

@astrid-stedro / astrid-stedro.tumblr.com

I am not straight.

i obviously knew that fieri was never guy’s real last name but seeing with my own eyes that it’s ferry on wikipedia makes me feel really sad and empty inside


Wikipedia and @astrid-stedro saved the day once again “His paternal grandfather was of Italian descent; Fieri changed his surname, Ferry, back to his family’s original surname, Fieri, when he got married in 1995, in order to honor his immigrant great-grandfather, Giuseppe Fieri.”


“Bedshaped” is another one of my favorite Keane songs. It’s definitely in the top three. I remember waking one morning for school and I had accidentally fallen asleep to it on repeat and it was still playing. The window was open and it was raining and the air was cool and fresh. That, for me, was pure bliss. I knew then what peace felt like. I was battling depression and self-harm at the time and that moment gave me the courage and strength to get up and head to school that day. I’ve come along way since then, but whenever that song comes on I am taken back to that time and I can feel that peace. Music is so powerful, it can change lives.


Disney Songs in German

Disney songs from some popular Disney films dubbed in german! Music is a brilliant way to immerse yourself in your target language, and what better way than the Disney way? Many of these songs are from our childhoods, so it’s some nice nostalgic immersion. 

*The english titles next to the german is not necessarily a translation, but rather the english title. Also the year next to the title of the film is the year that the initial english film was released, not necessarily when it was released or dubbed in german.

Some notes: I apologize if your favourite Disney film or song didn’t make the list, I definitely didn’t get all of them. Maybe a part 2 is in order? Also, I tried my best to find videos that had subtitles and a translation, but unfortunately not all of them have it. You can always do a quick google search if you want the lyrics and/or english translation. Be sure to check the descriptions as well, some of them have the lyrics in there. Some videos are better or worse quality than others, but they’re all generally listenable.

I’d also like to give a huge thanks and credit to the creators who translated and subtitled these videos! They did all the work, afterall.


Mulan (1998)

Pocahontas (1995)

Dornröschen [Sleeping Beauty] (1959)

Tarzan (1999)

Cinderella (1950) 

Note: While the german name for ‘Cinderella’ is ‘Aschenputtel’, she goes by Cinderella in the german-dubbed Disney version. Aschenputtel is also an alternative title to the film.

Aristocats (1970)

Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs] (1937)

Note: Disney’s Snow White has been re-dubbed a couple times in german for some reason, so the particular year a song is from may differ from another. They’re all from the same movie though.

Arielle, die Meerjungfrau [The Little Mermaid] (1989)

Note: Same situation as Snow White.

Aladdin (1992)

Der König der Löwen [The Lion King] (1994)

Der König der Löwen 2 – Simbas Königreich [The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride] (1998)  

Küss den Frosch [The Princess and the Frog] (2009)

Rapunzel – Neu Verföhnt [Tangled] (2010)

Die Eiskönigin – Völlig Unverfroren [Frozen] (2013)

Das Dschungelbuch [The Jungle Book] (1967)

Alice im Wunderland [Alice in Wonderland] (1951)

Hercules (1997)

My other Disney compilations: French Arabic  


Another 5 Random Facts about Germany

* Germany is known for its rich forest cover. The Zugspitze, at 2,962 m, is its highest mountain. There are more than 400 registered parks and zoos in the country, the Berlin Zoo being the oldest zoo in the world.

* German is the 3rd-most commonly taught language worldwide and it is the official language of 5 countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein.

* German people are the world’s 3rd-largest beer consumers after the Czechs and Austrians. (2012

* Germany has a highway or autobahn network of about 8,000 miles. In many places there are no speed limits, although it is “advisable” not to exceed 130 km/h or go below 60 km/h. If you run out of gas on an Autobahn, you could get fined. You cannot stop, turn, or park your vehicle on the highway unless it’s an emergency. It’s against the law to overtake another vehicle from the right side. If you want to go slow, stay in the slow right lane. 

* Football/soccer is Germany’s most popular sport - the German Football Association is the largest association of its kind in the world. 

More facts here. 


So i promised a friend that i would cross-stitch her the cover of pokemon yellow for christmas, but i just finished the pattern so it won’t be this christmas!


Can we talk about the “AIRSHIP SLICE!” in Rogue One?



person: you speak german? OMG that's so cool say something!!
me: ... okay
me: Wasser, Erde, Feuer, Luft. Vor langer Zeit lebten alle vier Nationen zusammen in Harmonie. Doch dann erklärte uns die Feuernation den Krieg und alles änderte sich. Nur der Avatar, Herr der 4 Elemente, hätte sie aufhalten können. Doch als die Welt ihn am meisten brauchte, verschwand er. Einhundert Jahre vergingen und mein Bruder und ich entdeckten den neuen Avatar, einen Luftbändiger namens Aang. Auch wenn er über enorme Fähigkeiten verfügt, er muss noch eine Menge lernen, bevor er jemandem helfen kann. Doch ich glaube daran, dass Aang diese Welt retten wird.
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