
Welcome to The Shooting Stars Official Ask-Blog

@theshootingstarsaskblog / theshootingstarsaskblog.tumblr.com

This blog is now focused in the story post-SUF, with a new group of gems that lives in Era 3, in earth, where everything seems peaceful...at least they thought it was
Anonymous asked:

Hi goldstone! Your my fav!! But two questions , Why do you look so much like a garnet ( not in a bad way btw ).

And two, who are your components?

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In case you asks, in theory Goldstone has one pair of eyes and two pairs of pupils and irises , kinda confusing , but I wanted to try something different

Anonymous asked:

Hiya im new on this blog, how do i go back to the beginning of the comic

Oh Howdy! Soooo, the beginning of the comic is right Here , all of the asks with a drawing of the characters are considered pages, I always try to make them with the same hashtags and Page numbering so newcomers could still appreciate the blog ^^


Did Steven have any descendants that are still alive at the time of the AU? Do they have relationships with the Crystal Gems?


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Junior has 26 Yo, and for surprising as it sounds, Nora's alive, but she's old(for obvious reasons) however she still has a lot of her strong traits!


What is Mega Homeworld like? Is it more like a city now then like a Village or small town like Little Homeworld was? To Crystal


To be more precise, Beach City and Little Homeworld, made a lot of connections due to the Crystal Gems' influence and participation in various activities, thanks to that, Mega Homeworld was born!

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