
Welcome to My Parlor

@askspiderqueen / askspiderqueen.tumblr.com

With great power comes great possibilities...
Some sexual tension / attraction prompts
Send a prompt for my muse to respond to it! Feel free to elaborate, create your own, send multiple, etc. Some smut-related prompts.

1. [unlikely kiss] - Your muse kisses mine, but they are not in a relationship with one another, so it comes as something of a surprise. Works for enemies to lovers, rivals with sexual tension, unrequired-or-is-it dynamics, crushes, etc. 2. [distracting kiss] - Your muse kisses mine to avoid answering a difficult question or discussing a difficult topic. My muse may or may not realise they’re being used as a distraction. 3. [laughing kiss] - Your muse kisses mine whilst laughing. Maybe they bumped noses, clacked teeth, or are generally giggly. Intimacy can be funny! 4. [heated stare] - Your muse gazes heatedly at mine, clearly undressing them with their eyes.  5. [taunting stare] - Your muse gazes mischeviously at mine, clearly trying to taunt them into something sexual, romantic, or playful. 6. [blissful stare] - Your muse gazes softly, dazedly at mine during the afterglow. 7. [wall slam] - Your muse pushes mine roughly into a wall, their faces only inches apart - or, if your muse pushes mine chest-first, my muse can feel yours’ breath on the back of their neck. 8. [pin arms] - Your muse pins mine’s arms to restrain them for whatever reason. Tension ensues.  9. [handsy] - Our muses make out and fumble with one another whilst fully clothed. 10. [thigh touch] - Your muse slides their hand slowly up my muse’s thigh, gazing at them the entire time to gauge their response. 11. [consent is sexy] - Your muse asks permission to touch mine below the waist, above or beneath clothing. 12. [sharing is caring] - Your muse catches mine wearing their shirt, still in the process of buttoning it or pulling it on. 13. [quiet jealousy] - Your muse becomes jealous over my muse for whatever reason, and expresses it non-verbally, lingering closer to my muse than usual, touching them casually, etc. 14. [that scent] - Your muse leans in to sniff my muse. When my muse turns their head to look, their faces are very close together. 15. [intoxicated] - Our muses, who are not in a relationship, are tipsy together and end up fooling around as a result. 

A merciless robber and a murderer. That had been the spider queen’s and Evelynn’s plaything tonight. The shadow walker pulled out the lasher stuck inside the dead man’s chest, having pierced him right through his heart earlier to draw away his life and send him into the darkness. Evelynn wiped away the remaining blood on her hands, the flavor of a rotten, heartless soul clearly staining the taste of this one’s sanguine essence. Even though they had done the world a favor by ridding it of someone like this, the deed of vanquishing them itself was still something she had grown to dislike. Of course, Evelynn had become used to it over the years of feeding herself and satisfying her need to the pain and agony filled cries of others, but had not going after as much for a while now. Killing had become dull to her, because she had learned the value of good company..and even more so, a good lover.
Surely, she had once taken satisfaction and been feeding on the pain of others, but after a long time of such an existence, it became clear to her, that this wasn’t a true life being lived. And that was also the reason, why she was out here in on the shadow isles on her own, no missions involved, for Evelynn had been longing for good company. she was longing for someone, who could make her forget the past and the emptiness of her life, even if just for a little. The shadow walker had long since resigned on killing innocents. The assassinations, she was doing nowadays, was only aimed at people, whom were the worst of the worst, murderers, tyrants or other inhumane scum.
Evelynn gazed up at the spider queen, whom had joined her in committing this hunt with her, watching the other cleaning herself of the blood that had stained her faultless form. She could tell that Elise was just as disgusted not only the criminal they had slain, but the aftermath of their hunt as well. “This certainly was unpleasant, more so for him, but let us not dwell on this any longer, my dear Elise.” Evelynn said, her expression softening once more, after listening to Elise’s suggestion. “Pleasures, you say? Now that sounds much more enjoyable..~” she purred out with a sultry smile and ran one of her clawed fingers along the arachne’s cheek “You’re so beautiful..even soaked in blood” she whispered and placed a passionate, lustful kiss onto her lips.

Elise’s crimson gaze fell upon the blood leaking a river from the dead man’s chest, his sightless eyes forever staring upward into overhanging branches. She snapped in his direction, and several spiderlings came to life, quickly cocooning and dragging the body into a nearby bush, never to be found. It would make a good meal for maggots.

The light touch of a sharp claw pulled her attention away, and Elise found herself staring into the demon’s bright eyes. A smirk curved the edge of her lips as a mouth found hers. She ran the palm of her hand over the smooth unblemished skin of the demon’s abdomen, before snaking an arm around her waist to pull her closer, fingers splayed across the small of her back. Spider legs curled downward to hold Evelynn in a secure embrace.

Elise pulled away slightly, though their lips still brushed when she spoke, “And you are a goddess to behold in all forms,” she purred.

She carded her hand briefly through snowy locks of hair. “I believe a bath is in order,” she murmured, “Murder can get so awfully messy at times.”


HNNNNNGGHGHGHGH *seductive spider noises*


Cassiopeia simply raises a brow. “I think you’ll have to try harder to get what you desire dear.”

“No. Never,” Elise mumbled.
Emerald plates entered her view again. “I don’t understand why some people are afraid of you,” she ran her fingers along the ridges in awe, “These are sooooo beautiful.”

Her smirk only grows, glowing eyes trailing once more away from the book. “People fear power my beauty only makes me more terrifying to them.”

"Power is sexy," Elise declared from her awkward position, "Those people are fools."

She cuddled against the coiled tail, clicking contentedly.


HNNNNNGGHGHGHGH *seductive spider noises*


Cassiopeia simply raises a brow. “I think you’ll have to try harder to get what you desire dear.”

Elise blinked. Found half of her face pressed against scales. “What, no I’m not drunk.”
She made to stand and immediately tipped over again.

“Oh? Then you’re just incompetent?” A mocking smirk curls her lips.

“No. Never,” Elise mumbled.

Emerald plates entered her view again. “I don’t understand why some people are afraid of you,” she ran her fingers along the ridges in awe, “These are sooooo beautiful.”


HNNNNNGGHGHGHGH *seductive spider noises*


Cassiopeia simply raises a brow. “I think you’ll have to try harder to get what you desire dear.”

Elise is clearly experiencing her own, bizarre form of spider inebriation. She moans again and lifts her head. “What?”
Unfocused eyes glance over to the serpent. “What happened?”

“Someone got you drunk dear.” Cassiopeia returns to the book she was reading before being so rudely interrupted.

Elise blinked. Found half of her face pressed against scales. “What, no I’m not drunk.”

She made to stand and immediately tipped over again.


HNNNNNGGHGHGHGH *seductive spider noises*


Cassiopeia simply raises a brow. “I think you’ll have to try harder to get what you desire dear.”



*faceplants on a random part of Cassie’s tail*

“If you wont put in the work for it, then you wont achieve it.” Clearly amused as she coils around Elise.

Elise is clearly experiencing her own, bizarre form of spider inebriation. She moans again and lifts her head. “What?”

Unfocused eyes glance over to the serpent. “What happened?”

Anonymous asked:

Lissandra finds seductive spider cute

Seductive spider may or may not be drunk on caffeine at the moment....it’s the only explanation for this odd behavior...


It was the fact that she was drunk on caffeine. It had to be. Elise literally would have bitten anyone’s head off for being so bold to touch her. “Interesting. But I’m fine.”

She tried to stand, attempted to show Lissandra she was fine, but she only wobbled, unable to find her balance.

"You are as unbalanced as a newborn dear. Sit and recover, you will only risk hurting yourself if you walk now."

Elise huffed, managing to magically find her way back to her previous seat. She leaned her head back, groaning. “I don’t suppose a long-lived being like you is vulnerable to inebriation?”

This time of year was always her favorite. Both the living and the dead came and showed their true desires, their needs to give in to the temptations filling their thoughts. Little offerings of currency, fine clothing, gems, food. She could go on and on with the things she’s received. What she wasn’t expecting was someone to stay around. Usually people left their gifts and then left, fearing the embrace of the serpent. Yet here this one was staying… Though, to be fair, they didn’t look look like a typical human.
Purple fog, her own little machination of intimidation and subterfuge. Slowly, quietly, she moved up behind the stranger with fans in hand. One was currently being used to hide her features as she approached. Slowly, quietly, carefully. This should prove an entertaining encounter.
“You know, many don’t stick around for the proper festivities,” Her words were delicate, sugar coated words, clear that such a tone was used to hide something. “Tell me, are you lost? Oh no, wait, you probably have a desire, don’t you? Some temptation you wish to feed in to?” Slowly, her tail began to circle around Elise’s feet. “How can I help you, hm?”

She spun around at the smooth voice, spider legs raised in an alarmed threat posture. Her senses managed to pick up another presence before her, though it was difficult to make out their features through the mist. The soft sound of something sliding against the stone floor made her look down, and she spotted a scaled, ivory tail curling where she stood. Elise nimbly leaped away.

“Is it temptation that often leads people to this temple?” her ghostly blue eyes scanned the scene before her for signs of movement, “Why then does it feel so similar to the lair of a predator?”

What she had seen thus far was eerily similar to the statue. A spirit walking the mortal realm then, summoned by worshippers of life. Or perhaps an undead, here to reap souls of the unwary.

Anonymous asked:

Lissandra finds seductive spider cute

Seductive spider may or may not be drunk on caffeine at the moment....it’s the only explanation for this odd behavior...


It was the fact that she was drunk on caffeine. It had to be. Elise literally would have bitten anyone’s head off for being so bold to touch her. “Interesting. But I’m fine.”

She tried to stand, attempted to show Lissandra she was fine, but she only wobbled, unable to find her balance.

Anonymous asked:

Lissandra finds seductive spider cute

Seductive spider may or may not be drunk on caffeine at the moment....it’s the only explanation for this odd behavior...


Elise’s face scrunched from the contact, but she did admit it soothed her throbbing temples slightly. “I suppose,” she muttered, eyes fluttering closed again.

Rubs her icy touch at the spiders temples. "I know some healing arts, cooling of inflammation mainly." She speaks softly so as not to agrivate the headache.

Elise let out a bark of laughter, though she immediately regretted it as it only caused the pain to spark. “Healing arts? That’s so unusual coming from someone like you.”

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