
♡ zoe ♡


》 aries sun / taurus moon / leo ascendant 《
Sun in the Composite Chart

The sun in a composite chart represents the ego of the connection. What is your guys goal together? Why does this connection exist?

  • ->The composite chart works for all relationships (family members, platonic, romantic, work related, etc.). While there is potential with the energy, remember it is created mutually with time!
  • (ALSO! These are just my mere interpretations and observations as I have been researching/reading various com. charts of people I know!)

Aries: Aries sun in the composite chart is all about the thrill. This relationship exists because of the youthful energy you both possess when together. Your goal together is to seek fun and feel like a child again. I have noticed that this placement is found in a lot of younger siblings (with big families) or casual friends. This is a very lighthearted placement. There may be a tendency for the energy to burn out once the spontaneity ends.

Taurus: Taurus sun in the composite is all about comfort. This relationship exists to remind the parties to slow down and appreciate life. There is a very fond connection between the two, as well as mutual support. This tends to be a long lasting energy, even if people depart. These connections can become sensual as well.

Gemini: Gemini sun in the composite is all about friendship. This relationship exists because of the recognition each party has for the others quirkiness. Even in romantic relationships, this connection will be light and playful. There’s a lot of mental stimulation and exploration in these connections.

Cancer: Cancer sun in the composite is all about reassurance. This relationship exists so that both people know they have someone to protect them. There is a strong sense of comfort in cancer sun composites. The involved parties are very fond of each other and want to endlessly support each other.

Leo: Leo sun in the composite is all about the highest self. This relationship exists to boost the confidence of both individuals. With a Leo sun in the composite, the energy created is an illumination of the ego. Both people want to hype each other up and encourage growth. They want the best for each other.

Virgo: Virgo sun in the composite is all about lessons. This relationship exists to allow both parties to learn something new from each other. Ive noticed that there tends to be a comfortable distance between the two parties as they analyze each other. Nevertheless, they find the other intriguing and a topic worth exploring.

Libra: Libra sun in the composite is all about romance. This relationship exists to invite beauty and love into both parties lives. This is an ideal placement for romantic relationships, but it brings a sweetness to any connection. No matter what, both parties will always try to see the goodness in each other. They tend to be very flirty with their energy.

Scorpio: Scorpio sun in the composite is all about insight. This relationship exists to probe into the hidden areas of each other and heal. There is a raw vulnerability of Scorpio sun in the composite that brings comfort to the unknown. These people tend to share many secrets, but can sometimes keep things from each other on purpose. This occurs if one feels ‘taken advantaged’ of due to the inability to conceal darkness in these connections.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius sun in the composite is all about expansion. This relationship exists to remind the people of everything they overlook in their own life. The energy created appreciates the vibrancy of creation and new experiences. These people love to travel and try new things together. It’s an endless journey between the two.

Capricorn: Capricorn sun in the composite is all about ambition. This relationship exists to reach success and complete desired goals. These people create an energy of purpose that seeks to accomplish. This placement is very binding until both people feel that they have reached the desired goal. There are certain expectations in these relationships as they hold each other to a high standard.

Aquarius: Aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. This relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. There is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. There is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.

Pisces: Pisces sun in the composite is all about healing. This relationship exists to ascend the parties into higher awareness. The people involved gain deeper understandings of themselves because of the other person. It’s like seeing right through any facade and nurturing the forgotten wounds. I have noticed, however, these relationships sometimes end with one person wronging or taking advantage of the other.

In the houses!

Composite sun in the first house deals with individuality. Appreciation for the others goals and egos is emphasized. Seldom do the parties attempt to change the other. This placement can sometimes indicate one person inspiring the other to create a stronger identity for themselves (if that makes sense lol).

Composite sun in the second house deals with security. There is a lot of power for one person to influence the other persons self-worth. The energy is steady and everlasting, as both people feel comfortable early on in the connection. The people involved can really raise (or hurt) each other’s self-esteem/confidence!

Composite sun in the third house deals with youth. Similar to Gemini sun in the composite, this placement is great for friendships. There’s a lot of communication and humor involved. These people don’t take each other seriously, but in the best way. I also find this placement indicates that the people involved begin to steal each other’s lingo/hobbies, it’s so cute.

Composite sun in the fourth house deals with family. This could indicate people that become apart of your family or who feel like family. Typically, these people care immensely for each other and the connection feels natural. The fourth house is the deepest part of life, so there is a chance to really open deep wounds (in a good or bad way).

Composite sun in the fifth house deals with creativity. The connections are great for working together on creative projects, or for creating fun memories. I’ve found that sometimes there’s comparison in the connection about clashing talents/egos. I’ve also found that the people appreciate the others talent. This placement reveals itself differently in all charts.

Composite sun in the sixth house deals with routine. It could be common for people to have composite sun in the sixth house to regularly see each other and work with each other. One thing I have noticed is a tendency for one person to put themselves above the other. It could also indicate one person helping another with mental or physical health.

Composite sun in the seventh house deals with lovers and enemies. This is such a powerful placement that manifests in such extreme ways. These people can almost feel like they’re supposed to be in a relationship. The people involved understand the others power and ultimately want to work with them or against them.

Composite sun in the eighth house deals with karma. There could be unexplainable reasons why you guys stay in a connection together, but you do nonetheless. This placement may indicate inheriting money from each other or feeling obligated to help one another. The people involved are probably fairly vulnerable with each other.

Composite sun in the ninth house deals with experience. The two will definitely learn a lot from each other, but especially through physical experiences! They will probably ask a lot of questions within the connection and have a goal of expanding their mind. A lot of teacher-student energy created. One person may try to get the other to do a lot of new things out of their comfort zone.

Composite sun in the tenth house deals with accomplishment. This placement is common in a lot of public/famous couples. Your guys connection will be hard to keep secret, and could involve a lot of other people. Being together may manifest an energy that boosts your own image or success. You guys may create a lot of grandiose goals together.

Composite sun in the eleventh house deals with awareness. This placement may bring many new thoughts or wishes into the pair’s life that they disregarded before. This is the one placement I couldn’t find a lot of physical examples for, which was interesting. However, expect growth with the energy of this connection and a newfound appreciation for humane and hopeful things.

Composite sun in the twelfth house deals with the subconscious. This is personally my favorite placement for the sun (in platonic & romantic relationships). A spiritual and everlasting bond ties the two together. This allows for intense healing and revaluations for both people involved. These two people tend to understand each other in a way others can’t, which is very powerful and intimidating. For the brightest planet that surrounds the ego to be placed in the darkest house that rejects ego is very symbolic and intriguing to me. This placement is definitely unforgettable. I’ve found that this placement in celebrity couples leads to a private relationship, but successful.

I hope these were insightful! I think using composite charts to see how certain relationships can work out (work, siblings, parents, friends, etc.) is really interesting! I’m not 100% good with this type of chart yet, but I have been doing a lot of research :)


Gorgon or Goddess

       The gorgon’s head, a ghastly sight

       Deformed and dreadful, and a sign of woe.       Homer   The Illiad

Algol is the most powerful and evil fixed star in the heavens. It is the severed Medusa’s head in the hand of Perseus. The Arabic name Ra’s Al-ghul means demon’s head, the Hebrew Rosh ha, Satan’s Head. The Chinese call it Da Ling, or Mausoleum. It is known for piled up corpses, it is synonymous for violence and death.

Why the title, Gorgon or Goddess? Because Athena took the Medusa’s head and affixed it to her shield. The Aegis became known as a powerful source of protection. In the early days of Rome Medusa’s head was often carved into the stone buildings as symbols of protection. It’s possible Athena was once a triple goddess, and Medusa was her dark sister.

What does having Algol prominent in your chart mean to you?

It means you must live with the utmost integrity and honesty. That you cannot turn your back on the needy or helpless. When you see an injustice you must stand up against it. This will embody the protection energies of this star.

If you take the negative path, very severe consequences could ensue.

In Medieval times Algol was thought to be a significator of a violent death, by decapitation or head injury. This was considered especially true if Algol were conjunct natal Mars.

There are different ways to manifest a Mars Algol conjunction.  Osama bin Ladin pursued mass death and terror, and he died from being shot in the head.

Tom Cruise has Mars Algol, and he plays characters who shoot others in the head. Once his character had a bomb implanted inside his skull that he had to neutralize. In one movie time kept getting reset, and he died over and over again, often by being shot in the head

Charlize Theron has Mars Algol, and she played a female serial killer, an assassin, a woman with brain cancer, an evil queen and Furiosa, a skilled sniper.

Jupiter conjunct Algol is the Perseus aspect. While I did have a poisoner with her Jupiter here, I also find heroes. RDJ, Keanu Reeves, and Benedict Cumberbatch all have this Jupiter placement. Each of these men have had severe life trials to overcome. RDJ had a drug addiction, Keanu lost his girlfriend and unborn baby, and Benedict has a severely problematic situation.

Mao Zedong also had his Jupiter conjunct Algol, and he is responsible for somewhere between 40 million and 70 million deaths. His 1957 campaign the Great Leap Forward, meant to transition China from agrarian to industrial, resulted in a famine killing between 18 and 45 million. People under his rule died from starvation, forced labor and executions.

Democide is the murder of a person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder. Mao Zedong’s tenure marked the top incidence of democide in human history.

In addition to Algol conjunct Jupiter, Mao Zedong also has Algol opposition Mars, and other planets form a grand cross to this opposition.

Carrie Fisher has her Moon conjunct Algol. As herself she has coped with Bipolar Disorder. As Princess Leia she stood up to the evil of the universe, a government that destroyed inhabited planets to make a point.  A real life revolutionary was Ho Chi Minh, who worked to free Vietnam from foreign rule. While his intentions were good, some of his followers committed massacres to free their country. He also had Moon conjunct Algol. This placement can also be seriously misused. Marshall Applewhite was the leader of the Heaven’s Gate Cult, who led all of his followers to suicide.

Saddam Hussein had Mercury conjunct Algol; he was a mass murderer and rapist who died by execution. An actress with this placement is Sasha Alexander; in her role as Kate Todd on NCIS her character was killed by being shot in the head by a sniper.

Algol conjunctions are not a planetary placement to mess with, whether natally or by transit. Two of the four assassinated US Presidents were shot while Venus was transiting Algol; Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield.

Natal Venus Algol can be found in the chart of Al Gore, who had a presidential election taken away and decided by the Supreme Court. Lack of correct action there resulted in a global leader who created global disasters. Gore has done extensive studies and authored books about climate change and environmental science. He is trying to save the earth despite monumental opposition. Michael Moore, a liberal social reformer and movie producer also has this aspect.

Steven King has his North Node on Algol and he writes nightmarish horror stories.

Uma Thurman has her Midheaven conjunct, and she literally played Medusa in a movie.

Donald Trump has his Midheaven conjunct Algol. His public speaking has been inspiring both hate and fear. If he becomes a world leader the results will almost certainly be disastrous, because this is a man barely even pretending that he’s trying to do the right thing.


(Sorta) Comprehensive Guide to Intermediate Astrology

If you are serious about Astrology I complied a short guide of dignities, aspects, houses and planet definitions 


Each of the Planets hold a specific meaning in your birth chart. Moreover, each planet represents a specific “act.” Modern astrology includes Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto but because of their modern inventions we don’t have a concise and full understandings as that of the traditional planets (Sun through Saturn). Uranus, Neptune, Pluto are also a little sketch because they were tailored to signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio who already had lords (fancy way of saying “ruler”) and as traditional astrology works each planet has a diurnal and nocturnal dignity (except the Sun and Moon). This doesn’t mean you can’t use Uranus-Pluto if you choose but also keep in mind that pinning rulerships of these planets can be quite confusing! 

rulership/domicile: planet LOVES being here 

fall: planet is uncomfortable but it can manage 

detriment: planet is NOT comfortable being there and must use corresponding ruling planet to achieve its energies (i.e. capricorn moons must use “Saturn” qualities to do lunar things) 

exalted: comfortable! planet is happy 

The Sun:
  • Rules: Leo 
  • Detriment: Aquarius 
  • Fall: Libra 
  • Exalted: Aries
  • Diurnal
  • Represents: Ego, Identity, Soul 
  • Act: The Sun represents “action” that correspond to our identity. In a simpler way, the Sun is how we express our identity but for better purpose let’s say our sun sign is how we “show” people who we are. Sun is extroverted, and within our chart it can tell us how we want to be seen. Think about the modern mechanics of the Sun. It produces light and what does light do? It reflects. How we produce or “emit” ourselves whether its through an audience or close people is reflected back to us through responses. These responses send messages to us, which then affects our ego or way simpler, how we feel about ourselves. If you are not embodying your Sun sign then it means you’re preventing the upmost authentic version of yourself from being seen; therefore, you may be receiving “bad” or “alienating” messages that make you feel shitty about yourself. Of course, this process is more complex and it’s hard to assess whether we are embodying our Sun sign (which is why everyone should consult an Astrologer at least once in their life!). Another act Sun represents is “life” or “living.” The Sun keeps us sustained and when we lose light we lose our ability to live. Why the Sun is so important is because it reminds us of why we are here and what we are meant to do with ourselves. 
The Moon
  • Rules: Cancer 
  • Detriment: Capricorn 
  • Fall: Scorpio 
  • Exalted: Taurus
  • Nocturnal 
  • Represents: Embodiment, Emotions, Past 
  • Act: The Moon represents “receptivity” as the Sun reflects, the Moon receives. Since the Moon is nocturnal we don’t always forward our vulnerable side. This is where we want to feel protected, where our needs lie without compromise. Due to living in a society that is very individualistic and void of emotions, we tend to distrust or “shame” our moon signs. Unfortunately, western culture does a bad job in valuing intimacy and sensitivity so we navigate as if our emotions are “bad” or “too much baggage.” Embodying our moons allows us to embody ourselves. We become more honest about what we need to feel comfort or to survive. We become more whole with the world rather than separating from it. The Moon also honors our lineages, where we come from, and how to sustain our legacy. Escaping our moon means we are escaping from ourselves. It means we tend to be in environments that pose harm/danger to us and where we don’t feel secured. Overall, its essential to embody our moons because we become more present with our bodies and have a better idea how to sustain it. Most importantly, maintaining our emotional health allows us to have more positive interpersonal relationships. We will be able to care for other people more since we will be tuned to their needs or on the flip side, we will know when to depart from others because of negative reception. Honoring your moon = protecting yourself. 
  • Rules: Gemini and Virgo 
  • Detriment: Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Fall: Pisces
  • Exalted: Virgo 
  • Adaptable (no inherent sect) 
  • Represents: Communication, Cognitive Processing, Data
  • Act: Mercury represents “flexibility” as it is not chained to either a diurnal or nocturnal sect. Where Mercury lies in our chart informs us how we can “finesse” or adapt in an area of our lives. Mercury has allegiance to logic but it also shares this same honor with creativity. Some of the most creative people have a strong Mercurial influence and a fine eye towards precision and perfection. Mercury is often associated with being the “messenger” or “student” because it can take magnified information and make it more legible. For example, writers or journalists act as messengers by taking important information, simplifying it and then transporting it to the greater masses. That’s pretty much Mercury’s process. However, it can also be consumed by mindless or un-important information. The “”details””. Think of Mercury like trivia–cool but not so significant information. The biggest piece of info about Mercury is that it never departs from the Sun. Mercury can only be roughly 28 degrees from the Sun. Therefore, Mercury has a stake in how we express our identity and ego. Think about it: communication is one of the primary ways we do this. We talk about ourselves. We rant about our lives. We write about our hardships or romances. Practically everything we do involving communication tells us something about who we are as people or the worlds we lived and the lives we met. In a way, Mercury can be egotistical. Yes, we want to be heard but we must also listen. 
  • Rules: Taurus and Libra 
  • Detriment: Scorpio and Aries 
  • Fall: Virgo 
  • Exalted: Pisces
  • Nocturnal 
  • Represents: Values, Social Connection, Compromise
  • Act: Venus works to “bind” others either through romance, familiarity, passions, or causes. Venus is a benefic which means she works to soothe and provide fertility and moisture when she can. Venus believes in egalitarian ideals. In other words, Venus says a big “fuck you” to power dynamics. She is also the planet of beauty and art. Where Venus lies in our chart not only tells us where we seek balance but also creative expression. In ways, Venus tells us about our aesthetic, our hobbies, our fashion sense. Its how we “value” tangible and intangible properties. Due to Venus’ association with womanhood, a strong or weak Venus reveals our attitudes towards femininity or women in general.  For example, Chris Brown has a Venus in domicile (Taurus) in the 10th house opposite to Pluto, the planet of power and violence. The way Chris has manifested this energy is through abuses and disrespect of women. Because his Venus is in the 10th house this is a manifestation that is very public and noticed by others thus, explaining his reputation as a total piece of shit. Values, sometimes ingrained in us at an early age, always has the ability to change. If you have shitty values chances are you aren’t kind–and kindness is one of the biggest parts of Venus. While she can be kind, Venus may prefer to be “nice” instead. Venus works towards appropriateness or within the social fabric. She does things because she is expected and it’s because what she is told to do. If you have a debilitated Venus (rx, detriment, or fall) you are more likely to give the middle finger to social norms. Because of this, Venus may be nice to keep the peace instead of kind which reflects authenticity rather than social expectations. Thus it comes down whether society’s idealization of yourself and others really matter a whole lot. The importance of mastering our Venus is being confident and kind to ourselves outside of what society tells us is beautiful or desirable.
  • Rules: Aries and Scorpio 
  • Detriment: Libra and Taurus 
  • Fall: Cancer
  • Exalted: Capricorn
  • Represents: Aggression, Entitlement, Drive
  • Act: Mars works to “separate” others and is largely an infertile and hot planet. Mars is often described as “malefic” because of this act. But despite its negative connotation in traditional astrology, Mars’ desire to separate may be healthy additives in our lives. I always like to think of Mars in our charts as a “knife” or more dramatically, a “sword.”  Certain situations may manifest depending where Mars is in our chart (for example: Mars in the 8th house may show situations surrounding inheritances / the “money” you were born into). These situations ultimately create inflammation and excess that require us to break away from. Relating back to the example, Mars in the 8th may indicate an inheritance to be too large that will eventually spur problems such as debt or potential “money crimes” like tax invasion (esp if Mars is aspected by Jupiter). Moreover, this placement may better function without ties to such inheritances thus requiring separation. Another example: Mars in the 11th indicates problems relating to friends and communities. Despite the fact that leaving friends behind is not ideal, it may appear as a more attractive option if you think that friend or community situations may be toxic and unhealthy for the person. Sometimes, Mars offers the knife/sword to cut ourselves from situations that are no good for us. Mars is often associated to survivalits the war planet after all. Mars in our chart thus can tell us where and what we fight for, for what we feel entitled to possess. Unlike Mercury and Venus, Mars doesn’t follow the path of the Sun so by its own volition it can be just as egotistical and individualistic. Mars is often defined by the symbol related to “manhood” although, I would expand this symbolism further and say it represents the entitlement that men often possess in our society–the entitlement to bodies, the entitlement to sex, the entitlement to space, the entitlement to opportunities. While that can drive us to be more tenacious, it can drive us to willful ignorance and violence
  • Rules: Sagittarius and Pisces
  • Detriment: Gemini and Virgo 
  • Fall: Capricorn 
  • Exalted: Cancer
  • Represents: Enlightenment, Travel, Higher Education, Wealth, Governance/Laws
  • Act: Jupiter represents the act of “expansion.” Wherever Jupiter touches it over magnifies. In this respect, Jupiter is often seen as the “Great Benefic.” However, don’t be fooled by Jupiter. As it can bring wealth, prosperity, and joy, it can equally create overconsumption and gluttony. The axis of Jupiter is as follows: charity / selfishness. Jupiter often possess the wealth to give to everyone (think of Jupiter like Oprah who yells out to the crowd: “you get a car! “and you get a car!”); however, the darkside of a Jupiter manifestation may hoard this wealth and keep it to themselves (yes, Jeff Bezos, I’m looking at you). Outside of this dichotomy, Jupiter is often described as “optimism” because its able to look at the whole picture and accept new ideas. Rather than accepting its fate or the facts given, Jupiter wishes to change its outcome. It values diversity and higher knowledge, which requires the sharing and diffusion of ideas. For example, during 1690, John Locke published An Essay to Human Understanding which was one of the setting blocks of the Enlightenment period and essentially refuted the notion of rationalist notion of “innate ideas.” it’s no shocker that during the year of 1690 Jupiter was domicile in the sign of Pisces. Mid-18th century Europe become bombarded by dogma and challenged traditional understandings of knowledge and being. While Jupiter was not domicile, it is interesting to note that Pluto (planet of transformation) was in the sign of Sagittarius (thus Pluto responding to Jupiter) during the mid 1700s. Jupiter can hold truth, advocacy and skepticism in its wing and while we can get oversaturated by complexity and knowledge, Jupiter in our charts can tell us where to reach higher and where we want to see generosity. 
  • Rules: Capricorn and Aquarius 
  • Detriment: Cancer and Leo 
  • Fall: Aries
  • Exalted: Libra
  • Represents: Structure, Reality, Discipline 
  • Act: Saturn represents the act of “restriction.” Whereas Jupiter is the Great Benefic and loves to expand, Saturn is more like the Great Malefic and prefers to contain what already exists. Saturn loves borders and confinement (think of prisons and fortresses) Its a cold and rigorous planet. Because it is always visible in our sky, Saturn is said to be the container of time or in other words, our reality. Saturn is also compared to architecture; it gives form and structure in our world. In medical astrology, Saturn rules our “body architecture” aka our bones and skeletal system. Thus, Saturn has symbolism related to systems and hierarchies. Saturn is not as “nice” as Jupiter and Venus so these hierarchies are often negative and power inducing; one wins, the other suffers. I usually compare Saturn to capitalism because of this very fact. The nature of the Capitalist system only benefits a specific and very small class while the rest weep and suffer. This system is unfair and in order to survive in it you have to work through its conditions. And in Saturn’s words: that’s just the cold reality of our world. So, unlike Jupiter who gives us the ability to see the world as something that can be changed, Saturn gives us the realistic picture and the facts can be overwhelming and depressing. Thus, Saturn has stakes in pessimistic attitudes. Its only way to success is working alongside the rules. Saturn is often compared to an authority figure and when we don’t do what we are suppose to do (which in Saturn’s terms is working ourselves to death) then during every 7 years when our first Saturn square hits we go through a “maturity cycle” and every 28-29 years our Saturn return welcomes us (or drags us) into another big stage in our age development. Saturn’s association with old age informs us that Saturn gets a bit gentler with age but the crises that erupts when you get an inch closer to death never ceases to exist. Despite all of this, Saturn can be mobile. One of the good things about Saturn is that you CAN move up the ladder when you put the work in. Good doings will reward you with rewards. Bad doings will reward you with consequences aka what you reap is what you sow. The Saturn in our charts can indicate areas where we suck at, and need work. It can also indicate the areas where we seek perfection and success. For example, Saturn in the fifth house indicates someone who strives for perfection in their hobbies. If an artist had a 5H Saturn they would be overcritical of their work, constantly drawing the same thing again and again until it comes out how they like it. When we do this, the leisure of art becomes grueling and hard work. Saturn takes the pleasure out of something inspiring and beautiful. However, working with Saturn in this house can create a prodigy, someone who can be the best at what they do.
Outer Planets 
  • Uranus = innovation, rebellion, breakthrough, sudden changes 
  • Neptune = over saturation, higher spirituality, borderless, projections
  • Pluto = power dynamics, shame, transformation 


  • 1st house: The Rising; indicating the East Horizon. 
  • identity, the Self 
  • Veil between you and the world 
  • 2nd House
  • Finances
  • Tangible items 
  • 3rd House 
  • Communication 
  • Transportation 
  • the Mundane 
  • siblings 
  • neighborhood
  • “mother tongue” 
  • 4th House: imum coeli; indicating the Planets below the Earth 
  • family/lineages
  • past 
  • traditional astrology views this as a place of old age and death (4th house is the 27th profection year i.e 27 club) 
  • whatever is “unseen” and protected 
  • 5th House 
  • hobbies 
  • sex
  • pleasure 
  • procreation 
  • children 
  • 6th House 
  • debt
  • health 
  • obligations / work environment 
  • routine
  • pets??? yeah pets 
  • 7th House: The Descendent; where the Sun was setting 
  • relationships 
  • the “other”
  • sex again 
  • marriage 
  • 8th House 
  • taxes
  • inheritances
  • shame/whatever is concealed or lies underneath 
  • 9th House
  • travel 
  • higher education (i.e college) 
  • publishing 
  • foreign language 
  • diversity 
  • 10th House: Midheaven; highest point of the sky 
  • Career
  • Public 
  • Reputation 
  • 11th House 
  • Community 
  • Wishes
  • Future 
  • Friends 
  • 12th House 
  • the “unseen” 
  • deception 
  • repression 
  • therapy 
  • spirituality 
  • meditation 


Aspects are angles in the birth chart. These angles won’t always be exact so the disparity is what we indicate as an orb 

The Opposition (180 degrees) and Square (90 degrees) 
  • not harmonious aspect
  • indicates tension or friction 
  • the square has more immediate friction whereas the opposition will have to be worked with overtime 
  • Mars square Saturn indicates immediate blockages with anger and individual expression but can be mediated through activities whereas the Mars Opposition Saturn indicates a long term battle of how to correctly assert oneself and overcome the limitations set forth by society. 
  • Saturn corresponds to the nature the Opposition. Mars corresponds to the Square
  • Opposition occurs within opposite signs. Square occur within signs of the same modality 
  • square = taurus-aquarius taurus-leo 
  • opposition = taurus-scorpio 
The Conjunction (0 degrees; very close to each other) 
  • Neutral 
  • fusion of energy in planets which will yield strong manifestations 
  • usually occurring w/planets about 0-10 degrees away from each other 
The Trine (120) and Sextile (60) 
  • harmonious aspect 
  • flow of energy 
  • can lead to innate action due to how “well” the planets work together 
  • trine more comfortable and positive than sextile and less immediate than sextile. 
  • Jupiter corresponds to the nature of the Trine. Venus corresponds to the nature of the sextile. 

the astrology of sexuality, part 1

  • Jupiter dominance indicates promiscuity or interest in perverse behaviour
  • Jupiter indicates interest in oral sex; so for instance Jupiter in Pisces might go for toe sucking
  • Pisces stellium/dominance might have foot fetishes
  • Saturn energy uses sex as survival or for practical reasons, such as stress relief or advancement in the social sphere/workplace
  • Uranus energy in general is an electric, unconventional sexual energy that goes beyond the survival needs of Saturn. It’s truly released sensual energy rooted in pleasure and freedom
  • mars square saturn and/or moon may like bondage and domination/sex games
  • mars or moon in the 5th indicated sexuality for emotional connection as well as fun
  • Neptune and Uranus dominance indicate a need for wide and varied sexual experiences
  • an afflicted or weak Venus might indicate violence towards women
  • a combust Venus indicates sexual promiscuity in women
  • Venus and/or Mars in Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are high indicators of lustful behaviour
  • a 5th, 7th, or 8th house Mars indicates a highly sexed person
  • Mercury dominance indicates someone who engages in one-night stands
  • Venus in the 1st house is very seductive and flirtatious and known for exhibiting a sexual nature
  • Venus in the 3rd house is also very sedcutive in the sense that others feel compelled to talk to them as they give the impression of being sensitive to the needs of others. This may extend into being sexually available when needed, resulting in affairs and sexual entanglements
  • Pluto in the 12th might be interested in anal sex

wrow according to the surveys i took im most compatible with aries sun, leo moon, and taurus venus

here they are btw (sun, moon, venus) lmk what y’all are and what you get for each one


careers for the midheavens

getting a lot of these questions. they’ve already been covered at length here, but this post will consolidate them all and highlight them further. you’re welcome 😘

aries mc: psychologist or psychiatrist, butcher, foundry worker, explorer, engineer, metal worker, engine driver, fireman, arms manufacturer, trade unionist, mechanic, dentist or professional sportsman.

taurus mc: modelling, jeweler, singer, musician, sculptor, art dealer, florist, horticulturist, landscape gardener, farmer, surveyor, builder, architect, auctioneer, property dealer, banker, financier, civil servant, accountant, businessman, masseur or cook.

gemini mc: teacher, lecturer, journalist, writer, secretary, linguist, broadcaster, commentator, travel agent, commercial traveler, sales assistant, chauffeur, navigator, postman, light manual worker, craftsman, or any work involving a form of communication.

cancer mc: housewife, nurse, caterer, hotelier, kindergarten teacher, domestic science specialist, estate agent, businessman, fisherman, boat builder, sailor, antique dealer, museum curator, historian and market gardener.

leo mc: actor, dancer, teacher, youth worker, managing director, chairman, professional sportsman, astrologer, jeweler, goldsmith, party planner.

virgo mc: investigative journalist, critic, critical writing, market research, politics, trade unionist, secretary, statistician, accountant, teacher, working in health or hygiene, doctor, alternative medicine, health foods, gardener or craftsman.

libra mc: diplomat, artist, beautician, model, dress designer, hairdresser, welfare worker, receptionist, valuer, or in any of the luxury trades.

scorpio mc: detective, investigative science, journalist, coroner, psychoanalyst, psychologist, medicine, surgeon, pharmacist, research work, politics, mining, plumber, waste disposal worker or psychic work.

sagittarius mc: publisher, lawyer, librarian, jockey, vet, travel agent, minister of religion, philosopher, sportsman and teacher, especially in higher education.

capricorn mc: osteopath, dentist, scientist, engineer, builder, architect, politician, teacher, civil servant, administrator, executive, manager, farmer, musician and antiques dealer.

aquarius mc: scientist, ecologist, writer, TV broadcaster, industrial worker, radiographer, sociologist, charity worker, inventor, archaeologist, astronomer, astrologer, pilot, or as a member of the Air Force or the United Nations.

pisces mc: actor, dancer, poet, writer, photographer, musician, the healing professions (especially as an anesthetist or nurse), fishmonger, Navy, deep sea fisherman, oil worker, shoe trade, illusionist, hypnotist, medium/clairvoyant or priest.

Moon in the 1st: You can see the inner child appear in the face during intense emotional distress. There may be frequent weight changes
Moon in the 2nd: The physical body is the emotional signal and catchment, the body can cling to emotions long after the mind has let it go
Moon in the 3rd: The emotional state constructs and arranges the immediate experience so the world always changes- it can seem warm or dark or too big or too confining or whatever
Moon in the 4th: The experience of emotional pain or distress brings back every related memory with throttling force, old suffering can be experienced time and time over
Moon in the 5th: This can be the inspired or tortured artist, using the mix of deep and hidden emotions, as the canvas and paintbrush
Moon in the 6th: Emotions have unpredictable demonstrations, the first sign may be gastrointestinal trouble, appetite changes, or inability to focus
Moon in the 7th: Mood and emotion can reflect its closest contact, hyper sensitive and responsive to the people they are around so they need to self-reflect to recognise their authentic feelings
Moon in the 8th: Compulsive rituals are operated by the unconscious to bring about the awareness or destruction that emotions and suffering has been unresolved and cannot be pushed any further inward
Moon in the 9th: It's possible to get lost inside, and there may be an inability to settle because nothing really feels like home. Emotional distress can be magnified by the desire to experience the ideal state of being at all times
Moon in the 10th: Severe internal instability and emotional suffering can activate the wounded inner child where failures and inadequacies are exaggerated
Moon in the 11th: Intense emotional instability and inability to self-comfort can be signals that they must shut the door on something in their lives to let the winds of change blow through
Moon in the 12th: Emotional recognition and demonstration can be undeveloped and paralysed in childhood so they may do a lot of searching - inside themselves, through relationships, piecing together their past, and for God to find something that makes them feel defined in this world

Moon in the 10th House - Lunar Franchise 

“Those with less curiosity or ambition just mumble that God works in mysterious ways.  I intend to catch him in the act.”    ―    Damien Echols 

Moon in the 10th is the mother of midnight, dwelling in a secret lighthouse that guides lost travellers home and bathes humanity in a watery lunar glow. Sensitivity taps into the collective and expresses through widespread,  messianic empathy for loved ones and strangers alike. There is a delicacy about Moon in the 10th that ignites the need to be held in the loving, maternal arms once more, and she becomes the mother figure that lost inner children find themselves with. The moon is mysterious and unsettled, and the 10th house applies to the general public, profession, and social reputation. Like the moon she expands into illuminated fullness, connecting with people in profound and influential ways, her presence beaming like a silver orb in the sky. And then she becomes weary, worn down, unappreciated, and unable to find a home anywhere, withdrawing and disappearing into the darkness like a waning crescent moon. She is present, but she is private, and she does not appreciate intrusion or exclusion. It means that the social presence can be erratic and based on the emotional state. The psychic energy of Moon in the 10th exaggerates this cycle of connection and disconnection. There is an unusual telepathic experience with feelings, almost like she is directly informed of someone’s genuine emotional experience that may be more evident with strangers than family. It can be equally elevating as exhausting as her feelings blend into the collective sea and she forgets what belongs to her.

Her ambition and success story is largely based on constructing a comfortable and unconditional residence for family. She is the cosmic queen of home and identifies with being the provider and dependant pillow of respite, a soft place for loved ones to dry their tears and feel safe. It’s possible that she sacrifices her professional ambition to take care of family members or maintain stability on their behalf. It’s also possible that family and loved ones are the driving force behind her enterprises and she willingly commits to the hard work in the peace of knowing what she is coming home to. Moon in the 10th can indicate the influential mother who shaped the individual’s resilience and aspiration through her resolve, tenacity, sacrifice, and ability to overcome the obstacles. It’s possible that the mother was the principle provider, stabilising force, or solo-influencer. The individual can mimic her social or political ideologies, social mannerisms and subjective notion of success. It’s also possible that she follows the same or similar career paths, such as becoming a nurse like her mother or health industry professional. She may inherit the mother’s professional talents, skills, and early exposure to the profession that provided her with foundation knowledge and conditioned interest and intrigue. There is the conflict between public exposure and recluse, especially during her younger years there can be the feeling of inadequacy, smallness, and ineptitude before a demanding and intimidating world. Her inner strength and wise lunar heirlooms mix the milky moon cauldron of supernatural resolve can manoeuvre her into conquering her fears and insecurities while she moves the world in sensational but subtle ways.

The individual can spot professional opportunities with finely tuned intuition and following gut emotional feeling. She can tweak a psychic sense of timing that knows the right moment to make her move and strike when the moon beams are hottest. The condition of Moon in the 10th suggests careers working with, as subordinate to, or on behalf of women. The individual may inherit a family business or go into a small enterprise with family members. The essence has an enchantment factor that is capable of coaxing and charming superiors, clients, and colleagues. She can almost hypnotise into letting down their guards and intuit her way into their soft spaces. From here, it can be very easy to niggle at, and influence their responses. A healthy working life balance is essential. The individual can feel very empty without a family or solid work, and feel just as uneasy when one is being compromised for the other. They energise as one, so there is a sense of satisfaction in self-sufficiency and a deep need for dependency. She is likely a nocturnal worker who can summon resources through the evening and beneath the inspiration of moonlight. It’s possible for Moon in the 10th people to feel anachronistic, or out of time almost as if she was born into the wrong generation. The public does not see her battle, her will, or her work. They see a hanging sphere of sparkles illuminating in a distant night sky, calling them home on a boat riding delirium chasing a compass ever changing.


Print by Julie Filipenko

Ascendant/1st house: I am the mask you forget you're wearing
Moon: I am the face you wear when you cannot cope anymore
4th house: Inside, you are actually me. I safeguard your birth chart
3rd house: I am the voice you talk with and the eyes you see with (remember we perceive with the mind, not the eyes)
5th: I am the big kid in you
6th house: I am the face you wear at work
Venus: I am you when you satisfy your needs for pleasure, love, comfort, and beauty
7th house: I am the lost parts of you hiding in other people
Mars: I am you when you feel threatened
Jupiter: I am you when you feel in peak condition and confidence
Pluto: I am the face of your therapist, the face of your aggressor, the face of your healer.
9th house: I am you when you travel overseas, start university, and study astrology
Saturn: I am the voice of the parent who criticised you
10th house: I am the face that the world can see, they all see my success, they don't see my work, trauma, labour, and resilience
Neptune: I am your psychic faculties, you source spiritual inspiration from me
12th house: I am the face that nobody sees

pluto in the 5th associates with dark desires. pluto’s energy can be relentless, so the compulsion for personal amusement and gratification, romance, gambling, and competition can become the individual’s ultimate undoing. pluto concerns all matters of life and death, so they can pursue pleasures to such extreme excess that it becomes life threatening 


pluto in the 5th people can feel very disconnected from their own childhood and the presence of their own inner child. there is often a deep longing to engage with children and young people - often in mentoring or teaching roles, but the source of this desire is often unknown. in the presence of children, the individual is unconsciously watching their own imagination and wonder that they seem to have lost or forgotten being acted out before them. paralysis in ‘adult’ mode can result in difficulties engaging in anything untrue, like make-believe and fantasy play. they are very equipped and dynamic people who gain a lot of satisfaction passing on their knowledge and wisdom, and typically respond well to the child’s curiosity to learn. however there are some questions or positions where the individual can seem to freeze up, like when they are instructed to just ‘use your imagination’, or ‘wait for the surprise’, or whatever. the intriguing often the case matter is that these people have wonderful artistic or sporting flairs, aptitude for great writing or literature, and creatively inspired ideas for capturing and teaching young people that can remain undeveloped and deteriorate in the unconscious unless they just try, because they usually do not feel like any of these things. there are countless unwritten global best sellers, musicals, unpainted mosaics, and revolutionary lesson plans in these unconscious minds just waiting to be found, the biggest tragedy is when they never are 


Pluto in the 5th - The Curse of the Creator

“‎she’s mad but she’s magic. there’s no lie in her fire.”  - Bukowski

I get the image of the tortured artist with Pluto in the 5th. There is brilliance, but first the turbulent Pluto sea must be waded through. The astonishing creative spirit is phenomenal, and yet she is forced to stare directly at her inner demons before the genius is released. The individual is plunged into states of exposure, vulnerability, and darkness so she can tap into her unlimited creative source. The individual’s genuine self expression leaves a lasting etheric imprint on the world, and her legacy can live on for centuries. There is something about the 5th house Pluto person that is unforgettable. An authentic self expression is her greatest glory. Madness or melancholy could be her greatest creative fuel; there is a sort of creative insanity here. This is the visual of the hysterical poet, locked in front of his typewriter and agonising for weeks and weeks. With shadowy Pluto, longstanding complexes and doubt about her own abilities inhibit and block his grand exhibition. The individual takes self reflection seriously. 

When she sinks into the centre of her soul, she can produce tremendous artistic form - anything from music, to writing, cinema, and mechanical arts. She may even express these talents manically, obsessively, like she is completely immersed and doesn’t know when or how to stop. She really can lose herself in art for hours upon hours. This is where she also transcends and finds intimacy with the universe - nothing else exists here except the music of her soul. She can spin human pain, suffering, and emotion into creative expression and distinguished performance. The individual may see her children as fragments of her immortality and the heritage she leaves the world behind with. She may be drawn to work that involves children, especially those who have been abused, neglected, or suffer mental illness or disability. Her own inner child feels locked away, and unable to express itself. This may be a result in being told during youth that her love was invalid and personality too extreme. Further, the 5th house is the playground of delight, and Pluto is intense and without superficiality. She may divulge into life’s pleasures with reckless abandon and enjoy herself with excess. The individual may take creative illustration and self expression so sternly that she loses sight of the natural delight and laughter it can bring.

The individual with Pluto in the 5th may feel intense pressure to express an art, like paint a picture, or research a topic of delight in a compulsive and uncontrollable way. Children are important to the individual and she takes this role extremely seriously, she can be aggressively protective. Bringing a new life into the world births a new life into her through Pluto’s tremendous transformation, and she believes this to be her most astonishing creation. But this can be a shadowy area too, and an area she struggles with long term. People feel a very enigmatic, sexual, and hypnotising spell around 5th house Pluto individuals. The lure into otherworldly grip with patches of brilliance and talent, hidden some place or another. Finding it takes the pain of Pluto’s isolation. Using it is the elixir of divinity.


(art: Xue Wang]


Our Father who art in our Midheaven ❤️💔

Aries midheaven, Mars in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have associated ‘love’ and ‘affection’ with discipline or a style of nurturing that was very playful and competitive so emotions were fought out instead of being consoled, sometimes the true child and unique talents, sensitivity and gifts goes unnoticed because the focus is on living an unmet parental aspiration

Taurus midheaven, Sun in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have defined or contaminated the concept of self-worth, being valued, and being comfortable and happy in their own skin, their grandest longing is for a life of love and beauty, but they feel like they don’t deserve such things either

Gemini midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have exhibited egocentric and unstable qualities that made developing secure attachments quite difficult, as a result sometimes they don’t realise the impact their own erratic presence has on their loved one’s lives can be very unsettling and confusing, it’s possible that the child was the inadvertent teacher for an unready parent

Cancer midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may be the ‘invisible man’ archetype so masculinity is role modelled around the dominant display of the feminine quality in its greatest expression of strength, resilience, protection, and power, there is a family wound that leaks into the whole world and they are saviours at the same time they need saving

Leo midheaven, Sun in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have stolen or defined their light, and it can result in the end sense that they can only be loved by being somebody else or solely for what can be contributed, they must learn to define and understand the giving and receiving of love on their own and far later than they were meant to, often alongside the ordeals that this love and support was meant to get them by

Virgo midheaven, Mercury in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have consciously or subconsciously ignored or discredited psychological or physical illness and displayed untreated symptoms that were quite distressing, it’s possible that their own health matters were left unrecognised or unresolved or there was a role reversal in some form that created a reliance on depended upon by others

Libra midheaven, Venus in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may seem to belong to everybody else, there may have been circumstances that conditioned the person to believe that they were not truly valued or wanted, and that their own needs were less important than others, the parents may have projected an idyllic image that other people become envious of without realising that it’s never so rosy behind closed doors

Scorpio midheaven, Pluto in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures can be the Prince of Darkness who is responsible for the unseen battles. in some cases the bloodline is contaminated by the secrets and traumas kept hidden for appearance sake and reputation, but the curses are carried on by forthcoming generations and the ‘good name’ that was once so important to conserve becomes a family name they will desperately to escape from

Sagittarius midheaven, Jupiter in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have expressed copious dissatisfaction and discontent that left the child feeling very guilty and responsible for other people’s happiness, the person may have been taught to respect opinions they disagreed with, or be denigrated, mocked, or reduced for their views or questions

Capricorn midheaven, Saturn in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures can have quite a restrictive and defined role that may appear forced or underestimates the importance of their presence, detached when the person needs their love and support the most, like an emotional wall or a distance that makes it seem like they were born during different centuries

Aquarius midheaven, Uranus in the 10th the presence or absence of the literal father or paternal figures profoundly influences their self-love and defines the limitations of their potential, it’s possible for this figure to be the inspiration behind their aspiration - either to emulate the positivity that was displayed or escape from the instability and re-write a new future with a different name

Pisces midheaven, Neptune in the 10th the literal father or paternal figures may have been a very lost, confused, and hurt person who likely never intended to pass these wounds on - but they can do so by conditioning destructive and escapist coping mechanisms and a victim mentality as a defence against being hurt or betrayed again - no person or circumstances has the power to make them a victim because they already see themselves as one



Chiron in Astrology

Chiron is another ‘infamous’ asteroid, located in between Saturn and Uranus, bridging lessons and structure with change and revolution, and also physical planets (Saturn to sun) to the spiritual and ethereal (Uranus to Pluto)

Like all planetary configurations, Chiron represents another childhood experience that structured a part of our personality.

Chiron from my own personal studies indicated the aspects of us that were rejected by the caregivers and/or other people and conditions surrounding the environment growing up.

These rejected parts of ourselves are then suppressed into the subconscious.

Chiron then shows us the darker voice within ourselves that tell us “You aren’t worthy” and “You’re not good enough at this (sign/house)” - as it became integrated into our personality during childhood.

Suppressed subconscious thinking and programming then becomes a point by where we unwillingly ‘trip ourselves up’ in these aspects of our lives.

This subconscious wound formed due to childhood conditioning (intentional or unintentional) that created patterns in the behaviour that can lead to reoccurring experiences of pain and trauma, that remains ‘unhealed’ due to the emotional imprint left behind and the inability to integrate these traumatised aspects of ourselves.

Through our own unhealed wound, the understanding of our own pain can allow us provide healing to others in the area in which we believe we lack.

However, this greatly varies on the level of maturity and consciousness of the individual. Much shadow work on the self and integrating the traumatised aspects of ones own personality is needed before one can even attempt to heal another.

Chiron is almost like our own talent or gift where we have an incredible ability to empower others to heal themselves.

The house area indicates what area of life the wound formed, and the sign dictates how we received this wound, and how we can heal others in this area of life and also the ways in which we can learn to accept and integrate as part of our damaged ‘self’.

We may also often put ourselves down in this area of life, feeling a consistent internal dislike of oneself. However, we may be incredibly talented here also. Others may recognise these talents even though we may continue to reject them.

The ‘key’ to Chiron is to recognise these rejected, hurt and wounded parts of ourselves, and use these talents to help heal others, in turn improving our confidence in these life areas ourselves.

This post was specifically written for the house placement of Chiron since itits orbit often fluxes between generations. The signs in essence act differently from the way planets act within areas, so take this into account when reading descriptions to combine your Chiron placement.

Chiron in 1st House (Aries)

Chiron in the 1st house can indicate an individual who’s wound stems from a lack of understanding who they are as an individual. They may feel like they don’t fit in within society. They may feel like their sense of style or their appearance isn’t appealing to others, and they may have a wound surrounding self-confidence issue in regards to their facial or body appearance. This can be a quite self-hating placement in regards to the physical self in particular.

They may also feel like they have no life direction, while everyone around them seems to know where they are going in life and what they are doing, while the Chiron 1st person seems to drift from one place in life to another but not really getting anywhere. This can make them feel quite frustrated and their worth and knowing who they are and where they want to go in life seems to be an endless void, either feeling like their options are limited or theres so much choice its hard to choose any direction.

There may also be some issues around the expression of anger and being assertive. They may desperately want something but can never muster up the passion and drive in order to go get it, then end up loathing themselves for giving up (often because they don’t feel like they are worthy of even trying because there’s a preconceived idea that they won’t get what they desire anyway).

On the flip side, you may feel like you want to achieve your goals as soon as you can, attempting to spin your way through life though only end up becoming frustrated due to your attempt to push against divine timing - if something is meant to happen, it will, there’s no need to feel like you’re running out of time to get things done.

This may have stemmed from not being able to get what they want, when they wanted it in childhood.

They may have also grown up in an environment where any attempts to express anger or aggression was scolded, therefore was repressed into themselves, becoming a subconscious shadow aspect. Now when pushed too far into a situation, they may snap and become quite aggressive and angry, then feel guilty after coming to their senses (particularly in the sign of Aries). They may have witnessed an aggressive or highly defensive parent, and when they confronted this particular parent, they may have had their act of assertion dominated by them, therefore making them feel incapable of standing their ground.

You heal others is by elevating them and encouraging them to head in their life direction. You remind them of who they are and help strengthen their sense of self and identity. You encourage others around you to be assertive and not to let anyone get in their way.

Because Chiron is in your 1st, its there fore everyone to see. People see your battle wounds, and if Chiron is close or conjunct the AC, you then embody and personify the characteristics of the wounded healer. If well aspected, people may recognise you as the ‘wounded healer’, admiring your strength and ability to guide others to better themselves.

There can also be situations where no matter how much others praise and acknowledge your appearance, you may constantly be unhappy with yourself due to the significantly ingrained pattern of only seeing your flaws above your beauty.

You need to learn where you want to go in life by experimenting with different path ways (your astrological chart is obviously a wonderful tool to help!). You incarnated for a reason, and though it may take time and much trial and error, you will find the right direction for you. Don’t be scared to put yourself out there and know that you have an incredible capacity of power and strength within you.

Chiron in 2nd House (Taurus)

Chiron in the 2nd house can indicate an individual who’s wound stems from a lack of self-worth and self value. They may feel like who they are as a person and even their physicality isn’t ‘good enough’. They can’t seem to find worth in themselves and this may make it even difficult to have a strong and healthy value system, where they tend to disregard things that other may deem as being important (check sign as an indicator of what this could be). This may have been due to a parental figure placing more value and worth on something other than the native, often money or other material possessions.

There can also be issues around money and possessions with this placement in general, growing up in a home where they were just scraping by. They may on the other hand, had a parental figure have a hoarding issue, or being rather selfish in what they owned. The native may have be rejected in regards to sharing and there may have been a sense they had to ‘earn’ something before they could receive it, thus their love and care was conditional. Regardless if this person had little to all the money and possessions in the world, they may continue to feel an insisting void of lack within themselves that can’t seemed to be filled by outer  possessions - real value and worth comes from self acceptance and appreciation, not possessions and material resources.

The lack of self worth and self value can be another indicator for perpetual eating disorders, especially if affected from planets such as Saturn/Mars/Pluto - especially if coming from the 6th House. This can cause one to overeat in attempts to feel the void of being unvalued, or under-eat in order to reflect their internal sense of self worth which may be very little. This, as well as a need to have ones own possessions ONLY to themselves, may be derived from a sense of a lack of security in childhood, thus may find security by what they eat and what they have to themselves.  

With this placement, you understand the pain of having low self-worth and self-value. You learn to understand that material possession can never fill the void of emptiness you feel within yourself. Through the mastery of understanding the need for self love and value, you demonstrate to others to heal themselves by showing them their self worth, though you may attempt doing this by deeming yourself less worthy of them. You can teach people that to be loved by another, they must first love themselves. You can show people how to stand on their own two feet when it comes to accumulating what they want and need to appease themselves, and demonstrate that money can’t buy you happiness.

You need to learn that you are worthy of love from others, and you can begin by learning to love yourself and who you are. You are a soul experiencing a physical form, and you must remember you inherit value extends beyond what you can see in the here an now.

Chiron 3rd House (Gemini)

Chiron in the 3rd house can indicate an individual who’s wound stems from issues around learning, schooling, communication and possibly siblings. During the childhood development, you may have experienced an environment where your thoughts and ideas were rejected or suppressed. If you attempted to proclaim your opinion on something, a parental figure may have rejected it or at the worst, made a mockery of your perception on things. This may have mad you fearful about expressing your ideas and opinions in fear of being judged and/or ridiculed by a parental figure. You may have also then avoided even speaking to that particular parental figure who you often felt intellectually inferior to. Perhaps the parent or caregiver may not have even met to be so critical of your thoughts and ideas, nevertheless the sensitivity of a child’s persona took their correction quite personally, leaving a scar on their ability to form their own analysis on things.

Individuals with this placement may have also had learning difficulties in their school life, having great difficulty in certain subjects such as maths and English for example, or any class that required an intellectual understanding and processing. Therefore, you may have had difficulty concentrating in your schooling environment or preferring to work in creative, more practical classes such as art, music, dance, theatre, and so on. This placement may also manifest things such as speech impediments, difficulty in pronouncing certain words, learning difficulties, and sometimes lisps.

If your placement is particularly subsiding in the 3rd house, you may have ex-refined childhood wounding around rejection or feeling dissociated in your immediate environment/neighbourhood. You may have felt like you as an individual (or possibly your whole family), felt rejected in your society amongst your peers. They may have pointed out something about you that was particularly unusual and/or different, and you may have felt unsafe or uncomfortable in your neighbourhood because of that.

The 3rd house in particular often relating to siblings may indicate strong sibling rivalry and/or feeling ‘below’ another sibling. Your parents may have in fact (or seemed to) give far more attention, love and praise to another one of your siblings, making you feel somewhat inferior to them. There’s also the possibility however, if your Chiron is well aspected in your 3rd house, you may have found comfort and healing from your sibling.

With this placement, you understand what it’s like to not feel heard, to not have your ideas and opinions acknowledged and what its like to have difficulty comprehending something. Chiron brings healing ability through speech and communication. You may in time, once you’ve come to acknowledge your Chiron wound, find yourself with a strong capability to bring healing to others through your words. This may be informal communication methods such a using social media as a platforms to express your ideas and opinions, and while you may put yourself down in your intellectual capabilities, Chiron gives you the capacity to become quite intelligent once you apply yourself to what you are passionate about learning and/or expressing. You can deliver a powerful and healing message to others that can bring them great healing on their own ability to verbally state their thoughts, ideas and options without fear.

You need to learn that you are intelligent and an effective communicator. It’s ok to not have opinions accepted by others, after all, we a all individual manifestations of source, and to learn who we are, we need someone to reject and reflect our ideas, thoughts and options back at us so we can know who WE are. Your thoughts and ideas are valid, and there will always be like minded people to converse with. Let go of the fear of judgement of what others may think of what you say, for what you say may be just the right thing another needs to hear.

Chiron 4th House (Cancer)

Chiron in the 4th house can indicate an individual who’s wound is derived from a feeling of a rejection or emotional discord in the home environment, an unstable home and/or family environment, feeling like an outsider from the family and/or not having secure foundations growing up.

As a child, you may have had parental figures that felt (or was) absent. This can be emotional and physical absence. You may not have received the love, care and nurture needed from the parental figure(s) growing up which left a persistent internal wound of not being able to feel like one can belong anywhere or with anyone. This may lead to behavioural patterns such as being overly attached and clinging onto those who seem to have the capacity to provide you the security and comfort you crave, or being completely ‘under’ attached, not allowing people to get too closely emotionally involved with you.

Essentially this stems from the same or similar root cause of witnessing your parents instability with one another. This instability then formed a subconscious self protection mechanism whereby you either seek comfort and security from others, making it very difficult for you to let go - even when its not a healthy situation. You may tell yourself “This person is providing me a house/place to stay/love and emotional connection/a sense of security - though all the while may be treating you very poorly in all other areas. Your desire for security is so high that you can lower your standards greatly simply to feel some sort of security.

On the flip side, if you witnessed your parents being quite unstable in their own interactions with one another or towards yourself, you may refrain from allowing anyone too close to you due to the lack of trust you’ve accumulated for others. You would rather recluse inside your own safe shell where no one can see or feel your emotional scarring.

With this placement, there may be a particular issue revolving around the mother figure.

In relation to the home environment, you may not have had a secure home growing up, moving from one place to the next, or couch surfing at friends or other family members homes. In other extremes, you may not have even felt comfortable or ‘at home’ in your birth country, feeling out of place or that your weren’t comfortable about your own culture.

Your Chiron wound gives you the ability to provide a safe and secure environment for other people. You instinctively know how to care and nurture others, and may also have a high intuitive ability that allows you you to quickly pick up on the emotional wounds of others. You can provide care and protection for others, though may find it quite difficult to allow yourself to receive these things from others. You may set the bar quite high when it comes to trusting others and allowing them into your personal space, though often at times your empathy and resonance with the emotional wounds of others may prompt you to take the unitive to ‘bandage’ and care for their wound while putting your own aside.

You need to learn that you are are worthy of being cared for and nurtured by others. You do not need to assume the responsibility as the caretaker of others if its not also in your highest good. You need to learn when it is and when it is not ok to allow people into your personal space. You have an underlying acute emotional sensitivity and thus you need to be aware of who you allow in your life and personal space. You may assume the most toxic people require the most care, but you may at times disregard how this will affect you. Learn where your boundaries are most comfortable for you and don’t be afraid to allow people to care for you. You are worthy to feel apart of a family environment and a safe and secure home.

Chiron 5th House (Leo)

Chiron in the 5th house can indicate an individual who’s wound stems from issues around a sense of rejection of self expression and creativity, or possibly a sense of a lack of fun and play growing up.

As a child, one (or perhaps even both) of your parental figures and caregivers rejected or suppressed your urge for self creative expression. You may have felt like anything you took particular enjoyment in as a hobby, games, and ways of expressing who you are wasn’t acknowledged or praised by your caregiver(s). An example could possibly be someone who enjoyed expressing themselves through the art of tattoos, piercing and dying their hair unusual colours. The parental figure(s) may have scolded this and made you feel as though you weren’t allowed to express yourself in a creative way of your choice. Another possible example could be through sports, where your caregivers didn’t allow you to play due to their desires and wished being imposed on you. Any activity in which you had the option to choose to express yourself was rejected or suppressed is ultimately a part of this Chiron wound.

This may now manifest as a fear to attempt to express yourself in any creative way you desire. You may fear the same rejection of your own unique creative expression, and will only attempt to if you know that an audience will receive it well. You may think to yourself “I want to create this and share it with the world…but what if no one likes it?…what if people get angry at me for what I’ve created?…What if people laugh or make fun of something I create or do?” - Shame and fear of rejection then takes over, therefore limiting yourself from creating what your truly desire, while also taking away the possible opportunity for your own unique and creative expression to be praised and applauded by those who in fact enjoy what you can create, do and express.

Chiron in the 5th has also been linked to difficulties baring children. This is not due to the placement of Chiron in this house itself, but instead due to deeper psychological wounds experienced in childhood. There is a direct relation to how the subconscious mind affects the body, and if a female in particular experienced a childhood where she did not feel safe, cared for or nurtured, her subconscious mind may affirm to her body that “It is not safe to bare children for I had experienced rejection growing up, therefore I refuse to subject another to this environment”. If the woman is able to affirm to herself that her child wound in fact experience a safe and loving environment, her subconscious may then allow her to open  to conceiving a child. Transits from benific planets such as Jupiter however, will greatly enhance the individuals luck for conceiving a child, regardless of the Chiron wound (as seen through my own studies).

You may have had your parent(s) impose their idea of fun and enjoyment onto you, in which you had to abide to. For example, an individual with a parent who was highly enthusiastic about sports may have signed them up to participate in many after school sports activities, when the child hated sports but loved acting. The parent(s) may have believed they were nurturing the child giving them the experience they never had (or had too much of) and attempt to live that through the child. The child then had to participate in the parents fun and games and suppress their own desire for fun and enjoyment.

With this wound, you have great ability to encourage others to open up to their true authentic self. You know how to motivate people and give them the own sense of special, individual power and sense of desire to be who they are, regardless of what anyone else things. You’re quite happy to put others up onto a pedestal and encourage them on from the sidelines in whatever they want to do. You have great ability to be the role model for authentic expression if you can overcome the fear of those who may reject you for who and how you want to express yourself.

You need to learn that no ones opinion of you matters, and that you are free to express yourself however you so desire. Get that tattoo, play your favourite sport, make a confronting artwork - authenticity is absolutely liberating, and you must remember that EVERYONE is unique and there will always be someone who’s not going to like you for who you are or what you do. Remember that we are a soul having a human experience, and we are all part of an energetic whole - we NEED contrast to know who we are. And remember that those who attempt to put you down for how you express yourself are simply scared of being confronted by a sense of confidence and power they don’t posses. Insecurity leads to others dragging you down to their level because they are too afraid to rise up to be as empowered as you. Learn not to fear who you are and express yourself to the upmost 100% - you have the power to do so.

Chiron in the 6th House (Virgo)

Chiron in the 6th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may have been accumulated from an illness experienced in childhood (by you or perhaps another family member whereby you had to care for them), having too many responsibilities placed onto you too early in life, absent parental figures due to work, and difficulty in the working environment in general.

Growing up you may not have got to experience much of a childhood filled with fun and play due to responsibilities being assumed onto you at a very early age. This may be due to having to care for a sickly parent (as mentioned above), working with the parent or in a another job to support the home life and family, and/or taking care of the home and family life instead due to the parent(s) often being at work. This may manifest in your current life is a fear of letting things get out of your own established routine and order. You may greatly dislike assuming responsibility onto others because you’ve grown up to feel like “I can take care of myself/I’m the only one who knows how to do this/no one else does it correctly as I do/I need to take the responsibility for caring for others because I know how to do it the best ect”. This can stem from a fear of what almost resonates as a lack of control of your day-to-day life. If you experienced a home/living environment where everything was out of place OR that everything had a perfect place, you now have a need to make a set routine that feels safe to you. You may not like to breech you day-to-day life for any means necessary because of a deep rooted need for wanting everything to have a certain place and time so you find safety in the predictability of things.

In relation to the aspect of health, you may have often become sick as a child or may have manifested a  lifestyle disease. To compensate, you may attempt to follow set diet plan such as paleo or veganisim and/or consume copious amounts of vitamin pills - all the while perhaps avoiding exercise. You may overcompensate in one area to make an excuse for another area of health you tend to neglect. On the flip side, you can be so obsessive about taking care of other people that your own health often ‘falls on the way side’ due to self neglect. This placement can show a person who provides tremendous care and service to others, but may often be to their own detriment.

With this placement, you can be a fantastic healer to others, especially in regards to applying physical healing (massage) or simply through your service to others. You can be a fantastic help to people in all practical manners, however don’t go overboard to the point where in helping others you’re neglecting yourself.

You need to learn that you are worthy of good health and you don’t have to be over critical of yourself. Remember the universe made you perfect exactly as you are and there’s no need to aim to achieve the ‘perfect’ standards of other people - they are not you and you are not them - the universe made you unique as you are and you are perfect and complete just as yourself. Use your ability for proficiency to help others achieve their goals and bring healing through your amazing selfless service.

Chiron in the 7th House (libra)

Chiron in the 7th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may stem from observing a disharmonious relationship between your parental figures growing ip, thus hindering your perspective of how relationships function, what you search for in a relationship and questioning your worthiness of being in a relationship with someone.

With this placement, if you experienced witnessing your parents having difficulty in a relationship - such as conflict, arguments and unfairness - your perception of relationships and marriage in general may be wounded. Because of this, you may not believe that marriages or long term relationships are made to last, simply because of a subconscious fear of repeating the same or similar disharmonious unbalance between your caregivers growing up. You may have convinced yourself that you have an inability to somewhat distrust the relationship partner in a projected fear that a conflict or turn of events will occur that will disrupt your relationship. Due to this subconscious belief, you may act out as the the projected fear has already manifested - meaning that your believe that the relationship will end so you act as though it already has, becoming cold and distant from the partner as if mourning the ended relationship, even though everything was panning out just fine! By doing this, your partner then may sense you becoming cold and distant, thus ending the relationship due to feeling neglected - this then ‘confirms’ your feelings, even though it was your subconscious actions that manifested this to occur in the first place! If you have a tendency to do this, aim to become conscious of this and take an objective look at the relationship. Question everything you can physically SEE in the now. Don’t project your thoughts and fears into the future by pulling up wounds of the past. You are not your parents, and you have the capacity to change the nature of how your relationships pan out for you are always in control of your reality.

Another manifestation of this placement is that you may attract relationship partners with a strong Chiron placement, carrying a wound that is in need of healing. If your Chiron is well aspected, you may have great potential to heal the wound of your relationship partner by being their supportive shoulder whenever they need you. Be aware of any tendencies to be attracted to heavily emotionally wounded people - especially if your Chiron placement is afflicted. While you may have the capacity to heal people in relationships, it may not be in your highest good to tend to heavily distraught people. Always act in your highest good, and sometimes this may involve leaving a toxic relationship that doesn’t serve you. You do not owe anything to anyone, and you have the freewill to leave a painful relationship and free yourself from disharmony and unfairness.

With Chiron in the 7th, their may also be a subconscious fear of being loved and accepted by others. You may do, say and act in certain ways to ensure that people will love and accept you, for your fear of being alone may often at times overpower your rational thinking and actions. Sometimes you may do and say things you don’t really mean in fear of being rejected by another person. This doesn’t even have to be over something critical, it may be as simple as saying”no” to a friends request of you. For example, a friend may approach you and ask “Hey, could you do x, y and z for me?” - you may be busy with your own chores and projects, though you accept your friends requests for the fear of saying “no” to them may lead to them rejecting you - though this is hardly ever the case at all! If you expend your energy on excess things for others that you simply can’t handle at the time, this may lead you to feeling overwhelmed, used and somewhat resentful of the other - even though you offered to do it in the first place! Take consideration of whether or not YOU want to do something for someone, never act on the basis of thinking your “should” do something for someone else. The universe has given us all the power of freewill, and you should never feel subservient to another in a need for approval for connection. If you a are strong and confident in yourself, then people will automatically drawn to you as a whole person - not a half person, after all, we teach people how to treat us.

You have great capacity to heal other through one-on-one interactions with them, offering support and advise, and simply by being a supportive shoulder for another. You know how to make others feel loved and accepted, and you must know you are worthy of these things also. You must learn you do not have to give into others, and you are as worthy of being supported and cared for as you are. Find balance in your relationships with others - don’t give too little or too much, find a happy medium whereby you and your partner are giving the relationship the same level love, care, attention and affection it needs. If you feel unbalanced in your relationship, you have every right to move on. You are worthy of a healthy, loving relationship.

Chiron 8th House (Scorpio)

Chiron in the 8th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may stem from deep interrelations with others, deep psychological trauma that the individual hides away from others, issues around death and wounding around sex and perhaps sexuality in general.

Chiron in the 8th house, especially of difficulty aspected by other planets can be one of the harshest placement for chiron, but can also manifest and incredibly powerful and transformative healer.

During childhood, you may have experienced a traumatic event around death in general. This may have been loosing a family member or friend early in life, and you were taught very early on what death was and the nature of it. It may have even been experienced by losing a family pet. Regardless of how you experienced the nature of death, you may have quickly understood it and thus either quickly overcoming your fear of death or depending on how your Chiron is aspected, this placement may have manifested deeper psychological fears around it. Chrion in the 8th/scorpio can produce a powerful shamanic healer when positively utilised in associating with others. You can greatly help people dive to the darkest hidden places of their subconscious minds, grasping their deep rooted fears before resurfacing and displaying the wound to the individual to be understood, accepted and healed. If you harness the power of your own psychological fears and shadow self, and incorporate it into yourself, completing fragmented aspected of your personality, you will radiate a strong sense of sharmanic transformative power and have great capacity to heal others and complete themselves.

At times, you may often struggle with your own fears and past psychological traumas/wounds, thus manifesting a strong sense of clairsentience and empathy towards others. You know pain - but that pain can be your greatest power and tremendously beneficial to others if you so choose to utilise it.

You may also have fears of being abandoned by others, which may manifest subconscious behaviours in which you can act quite obsessive and possessive over the people you love and care about. If you find yourself acting in this way, I personally encourage you to engage in shadow work and uprooting the core event that you may have experienced as a child. (You may wish to listen to Theta or third eye frequency meditation music to help). Once you are deep in meditation, ask yourself “When was the first time I ever felt abandoned?”. Let any images, sounds, thoughts or feelings come to you. They may arise as memory or an abstraction. Don’t dismiss whatever comes to you, allow it to flow and observe. Allow yourself to acknowledge any past hurst of feeling abandoned and recognise that you do not have to repeat these patterns in your present moment. Do not project your past traumas into your present or future. Take a good look around you and acknowledge what you can SEE/FEEL/TOUCH in the present moment. If you cling too hard to another, they will eventually want to break free - thus manifesting your own sense of abandonment into your reality.

Chiron in the 8th/Scorpio can also react to deep wounds surrounded sex and sexuality *For the sake of this public post, if you have this placement and wish to discus Chiron and sexual woundings, feel free to DM me to discuss in privacy*

Chiron in the 8th has tremendous healing power and you need to learn that although past trauma may have been overwhelming to you in someway on your psychological health, you can heal yourself though channelling your power into the healing of others. You can dive greatly into the depths of the subconscious mind and even beyond the view of the 4th dimension, though take care as to not dive so deep when you don’t have to. Sometimes its much healthier to lay down your ability for diving deep to experience the reality of the now - especially at times when fears of the past or future come crawling into the forefront of your mind. Know that you have the power to create your reality and that past hurts can not hurt you anymore and that the future doesn’t have to manifest that same trauma as experienced in the past. You have tremendous power to heal, use it to the best of your ability.

Chiron in the 9th House (Sagittarius)

Chiron in the 9th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may be derived from growing up in an environment where religious ideals and/or certain beliefs about life, spirituality and the world in general may have been imposed on you during childhood, skewing your world perception, ability to have faith and optimism and feeling closed in on what’s truly possible in the world.

You may have had certain ideals and spiritual beliefs imposed on you as a child, and depending whether you resonated with these beliefs or not determined how you perceived the possibilities in life. If beliefs such as “The world is a scary place” or “If you do x, y, z, a higher power will punish you”, you may have felt fearful as a child about the world outside of your own beliefs. You may have felt like you should act accordingly to what you’ve been taught, or on the flip side in rejection of those imposed beliefs, you may have felt incredibly alone on your own spiritual journey.

You may have felt a sense of abandonment or disconnect with the universe, often feeling like it’s energies never seemed to work in your favour. You may feel like your current life needs to have a higher meaning external and more grand than what it already is.

You may also have a great desire to manifest, learn or experience something, though you may have difficulty manifesting that thing into your reality due to the extremity of the nature of what you desire to achieve (example, attempting levitation but not being able to achieve it). These extreme ideas, concepts and beliefs that seem out of your reach can make you second guess yourself, especially when you can’t achieve them in your reality. You can question your own beliefs and may at times feel like what you truly believe in is nonsense and you’re fooling yourself - this may not be the case, though you’re ability to have faith, optimism and recognise true spiritual experiences may be blocked by your projection of a certain, even grand expectation of what you believed in. To truly witness profound spiritual experiences, you need to let go of any expectations of what you’ve asked for.

For example, you may use the Law of Attraction to manifest something into your life (e.g, a certain mobile phone you desire) and may not experience it in your current reality then feel disappointed - the reality may simply be the fact that you don’t BELIVE you’ll manifest the phone you want (which is a crucial step in the Law of Attraction), and feeling crushed by your belief, abandon it and perhaps even ridiculing yourself for it.

You need to recognise when you’re beliefs about yourself and the world around you are either helping you or hindering you. If you believe that the world is a difficult place to live in, then it will be so, for you’ll only perceive the negative experiences in life over the positive. If you believe the world can be improved, you may have the ability to change the way the world works from your perspective. Chiron in the 9th’s gift is that of being the ‘wounded’ teacher. Its the placement of the wise Sage who understands how to mend the self using ones own belief system to do so, while also incorporating spiritual teachings and practices to benefit others. You can be a guiding figure on the path of enlightenment to others due to your knowledge of what it means to have faith in something higher that connects us all.

Always remember that you can look at the glass half empty, half full - and also 100% full - half of the glass may be water, though the other half is filled with air. Have faith that there is something beyond what the eyes can see that connects us to everything in the universe.

Chiron 10th House (Capricorn)

Chiron in the 10th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may stem from issues, events and relations towards the father figure, goals and aspirations your wish to achieve in life and your public image.

Chiron in the 10th house (as well as other aspects included) may indicate that you may have experienced difficult relations around your father figure in general. You may have perceived your father not to be the ideal role model you wished to follow in life (reasons may stem around the sign/house Chiron in placed in and also aspects to Chiron). Your relationship with your father may have even been quite healthy (depending on aspects), however there may have been an underlying sense that “I like you, but I don’t want to be like you”. Depending on how harshly Chiron is aspected in the 10th house, the father figure may have even been absent in the nursing environment growing up - however - if Chiron is positively aspected, you may have even seen your father figure as THE wounded healer in one way or another.

Another possible manifestation was that you felt dominated or subjected to working under another - either the father figure or other authorities in general. Other people may have seemed to pave your path for you, giving you very little freedom to follow your own life vocation. Perhaps even if you did feel like you had the choice to find a fulfilling career, you may not even know exactly what you want to do. This can make you feel quite aimless in life, and then refer to simply handing your personal power back over to others to make the career/work choice for you. You may have difficulty establishing what you want to do and where you want to go in life, and may continuously stop and start your goals but never seem to experience any true progression. You may begin many pathways until finding something you truly wish to follow.

You may have also ended up becoming the springboard for other peoples success, and they may not even given you any recognition for doing so.

If you felt like your parental figures were limited or expansive in their own ambitions and goals, you may place an emphasis on them yourself, to the point where you can possibly overwork yourself and become too tired to complete your goals. You may desire to gain some form of authority and/or control in your life, and in attempts to feel fulfilled and recognised for your success, you may burden yourself with problems and issues outside of your abilities or expertise. You may attempt to ‘help’ a friend by taking control over their own projects, though in doing this you limit the other and burden yourself with he responsibilities of another that wasn’t ever yours in the first place.

You have tremendous capacity to help others achieve their goals and aspirations in life, and due to the shamanic nature of Chiron, you may even find a career and/or life vocation surrounding themes of helping other people find their own life purpose and career. If you possess the 10th house placement, look to the sign your Chiron is in to establish how you may be a guide for others (this could be from a career councillor, public speaker to a tarot reader - they are all forms of inspiration, leadership and guidance!).

You have tremendous capacity for building structures and foundations to help life others up towards thiner desired goals, and you also know how to hold things together for other people in a crisis situation.

You need to learnt that in helping others, you don’t need to take the control for them, you simply need to guide. Do not burden yourself with a responsibilities of others as they can become far too overbearing in the long haul for you. You may even need to ask yourself WHY you want to take responsibility and feel such drive to achieve great things - because you don’t need to prove anything to anyone other than to yourself. You are your own leader and your own sense of value and sense of self respect will allow you to bring healing to yourself and to others.

Chiron in the 11th House (Aquarius)

Chiron in the 11th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may be derived from feeling rejected in  society and friendship groups, feeling as if you don’t fit in anywhere because of your own unique eccentricities or even feeling your interests, ways of self expression and things you enjoy seem to always lead to being labeled by others.

Chiron in the 11th can show that things you may be talented at or what truly makes you unique and special is often flipped onto its head when expressed as part of a group. For example, if your an actor, you may simply seen as ‘the actor in the show’ rather than ‘the actor that played ___’. You feel as though your talents and what makes you unique and inventive is often glazed over, and others may even criticise you for supposedly being unoriginal or copying the ideas and expressions of someone else - and you may not have even heard of those people! You may then feel reluctant to attempt to express your unique, individual and creative ideas and fear that you’ll be rejected for them for either being ‘too out there’ or ‘the same as everyone else’. You can feel quite alienated by society for your unique understand and interpretation of things. While there may be others out there that believe that what you express is an act of pure genius, you may not even attempt to, simply due to the fear of ridicule.

Because of the unique way you do things, you may be seen as a rebel by others for not following the system as everyone else does - even though the way you do things may be 10x better than how others do it - they may attempt to convert you into doing things the ‘right way’, simply because the feel threatened by the thought of someone rebelling/challenging the norm or bringing something new to the table that conflicts with tradition.

If this is the case for you, DO NOT let others opinions and attempts to convert you to sway you and your ideas. If it works for you, then continue to follow and express your own unique way of doing things. When people feel threatened by the genius of others, mockery may seem to follow due to the others persons inability to rise to your level .The only option is to drag you down to theirs. Don’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep! There will always be someone out in the wide world who will recognise your genius if you let go of the fear of ridicule and express yourself EXACTLY how you so choose. If they label you as unoriginal, you know in yourself that you hold an inventive spark others could only dream of possessing - own it, flaunt it, live it!

You have great ability to encourage and inspire others to express their own eccentricities, unique ideas and make them feel part of a larger community. You have great capacity to bring people together as a collaborative and welcoming community by showing them that its ok for them to be themselves. You can become and anchor point where others flock to you for inspiration and to see the unique way you do things and express yourself. You’re allowed to be 100% yourself no matter what others think, and there will always be someone out there who will appreciate you just for that.

Chiron in the 12th House (Pisces)

Chiron in the 12th house can indicate an individual who’s wound may stem from a sense of being alone and secluded from the world, feeling victimised or martyred, or perhaps not even being conscious of even having an emotional wound.

Particularly if Chiron is placed in the 12th house, you may not even be aware of any childhood wounds that were implemented in the nurturing environment. This is due to the 12th house nature of blurring the boundaries and borders of reality, thus can even involve a suppressed emotional wound that was mistaken for something such as a dream or a reoccurring nightmare (depending on the aspects of Chiron, this will dictate the extent of the emotional wound).

The wound here is often related to things such as emotional abandonment, thus feeling a need to completely ‘merge’ with another through being quite close to and dreamy about another, such as a ‘potential’ lover.  You may do, say and act in ways that are unauthentic to yourself in attempts to connect with those around you - simply because your subconscious mind is directing you in fear of that sense of being alone.

If you experienced something particularly traumatic in childhood (the entire natal chart will need to be taken in to account), you may feel victimised by life and that the world around you isn’t a safe place to be. This could result in thing such a often secluding yourself away from the world by any means necessary (e.g., hiding in bathroom stalls during lunch breaks), not going out with friends much, and rarely, if ever, letting people into your personal space (such as your bedroom in particular). Even though the desire to be alone may be quite strong, the sense of loneliness you experiences can make you feel addicted to another person at time when you do feel safe and secure, thus creating the urge to completely merge with them. You’re boundaries for the unwell may be quite weak due to your hyper sensitivity and sense of tremendous empathy, whereby you feel as though its justifiable to allow these toxic people to enter you life - only for them to cause havoc and leave again. You may then fall into he pattern of self-victimisation of having let that person into your life. You may blame yourself, or at the worst, blame the other person.

You may also felt wounded by your connection with the Divine, especially during times when you were in any kind of emotional, physical or mental pain. You may have deeply desired to connect with source, though you may have felt the lack of responsiveness when you desired divine guidance more than anything was ignored, you may have questioned yourself - “If there is a God, then why did x, y, z happen to me!?”.

Its part of the souls journey and progress to face hardships and pain in order to progress and evolve, some more than others. The incredible power that these people can manifest if they choose (yes, choose) to overcome their hardships is the most earthly representation of true divine power.

If you have experienced much pain in your life, this placement is a prime indicator that you are capable of being a tremendous psychic healer if you so choose to channel your abilities into a healthy outlet. You may discern who you allow into your life for your own highest good. Your intuition for healing is incredibly high, and you may even by the type of person who’s hands (palm chakras) become hot/itchy when around people who are in need of healing. If you so choose, you could also learn and perform spiritual healing methods, such as energy healing (Theta and Reiki) as a way to channel your desire to heal others in a healthy way. This is one of the most influential and powerful places for a reiki master due to their ability to connect with universal energies and channel it into Chiron’s ability to heal any wound.

You need to learn that you have the power to heal yourself through healing others if you so choose, and it’s also ok to say “no”to people and allow others to help them, especially when your own health and wellbeing is threatened. You need to know that you don’t need to soul search for another to make to feel whole, complete and connected to divine energy, you are worthy as who you are and you don’t need to change to appease others. You don’t need to escape from the world around you out of fear of the unknown, there will always be people around you who can help you when you feel scared or alone, you simply have to take the small step to reach out for assistance. There will be someone for you who will be sensitive to your needs and wounds, and you’ll know when its safe to completely open as yourself. Always remember that we are all connected and so you’re never alone in how you think or feel, so don’t be afraid to show it.

* For a full natal chart reading, check this link and follow the description: https://ellie-mae-astrology.tumblr.com/post/165058957657/astrological-consultations

  • Inbox me any personal questions or enquires!

©ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr

Chiron in the 3rd house here.

Both of my parents are teachers. My entire childhood was spent doing times tables sheets and reading packets, and it was so stressful that I learned to hate school at a very young age, and though I had an “early introduction” to some concepts I still have so much trouble in math and other “intellectual” subjects. Literally nothing my parents tried to force on me as a kid stuck.

I also learned early on that I couldn’t talk to my parents about anything. When I had a near-death experience at the age of 6 I was told to just suck it up and my parents didn’t believe in my fear of water that developed because of it. I had issues as a teen being ignored and overlooked, and all the things I wanted to say my parents, mom, especially, would over-react about.

My brother is eleven year older than me. When I reached adolescence I noticed a trend of whenever I did something “wrong” or just not up to their standards, I ALWAYS heard the phrase “your brother wouldn’t have done this.” And it sucks. And I hate how accurate this post is.

Anonymous asked:

Turn on and turn offs for mars signs?

Mars in the first : A lack of a personality, Co-dependent behavior, stagnation, Beating around the bush.

Mars in the second : Lack of physical intimacy, being detached, Flighty behavior, Someone who moves too fast.

Mars in the third house: lack of communication, Confusion, deception, arrogance, inability to be lighthearted.

Mars in the fourth house: stoicism, aggression, violence, lack of compassion or sympathy for others, inability to dig deep or express emotions.

Mars in the Fifth House : Being distracted, inability to acknowledge them, indifference, aloof behavior, inability to let your guard down.

Mars in the sixth house: Unorganized, Emotionally unstable, lack of ambition or drive. lack of hygiene, poor dieting/not taking care of body.

Mars in the seventh house: people who are all about themselves, Self centered types(they kind like this too though but don’t overdue it), people who can’t hold their own in a argument or debate, sexually selfish types.

Mars in the eighth house: Lack of depth, superficial, too many walls, someone who can’t dive into darker waters, sexually withholding types.

Mars in the ninth house : Nuns, Goody two shoes. People who lack a belief system or faith in something but also people who are overly tied to faith or beliefs. lack of discipline. overly grounded types. if you can’t hang

Mars in the tenth house: People who do the bare minimum, lack of effort, lack of goal setting and a lack of emotional discipline. inability to be kind or nurturing. inability to take things serious. self invested types.

Mars in the eleventh house: Obsession, reliance, over the top emotions, inability to be independent, when you can’t give them their space(GIVE THEM SPACE)

mars in the twelfth house: Rudeness, emotional distance, walls, aggression of any kind. If you’re a dick to kids they will hate you. too emotionally involved too quick.   


🎭 The Basic Approach Of Persona Charts 🎭

Each Persona is that specific archetype within ourselves:

1. Ascendant Persona: giving you more clues about your ASC (The ASC in a natal chart is a “persona” in itself, the mask, the way we project to others, first impression, our natural immediate reaction, the physical and overall appearance). The Ascendant in the ASC Persona Chart and other overall aspects and houses would give additional clues about the physical appearance. For example, a woman with ASC in Capricorn in the solar chart with ASC in Aries in the Ascendant Persona: Capricorn physical traits, but also athletic, energetic, with direct blunt movements and gestures and possibly Aries features. Going after things in an Aries manner.

2. Midheaven Persona: will tell you a lot about your most suitable career and vocation, an excellent tool for career predictions, but we must also consider there is much more to the Midheaven, it is a point describing your “life peak”, so the overall Midheaven Persona describes how you get to this peak, in what circumstances, with what tools, and as a result of what events, and what this peak means, in your current incarnation.

3. NN Persona: your destiny, your direction in life; this is generally a very eventful chart, your NN Persona, with a whole story written in it, from childhood to maturity, and a journal of all the events and lessons along the way.

4. Moon Persona: your emotional personality, needs, Yin energy. In terms of synastry: the Anima of the man.

5. Venus Persona: our “love” personality, how we behave in love, tastes, preferences. Love, beauty, talents, likes, dislikes, another level of Yin energy, sensuality, social success, money, good fortune. In terms of the synastry: a woman’s femininity, a man’s “type”. A Venus Persona ASC offers clues about the type of “beauty” that person has and likes. For example, a man with a Capricorn ASC in the solar chart, ASC in Libra in the Venus Persona: saturnian in appearance, but also beautiful and graceful, more airy than a regular Cap, more charming than the usual Cap etc. but the Cardinal flavor is getting even stronger, so is Saturn more distilled in expression. This Persona will also describe at least a big part of the portrait of his ideal woman.

6. Mars Persona: sexuality, drive, physical body, assertion, Yang energy. In terms of synastry, clues about a woman’s “type”.

7. Mercury Persona: “mental” personality, general mobility, communication, expressiveness, thought processes, skills.

8. Jupiter Persona: luck, expansion, expansive nature, growth potential, teaching, learning, travel, success

9Saturn Persona: adulthood, maturity, structure, needs, fears, accomplishments

10. Uranus Persona: freedom, originality, creativity, expansion, travel, surprises, the unexpected in your life

11. Neptune Persona: dreams, higher love, spirituality, talents, soul, compassion, redemption, illusion, deep psychology, unexpected tides

12. Pluto Persona: potential for transformation, rebirth, major life events, psychological evolution, potential for power, shared resources, deep sexuality, needs

13. DSC Persona: a profile of how you are as a partner, what partner is suitable for you and what partner you will eventually have

14. IC Persona: your deepest “heart” and heart’s desires profile, vertical look at your personality and psychology, subconscious forces at play, early life background and how you carry it in time, family ties, current incarnation theme

15. Juno Persona: description of your partnership style and needs and of your ideal and destined partner

These are just the main examples. The analysis of a Persona chart always takes into account the position occupied by that planet in the natal chart, as ruler, but also its role as part of the astrological architecture. For example, someone with Sun conjunct Neptune in the solar chart would look at his Neptune Persona to understand his overall personality, the type of Neptune associated with his solar personality. He would be a dreamer, an artist, a magician or a charismatic crook: but what kind of dreamer, artist, magician, crook? This will be shown by his Neptune Persona. Another example, someone with Pluto conjunct the ASC; his Pluto Persona would define his general personality, he is Plutonian for sure, in looks and behavior, but the way he manifests “his” Pluto will be shown by his Pluto Persona chart.

The main personalization here comes from rulership, first and foremost, and in all cases. The Moon Persona of a Cancer DSC is not just his general emotional profile, but also his DSC profile, as explained above.

How to interpret a Persona chart? Some succinct basic steps…

1. The Ascendant: first impression about that side of our personality (the Persona), the way we tend to express it spontaneously and in a natural way, how we appear to others (for example, emotionally, for a Moon chart).

2. The Descendant: what type of partner we are, related to that specific archetype, how we relate emotionally (Moon), mentally (Mercury), in love (Venus) etc. What partner we prefer in that specific interaction. And finally, what partner we tend to attract on the level described by that specific Persona.

3. The Midheaven: the best expression of that archetype, what we can achieve when we fully express that archetype, the “vocation” and “final accomplishment” of that archetype within ourselves. The “fate” of that planetary energy. How important is that archetype for us. Here we have clues about the importance of that planetary energy within ourselves, on the MC/IC axis. How we can “blossom”, how we are when we “blossom”, in terms of that archetype. From my personal comparisons, I’ve noticed when a planet/archetype is important for that person, there are significant planets/asteroids in the 4th house or on IC in that specific Persona chart. That planetary energy is a “matter of the heart” for that person, touches his/her core.

4. NN/SN: what we already master, related to that archetype, and what we need to develop within ourselves in order to fully express that planet. Also, clues about important events related to that planet.

And then we proceed with our analysis looking at houses, rulers of houses and aspects to describe that planetary personality, just like we do it with a solar chart. The Sun in the Persona chart is the planet we analyze, so its house and sign in the Persona chart is paramount in understanding the planetary personality. Looking at houses, we can see how the planetary energy manifests itself in various areas of life. For example, in a Moon chart, you can see what area of life affects that person on a deep emotional level. How he expresses his emotions (1st), what values he holds dear, how stable his emotions are (2nd), how he communicates his emotions, how connected they are with his intellect (3rd), general strong emotionality (4th), how emotional he is in love, creation, children, play etc. (5th), everyday life and health (6th) –emotional problems could be seen here if they are, how he expresses emotions in partnership/the type of emotional partner preferred (7th), how he expresses emotions sexually, transformation, secrets (8th) an so on.

Finally, the planetary aspects in a Persona chart will offer an invaluable additional insight into the aspects you have to that planet in your solar chart, and the general configuration of your solar chart. For example, if you have a Venus/Uranus aspect in your natal chart, you will notice that the aspects to Venus and Uranus in the Venus Persona chart will offer a surprising perspective on what that Venus/Uranus aspect actually means and how it is likely to manifest, in terms of psychological energy and life events.

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