
Winter Hoes



Hey everyone. I hope you’re having an amazing day. I’m turning this account into a personal one so I will not be doing Roleplay anymore. I’m so sorry.


i think the hottest look you can give someone after they commit acts of unspeakable violence is approval. like don't get me wrong if there's lust there too that's great, but staring at someone with gore dripping down their chin and coating their hands to the wrists with undisguised appraisal and admiration. maybe giving them a little nod as if to say 'well done'. THAT'S what says "yeah we're gonna fuck nasty later".

"i could fix him" well i could pat him on the head and tell him he's a good boy


Vivaldi on his deathbed in 1741: please, put it into my will that the first movement of my Spring concerto can only be used to indicate fancy settings in cartoons or as hold music for the absolute worst call centres.

Vivaldi's lawyer: Antonio what the FUCK does this mean


"I can fix him" good for you. I need to craft a scenario in which he betters himself, to prove to myself that I can meaningfully atone despite how much of myself I see in him.

"I can make him worse" I can too but first I have to prove that there was hope for him somewhere, at some point, which he rejected. Because if there was never any hope for him, what hope is there for me?


Loki: Yeah, I’m a false prophet, but you believed me so whose fault is it really that we’re in this mess?


Choose your boyfriend favorite slasher

Talvez eu esteja ficando louca 

Só queria desenhar umas poses e fui longe demais, deus tenha misericórdia 

Bubba sempre vai ser o meu neném, nunca fez nada de errado em toda sua vidinha


Whenever I see Tommy's tummy pudge enhanced in anyway I go feral. I want to hold his hand and squish myself into his soft tummy. I know this mf would give the best hugs and I'm crying in the club about it. I daydream of being cuddled by this soft, large man.

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