


Hi, I’m Riley. They/he, 24. Welcome to the crazy train, there is no organization, there is no reason, only fandoms and madness. My awesome banner was made by the fantastic Shining_Stars, inspired by a comment I made in their excellent fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/27463819/chapters/67145977, the comment is on Chspter 18.
Also check out my own Fic Series about the misadventures of Fairy Godbrother Dabi: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2284841

The version of me from 5 years ago was a quiet high school junior who was just joining crew and learning to be confident in my own body. I read books, had like 2 friends, and was terrified of the concept of college because I had no clue what I wanted to do. The boldest thing I did with my hair was dye the tips burgundy in support of a family friend with Multiple Myeloma, otherwise the only thing I could do was put it in a ponytail, I had two piercings in each ear that were always empty, and I could never wear shorts that were higher than my knees. I had no social skills, no social life, no life skills, and thought I was going to live in my parents house forever with no future.

The version of me today is a nurse supervisor for the peds office I’ve been working at since I graduated nursing school 3 years ago. 3 out of the 4 days I work next week, I will be there open to close as the only nurse. That means in office triage, answering the phone, giving shots, taking care of documents, for 10 hours, all alone. And I know I can do it. Because I’ve done it before. I did it last week. And the week before. And the week before that. I like having another nurse to work with and help balance, but I know I have the skills and knowledge to do it by myself. I have to remember to order some vaccines on Monday. Because I can do that, it’s part of my supervisor duties.

In the summer I also am a coxswain for the local adult crew league. I don’t race because I prefer crew for fun, so I usually Cox novice or intermediate boats, which are new rowers, and returning rowers looking to improve their skills to advance to the racing teams, respectively, but I have coxed, and won races. I’m primarily a coxswain, but when I first started crew I was a rower. I can row both sides. I can scull. I can bow Cox. I’m certified to drive a launch. I can do pretty much anything but coach, but only because I have no desire to coach.

Every month I take a kitchen stool and sit on the deck so my mom can trim down my undercut. Every few months we cut the rest of my hair short again. As short as I can, as long as I can still put it in a ponytail and a French braid. Do I still have a ponytail almost daily? Yes, but I don’t like the feeling of my hair on the back of my neck, so I don’t leave it down often. But when I do, I like to part it a certain way so it’s very wavy and pretty. I can’t dye it anymore because if work, but I would if I could. I have a huge box of earrings, an accumulation of a few years. I have three piercings on each side now, and wear full sets of earrings almost every single day. I plan to get more. Do I still wear mostly cargo shorts? Yes, they’re comfy and have pockets galore. Do I have a pair of rather short shorts that I feel fantastic in and wear when I’m in the mood? Also yes. I can wear leggings and athletic shorts without feeling self-conscious. I’m short and solid and not skinny. But there’s muscle. I know this because my novice year of high school crew, we did a plank test, and I outlasted all the girls and all but two of the boys. Because I am strong, even if it doesn’t show.

I bought my first car last year. A good car, completely new, with my own money. Tomorrow I plan to spend the day hanging out with my brother and knitting. My mom, who had just learned to knit herself, taught me the basics of knitting on New Years Day 2021. It’s April, and I can make a pair of fingerless gloves in a day. I’m currently working on a headband my coworker asked me to make. I have friends that I texted when I went to get yarn, saying I was probably going to leave with way more yarn than I went to get, friends who texted back to laugh with me when I did exactly that. I’m bi and ace, and fuckin proud of it.

The version of me from 5 years ago wouldn’t just be proud of me.

She would be in fucking awe of the person I am now.

And I sure as shit don’t plan on stopping now.


this reply made me laugh harder than any reply I think I've ever gotten


How did they find the worst audio ever made


"surely an exaggeration" i thought, before hearing the worst audio ever made

You look at the video and it's- you know, a person in a sun wukong costume (i thiiiink that's who they're supposed to be?).

They're making a neat cotton candy flower.

And then you see the comments that says worst audio ever made and- 'yeah right' you think. You've heard SO many bad audios in your life.

You've heard versions of born to be wild and deck the halls done entirely in meows.

You've heard a balloon squeak version of toxic by brittany spears.

No, my dudes. This really does take the cake.


“I had a room to myself as a kid, but my mother was always quick to point out that it wasn’t my room, it was her room and I was merely permitted to occupy it. Her point, of course, was that my parents had earned everything and I was merely borrowing the space, and while this is technically true I cannot help but marvel at the singular damage of this dark idea: That my existence as a child was a kind of debt and nothing, no matter how small, was mine. That no space was truly private; anything of mine could be forfeited at someone else’s whim.”  ― Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House


Friend of mine was submitting a job application and discovered that they REQUIRED a photo:


We’re trying to decide which of these is a better option:



It was my nephew’s first birthday this year and I made a little series as a reminder of where his mama and I grew up. Can’t wait to see him again- he is such a joyful little miracle!! 👶


This is a gentle reminder to those who keep poultry to PLEASE keep in mind wild snakes if you are using fake eggs in your chicken coop. Snakes are incapable of digesting the wooden/plastic/ceramic fake eggs that are commonly placed in chicken coops to train hens. Snakes (like this little ratsnake here) can and often do eat these fake eggs and suffer life-threatening obstruction as a result!

If you need to use fake eggs in your coop please strive to ensure that the enclosure is snake-proof (difficult) or superglue 3 or more eggs together so that snakes cannot consume them and become obstructed.


I’m almost speechless that this post was met with any hostility as if it’s some sort of “crazy tumblr take” to suggest that your artificial husbandry of a non-native species do minimal damage to the local ecosystem. The OP even offers an easy, cheap solution with no downsides.

Every snake you keep alive is even going to help control more invasive rodents in the long run.


For context, this is called desensitizing

Since horses are prey animals they are very cautious naturally and will “spook” (shy away or take off running) from something that looks strange and potentially dangerous.

By running around and acting bizarre, the horse gets used to unfamiliar movements and mannerisms. They’ll be able to sit and think “wow that’s fucking weird” when they see a human crawling up rather than “Jesus fuck it’s possessed run away”- which is good!

Weirdest day of that horses life


Atsuko Nishida is one of the most underrated artists ever. She created the mascot, some of the most iconic Pokemon ever but she doesn’t get much recognition and a lot of people don’t know about her. This is just a little appreciation post for her. #ThankYouNishida

Pokemon Heritage Post


guys i'm binging hunterxhunter and i'm sure this isn't a new thought but the juxtaposition of gon as an abandoned child and the way that killua's family absolutely won't let him go... yet both extremes being incredibly traumatic for them as individuals is

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