
Sorry, I can't talk. I'm in hero mode

@ourmagicclem / ourmagicclem.tumblr.com

French fangirl, obsessed with Supernatural, 9-1-1, Sense8, movies and many other things. Multi-shipper. This blog is a mess and so am I

so hey i'm doing this cool thing where i'm trying to emulate a wildly idealized version of my relationship with my wife because what she and i had was magic (which is just me speak for "that was the last time i was doing what i'm Supposed To Do and felt like it worked and also im ignoring that she asked me for a divorce and also going back to what i already know is good and safe and totally a way for me to be happy and not alone") to the point where i'm remembering slash imagining slash hallucinating things about our life together that never happened. and also i invited her doppelganger on a date even though i have a "girlfriend" because what if this is my second chance at the life that we, and i cannot emphasize this enough, never actually had. yeah i dropped my son off with my husband before i went. cool right. can i get a large iced coffee


It's driving me absolutely insane that as far as Amir knows at this point, Bobby got away with it. He's still a firefighter. He's happy. He got introduced like a hero and he walked in like one. He might've even noticed the wedding ring on his finger. He has no idea how much Bobby hates himself, how long and how hard he had to work to get to this point, that mere weeks ago he was about to die and his last thought was that he didn't deserve his second chance. Amir has the physical and emotional scars to show his suffering and Bobby looks fine


the thing about chasing shannon’s ghost, and the love that they shared and eddie lost, is that of course it comes from a place of grief. if eddie finally finds something that he truly, completely, and desperately wants and grabs it with both hands, that will be, in some way, like closing that last door on shannon. and of course we know that you don’t have to forget or leave behind the people you previously loved in order to love others, but we know how eddie does with guilt. so for now eddie is still a widower, shannon is still his dead wife. there is nothing new to definite eddie romantically.

but also… chasing shannon’s ghost, and the love that they shared and eddie lost, is safe. it’s the easy road, as crazy as that sounds. letting go of shannon’s ghost means eddie has to confront what he wants. who he wants. as long as eddie can keep reverting to “i miss shannon, i miss what we had” he doesn’t have to admit to himself or anyone else the truth of why his relationships are not working. why he doesn’t really want them to.

“i'm going out with my dead's wife's doppelgänger behind my girlfriend’s back” is a pretty damn convenient excuse for why the relationship could (will) fail. but it’s not the truth of it.

shannon’s ghost is not what’s haunting eddie. what’s haunting eddie is what hides behind shannon’s ghost: the truth about who he is, what he wants, and who he desires.


at first i was like why didn’t they make the sex flashback with shannon clearly a flashback like the others in the episode and then i realized that it wasn’t a flashback eddie’s just actively rewriting his relationship with shannon while eating lunch with his girlfriend and plotting to cheat on her with the random woman he met at a boutique that slightly resembles his dead wife who did in fact ask him for a divorce before she died but eddie’s not gonna remember that detail rn is he


the thing i love about 911 is it really shows how non-linear healing from trauma is. like a lesser show would keep piling the catastrophes up and up and up, maybe deal with the consequences once if at all. but the fact things keep haemorrhaging and rupturing in 911 is SO fucking true to life. bobby will never truly be out of that apartment fire. something in eddie will always be on that intersection with shannon's hit and run. something in maddie is trapped in big bear. like they have come MILES but progress isn't linear and i am SO grateful with the nuance 911 is showing these characters


One last thing bc I haven’t forgotten about Buddie. Last season Buck tried three times to perfect the damn lasagna which was kinda about his three failed relationships. And now he tried a new recipe for his lasagna which goes with his bisexuality and dating a man bc it’s new for him. He also burnt the new lasagna which can indicate that he’s with the wrong guy. Consider the fact that the lasagna is always connected to Eddie and Christopher and there are puzzle pieces coming together.


people will hear you talk about struggling with mental illness and say “you can do anything if you just put your mind to it”. brother what part of the body does the mental illness happen in. what do you think is the problem

“Lift with your legs you idiot!”

“I have a BROKEN TIBIA! That needs support and time to recover!”

ADHD, also known as Can't Put Your Mind To Things Disease,

Don’t leave these in the tags


seven years ago in the name of tolerating free speech from all political perspectives my nasty ass evil university let an army of tiki torch wielding nazis shouting jews will not replace us march through grounds threatening the lives of students and community members with zero police presence. and today they retroactively changed campus policy around tents so they could send in the cops to bust up the gaza memorial vigil. genuinely fucking stomach turning

state troopers just showed up in full riot gear prepared to brutalize people for violating a university policy the university changed an hour ago specifically so they could arrest them. i am sick.

tear gas and mass arrests happening against student protestors and onlookers in charlottesville rn. not one iota of this force was used against the nazis and klansmen in 2017. situation still escalating. insane. if you’re so inclined brbf is seeking support⬇️

We’re Harkonnens. So this is how we’ll survive, by being Harkonnens.

Dune: Part Two (2024) dir. Denis Villeneuve


btw! I was made aware that many people don't know that we're boycotting Eurovision this year, so.

we are boycotting Eurovision, as per BDS guidelines.

don't watch the stream, don't engage with the videos, don't post it about it on social media using hashtags that are going to trend. whatever you're getting from the show isn't worth it

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