


Please enjoy this compilation of things I may find interesting, funny, or otherwise pretty rad

tbh i didnt know you were supposed to be jerking off while you look at porn

ive been standing with my arms behind my back ponderously like at a museum

wait wait you’ve been pondering at the museum? I’ve just been jerking off there


“beige flags” “trauma dump” “the ick” let me ask you this have you ever gone outside and marvelled at the beauty of the spider’s web


Huh this one says "some pig"


Jesse I have to sell you to one direction

yo mr white bitch let me at least put on my pink converse, throw my hair into a quick messy bun and put on some mascara to accentuate my blue orbs first bitch


Wordle is running out of words. Only 2,000 five letter words remain. When that supply is exhausted the Creation shall begin. One day the word will be ZHURM, and all shall get it, and all shall understand it to mean "an ache from suddenly remembering a long-ago friend, who meant something to you once, but whose face you can no longer conjure". The next day the word shall be JOROL, and all will get it, and all will know it means "the melancholy confusion of passing by somewhere where you once could have died". The next day it will be GREFT, and all will understand it to be a small brown bird with white streaks found only in South America, and suddenly, it will appear, in the underbrush of the Amazon, in the streets of São Paulo, and all will know that it once was not there, but now, will always be

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