet cheeks.

Anonymous asked:


Your wrong sorry bye lmao

Anonymous asked:

Did you hear about how Zendaya was skinny shamed by Julie Klausner? Absolutely disgusting comments. Don't know why people think that because fat shaming existed, now it's perfectly fine to shame women who are naturally skinny.

It's a very immature mindset. "People were mean to me so now I can take that out on everyone else!!!" Fat acceptance preachers have the mindset of a 7th grade bully.


Since this person is willingly oblivious to anyone else's feelings or experiences other than their own pity party, show of hands, how many thin girls and boys can say they've been told much worse than "go eat a cheeseburger"? Because I can tell you right now, being told to eat a cheeseburger isn't even the tip of the iceberg of the degrading things that have been said about my body.

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