
sea you in hell ⚓️

@tinyboatbigshark / tinyboatbigshark.tumblr.com

30s. he/they. joyful disabled trans faggot.
here 2 have a good time & make friends -- not to win.
fandom shit @trailerparkbard

I'm disabled and cannot work, I also should be able to live in a one bed apartment by myself and not starve myself to make rent and pay bills.

Additionally, the financial aid I get should not be dependant on me struggling alone. If I wish to live with a partner or marry, I should not be be financially punished so that I cannot afford basic costs.

We all, whether we are able to work or not, deserve to be able to afford to live. We all have worth that is not dependent on our productivity levels.

True equity is not possible as long as disability equity does not exist.

Everyone, regardless of productivity, deserves to live. Period. That's it. The end.


Normies talking about getting whiplash from recipe blogs. You know nothing

[ID: An AO3 author’s note reading, “Sorry for vanishing, I did a little too much research on cults an coercive control for Damian’s arc, and then realized I was raised in a cult, and THEN I ran away to a fishing town cabin on the other side of the country and had to start learning to be a person in the real world. I also forgot how to write. But I’m learning again, so I’m back now! Have some more.” The “I” in “I was raised in a cult” is emphasized by sparking emojis, and the note is ended with heart emojis. /end ID]

Aaaand THIS is one of the many reasons why it’s not only not a bad thing to portray dark subject matter, but EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to do so!! You can learn a lot when writing, and others can learn a lot when reading! This can save lives, dudes.

I am so proud of the author though. That took multiple kinds of courage at once. Good job, author.

Hi! I’m the original author from ao3!

I want to thank everyone for such hilarious and kind additions/replies/tags on this post, they’ve been so amazing to read. They’ve meant more to me than you guys know. ❤️

I also want to add some information for anyone who wants to know more about recognizing the signs that you might be in a high control group.

High control groups can be small or large, religious or not, clubs, schools, online servers, friend groups, etc.

No human is invulnerable because we all have brains and emotions that can be played like a fiddle. Knowing the red flags can help us all keep ourselves safer!

BITE model of understanding thought and behavior control
International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)
Crisis Text Line (highly recommend, especially if you’re not in a safe place to discuss things on the phone)

Please always protect yourself as best you can and never be afraid to reach out for help—even if you’re just wondering, even if you’re not sure about something.

No safe group or person will EVER be mad at you for being cautious and taking things slow, or for changing your mind at ANY point. You’re the one who gets to decide whether you join or stay with a group, no matter what they threaten or love-bomb you with.

If you’re not safe, there’s help.

If you feel trapped, there’s help.

If people are being actively hurt, good people want to listen, understand, and help.

We all deserve freedom. I’m grateful every morning I wake up that I get to live it now, even though it’s hard and I have a long way to go. Thank you for walking this journey with me, for one brief moment or for years, and helping me—and others like me—not be alone.

Take care, stay safe, and happy fanfiction reading!


It drives me insane how many people dont realise how often they break the law and that if the full force of it was ever applied life would basically be unliveable. Like between traffic violations, petty workplace theft, account sharing and piracy alongside how common it is to have been in posession of some illegal drug at some point in your life. People still manage to get away with thinking "criminals" are people who commit crimes not just populations that are surveilled enough to be routinely prosecuted

not only that, but because crime is penalized with fines there are ways in which society wouldn’t function correctly if everyone did follow the law.

think about how crazy that is. Parts of our society are structured so that if everybody did the right thing it would break the system.

off the top of my head i remember a debate in Santa Cruz when i lived there because they wanted to remove like 8 parking spots overlooking the beach to make that spot better for the public and i think safer for cyclists, and there was pushback from the city because those parking spots were metered and they needed the revenue from those spots

and everyone was like it’s 50 cents an hour on 8 spots, how much revenue could it be, and it turned out that what the city was relying on was the money from parking tickets on unpaid meters, which turned out to be quite a lot of money each year.

just one of the many ways that our system is designed such that crime is actually a necessary feature


“Madeleine Silarjuangat” This is the last large solar system I made. I created it for a custom order so I personalised it with my client who offered it to his wife for her birthday last year ♥️ This embroidery is called “Madeleine Silarjuangat”, which means “Madeleine’s world” in Inuit. My client lives in Canada, he wanted to name his embroidery after his wife, the Inuit language has a rich history of stars and legends about life above. Thank you again Kirt! I hope to have more opportunities like this to create more unique and custom orders, it is always very interesting and challenging for me to have to work directly for a client. “Madeleine Silarjuangat” Hand embroidery. Unique piece. Custom order. 32 cm diameter. DMC embroidery thread, cannetille, Swarovski crystal beads, 24kt gold-plated beads, stone beads and glass beads on linen. Wooden frame. https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/OphelieTrichereau I take custom orders. #embroidery #broderie #planets #solarsystem #universe #scienceart #spaceart #embroiderer #theearth #thesun #sun #mars #jupiter #saturn #cosmosartwork #handembroidery #ophelietrichereau #solarsystemembroidery #sunartwork #soleilart #planetembroidery #universeartwork #astronomyart #dmcembroidery #astroembroidery #astronomylovers #spaceembroidery #cosmicart #outerspaceart #galaxyembroidery


u know someone’s about to get dragged through the mud when an academic uses the phrase ‘it’s tempting to assume’

“it’s tempting to assume” is academic speaking for “you might think, if you’re a fucking idiot,”


What the fuck is up with borzoi by the way, those fuckers are never just doing dog sit. Those things don't play fetch or bark at the postman they're always looming or being foreboding or predicting the exact date of your death or some shit

I had borzois for 16 years and it's like owning a pale, scrawny Victorian british child who suffered from a wasting disease as a boy. He was beaten severely throughout his youth for expressing excitement, so he's always nervous and needs reassuring around basically everyone, but his meak constitution prevents him from running around the house. Every once in a while you take him to a big field of flowers and he runs like a real boy for just a few minutes before other ghastly children appear over the hill and he hides behind your skirt again. You ask him if he wants to play with the other children and he screws his eyes shut and shakes his head.

Later that night you give him a digestible meal of boiled potatoes and soft aspic. He eats without complaint and then goes to his room to fetch his soft toys to play with. He sits on his knees, waddling them across the floor, not speaking nor betraying any emotion on his face. He takes a bedtime bath without complaint and washes behind his ears. He changes into his nighttime clothes and when you tuck him in and kiss his forehead goodnight, you can hear, so faintly, the rasping in his lungs that betrays that he shan't see his twentieth year


When BoJack Horseman (2014-2020) said "you can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it ok. you need to be better" and "all we have are the connections we make" and "I really should've thought about the view from halfway down" and "sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own happiness" and "you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, you turn yourself around, THAT'S what it's all about" and "things have to get worse before they can get better" and "in real life, the big gesture isn't enough, you need to be consistent" and "if we hadn't met each other until now, we wouldn't be the people we are now" and, my personal favourite, "every day it gets a little easier, but you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part, but it does get easier".


not for nothing but "chastity until marriage" and "lifelong strict monogamy" is every bit as much kink as piss or free use or knotting is. we just don't call it that because those weirdly specific and highly fetishized sexual practices are institutionalized and considered normative.

what are traditional catholic values if not just an overly elaborate and widely accepted version of a breeding kink


The kind of thing a good coder wouldn't mind seeing on their tombstone:


Finally, a truly useful flashlight design!  Because even just some light from one or two functional batteries is better than having not enough batteries to even close the circuit!  Plus, if the contacts corrode at one spot and you don’t have the time & means to clean it, you can still get light out of the thing!

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