

Ghost Adventures | Jason Momoa | Sleeping With Sirens

“I just want to be remembered as a good guy, because it’s what’s most important.” - Cameron Boyce Rest in peace, Cameron.

my brain, interrupting my daydream: this is poorly researched and the narrative is not compelling

Brain: “Do it again, take it from the top.”


When you can’t even daydream right


I belong to the 1% that has never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones.

And I’m not sorry about it.


I haven’t either as Im already addicted to enough shows but if I did I would have stopped watching after the death of Khal Drogo because Jason Momoa


Death of Declan Harp?

So in the end of Jason Momoa’s latest insta story if you listen closely he says Rest In Peace Declan. Does that mean he dies in the new season of Frontier? I honestly haven’t seen the show but you just can’t kill off a Jason Momoa character again I mean haven’t we been heartbroken enough with the death of Khal Drogo in GOT?!?!?! Let’s not forget his character died in Bullet to the Head. Like come on!!!!


The Struggle of Story Writing

I think the hardest thing about writing a story is where to start. Like you have these ideas for different parts but how you want to get there and actually word it is challenging. Also finding motivation to actually do it. At least for me anyways. Y’all when I was younger I could write a story for hours but now as an adult I struggled and I think it’s due to wanting it to be good so it takes longer.


Forget having a spirit animal, I have a spirit human and it’s Jason Momoa’s character Ronon Dex from Stargate Atlantis!!!!


how is screaming “I wanna suck your dick” to a band member you just met any different from someone catcalling you on the street

Read this Read it again and again

Applies to actors, athletes, and other famous people as well.


Just because you’ve been fantasizing about them forever doesn’t mean that in their eyes, you’re anything more than a very creepy stranger sexually harassing them 


Jason Momoa looks like the characters from romance novels. You know those old paperback books we’d see our moms or aunts read when we were little and the only part we were interested in was the page with the scratch offs that could win you something because we liked scratching to reveal what’s underneath.

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