Hi! I’m the original author from ao3!
I want to thank everyone for such hilarious and kind additions/replies/tags on this post, they’ve been so amazing to read. They’ve meant more to me than you guys know. ❤️
I also want to add some information for anyone who wants to know more about recognizing the signs that you might be in a high control group.
High control groups can be small or large, religious or not, clubs, schools, online servers, friend groups, etc.
No human is invulnerable because we all have brains and emotions that can be played like a fiddle. Knowing the red flags can help us all keep ourselves safer!
BITE model of understanding thought and behavior control
International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA)
Crisis Text Line (highly recommend, especially if you’re not in a safe place to discuss things on the phone)
Please always protect yourself as best you can and never be afraid to reach out for help—even if you’re just wondering, even if you’re not sure about something.
No safe group or person will EVER be mad at you for being cautious and taking things slow, or for changing your mind at ANY point. You’re the one who gets to decide whether you join or stay with a group, no matter what they threaten or love-bomb you with.
If you’re not safe, there’s help.
If you feel trapped, there’s help.
If people are being actively hurt, good people want to listen, understand, and help.
We all deserve freedom. I’m grateful every morning I wake up that I get to live it now, even though it’s hard and I have a long way to go. Thank you for walking this journey with me, for one brief moment or for years, and helping me—and others like me—not be alone.
Take care, stay safe, and happy fanfiction reading!