

@mere-vanilla / mere-vanilla.tumblr.com

Personal blog for fandom, feels, and the occasional serious post. Pronouns: they/them/their, and/or her/she. dreamwidth: mere_vanilla; AO3: Mere_Vanilla

They should make a movie thats just casually set in the Pokemon world while not actually being about Pokemon. Like imagine a Godfather/Goodfellas type mob movie where 30 minutes into the serious mafia business the boss walks outside and theres Hoppips floating around and its never called into question thats just the world its set in. And theres only like 2 or 3 scenes with the Pokemon in them and one of them is the final shootout where one of the henchmen throws out a Pokeball and has his Garchomp kill the other guys. It would be the funniest shit ever.


For years on this website specifically, the ruling order of the day was "it's impossible not to be a racist (etc.) when you grew up in a racist society... that doesn't mean you violently hate poc, just that you benefit from those systems."

I remember when theamazingatheist started a harassment campaign against a teenager for making a YouTube video explaining this concept.

This idea was admirable for what it was, an attempt to wash some of the sting out of terms like "racist" "misogynist" "homophobe," make these terms have a more sober applicable meaning. They weren't pejoratives but calls to action, to look within yourself and start dismantling ideas you never questioned. Hopefully it would inspire genuine activism. It was tied to "not speaking over marginalized groups," in that no matter how much of a good person you thought you were, your experiences and thus your ideas were clouded by these systems. Better not to eat your foot because you're not as anti-racist (etc.) as you think you are.

Well all that is gone now! Because progressives applying their own semi-condescending theory to themselves? Never! And employing these ideas to foster better allyship to Jews? Never!

They can't be the baddies, so they'll come up with any reason they can think of to deflect criticism. Whether it's No True Scotsman, or outrageous claims that antisemitism is not a real phenomenon (any more), gone are the days when you're supposed to humble yourself and look inward and admit that you're antisemitic by default, and that that's okay as long as you try to be better.

Because they're so fucking mad that the term "antisemitic" could be applied to them at all, they froth at the mouth. They don't want to learn and improve their rhetoric and their relations, they just want to expulse this pent up rage inside them and Jews protesting their conduct is getting in the way. It's a buzzkill.

Or they see Jews bringing up antisemitism as no different than conservative pundits bringing up "anti-Christian sentiment," that is, not something to take seriously. But they get more mad at accusations of antisemitism than accusations of "anti-Christian sentiment," I wonder why.

I think they know deep down that this is getting out of hand, and is a bad look, and deeply cringe and embarrassing for them, their movement, and the Left as a whole. But they're too proud and too disdainful of Jews to do anything about it except try to reframe the whole thing as aggression against them by Zionist Supremacists. They're being silenced, their characters are being smeared, how could the sneaky conniving ungrateful cowardly all powerful Zionist sex trafficking genocidal cabal pull the wool over everyone's eyes like this!


I was sold the singular palestinian democratic secular equal state line when I was involved in pro-Palestinian activism. And I believed in it because it sounds kind of perfect doesn't it? Its a way to (at least begin to) magically undo the harms of the historical zionist movement, and ensure safety and togetherness for all.

The problem is that there are zero serious actors currently working towards this. Certainly not the Israeli government. Not the PA. They are hardly democratic as they last held elections in 2006, and hardly looking for equality as they're headed by a holocaust denier and khazar theory enjoyer. Definitely not Hamas. The only feasible way this could happen anytime soon is if a foreign power like the U.S. came in and forced it to happen. But they don't really want to do that either.

And then of course, so many of the people who previously parroted the singular palestinian democratic secular equal state solution went on to call Hamas "freedom fighters" and look in the face of dead Israelis, Jewish and Palestinian, and say "what did you expect? this is decolonization."

I am truly starting to believe that the singular palestinian democratic secular equal state narrative is just there to reach people who ask too many questions, and it conceals the true objective, which they supported in their "freedom fighters" - which is to cleanse the land of Jews, or at least, the Jews that they don't think should be there.

And this is wrong. This goal of Palestinian nationalism, to remove the Jews, is wrong - just as the goal of Israeli nationalism to remove the Palestinians, is wrong.

I've seen so many people say that the Jews should leave, or will leave, and that is a "just" solution to them.

But Eretz Yisrael is our homeland. We come from there. We are so deeply linked to it. And that is NOT an erasure of the Palestinian connection to the land either. Did you know that we come from the same place? Ethnic Jews and Palestinians are BOTH descendants of the original inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites.

So we need to look in the face of this underlying (and not so underlying) demand that the Jews leave and say No. That is not right. That is not just. That is not acceptable.

No one is going anywhere and no one should have to.


Turn on your timestamps though because I think I will legitimately lose my mind if I see one more news post from 2017 getting shared like it's recent or another fundraiser post from 2014 made by a deactivated blog. Seriously. Please. I'm so tired. And stop starting discourse with people on posts over comments they made 3+ years ago.

"CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING?!?!?! EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS!!!!!!" That post is from 2015 and it's a screenshot of a tweet making a false claim about something that Snopes has since debunked multiple times, please turn on timestamps and stop falling for conspiracy theories and fear mongering.


A todays tip from my your neighborhood kink Mom: please consider sharing pertinent parts of your medical history with your new partner!! And I don’t only mean STI/Ds!!!

Obviously it’s not required of you to tell them you have asthma that tends to flare up when you’re stressed or overexcited but it might be v helpful so your sub can get you your inhaler when they’ll see you wheezing because they just took those spanks so beautifully and your lungs agree with you!!!

You might not want to be tied up and suspended while your blood sugar is dropping and having to fight off the dizziness and the sleepiness to walk your dom through the effects type 1 diabetes can have on your bondage experience!!!

Please my babes, remember kink is fun but also dangerous so PREPARE because I cannot hear another scary story!!!!


Parents in temporarily occupied Luhansk region are facing threats of having their newborns taken away in hospitals unless either parent has russian citizenship.


my friend's family in occupation was literally forced to take Russian passports, otherwise their father's business would be taken away, and she would be refused treatment and medication

and people from tik tok will say that this is not genocide and that "Ukraine is being shoved down my throat lol just live under a different flag"

I read the news every day, talk to friends, family, and every day feels like Hell

This is what genocide looks like.

Is there a way to get MSF or the Red Cross in there to provide emergency deliveries?

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