
Breaking Out of Mental Hell

@hiraethwiggins / hiraethwiggins.tumblr.com


Wand Wood Correspondences

Alder: Fire and Water, passion and calm, manifesting and banishing.
Elm: Stability, strength, longevity, female empowerment.
Oak: Healing, protection, feeling of being at ease, being the best version of yourself.
Ash: Healing, both physical and magical. Luck for newborns.
Beech: Wishes, communication with deity, luck, fortune.
Cedar: Grounding, building new starts/places, protecting places, ancestors.
Elder: Good and bad luck depending on how you use it, fey energy, banishing.
Hazel: Wisdom, learning, power in knowledge, Inspiration.
Fir: Clarity, truth, divination, home.
Maple: Change, magic, learning, decision making, progression.
Sandalwood: Healing, purification, banishing of negative spirit and energy.
Willow: Divination, female energy, learning, beauty, creative arts.
Yew: Long life, rebirth, ancestor connection, cycle of life and death, protection from bad health (physical and spiritual).
Pine: Cleansing, air element, fresh beginnings, comfort in isolation.
Rowan: magical power, mysticism, removing negative magic, protection against curses and evil.

Anyone wanna get in an argument with me

ok cream cheese isn’t that good

I was kidding but you know what fuck you for real



Symbols: Cerberus (his three-headed-dog), drinking horn, sceptor, key, the helm of darkness, pentacles

Sacred Animals: The screech owl, serpents, black rams

Plants: Cypress tree, asphodel, mint, white poplar, narcissus

Scents: Frankincense, patchouli

Gems and Metals: Onyx, jet, black tourmaline, black obsidian, hematite, coal, all metals and stones (especially black ones)

Colours: Black

Time: Midnight

Offerings to Hades:

  • Water, wine, honey, milk, or oil (best poured into a hole in the earth)
  • Pomegranates
  • Bones
  • Caring acts towards the dying
  • Caring acts towards dogs
  • Coins, gemstones, and metals
  • Leaving flowers on graves, cleaning up graveyards
  • Pictures of deceased loved ones
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