Mischief Managed

@snaps7 / snaps7.tumblr.com


Is it just me or anyone has also realized that Aedion was probably supposed to be a king?

Like, before people realized Aelin is alive, during those 10 years, he was the only member of royal family that survived, so logically, (if) after the was was over and supposing Terrasen won its independence, Aedion should be crowned as king.

And there's no way he wasn't aware of that, even if we assume that the lords and not him ruled the kingdom during the war, he had to know that as the only prince he'd get the crown someday.


This post doesn't have any deeper meaning, I'm just pissed that Sarah missed many small details that would make the books more interesting and add personality to some characters.

I need to know Aedion's whole backstory, truly. He might be an asshole sometimes, but it doesn't mean he's not interesting. There's whole fucking 10 years of trauma and character development for this guy we were stripped off. Again, thank you Sarah, you really know how to make people's nights sleepless.

Now I'm gonna spend the whole night and the next day headcanoning Aedion's backstory, awesome.


I don't think he was ever going to be king by himself. He's a member of the family but not by the 'correct' blood. He's related to the Wendlyn/Ashryver side by blood but not to the Terrasen/Galathynius.

Despite that, I think if Gavriel wasn't his father and thus Meave didn't have a claim to Aedion, they would definitely consider him. He fought their wars, did more for Terrasen than anyone, the armies and the people love and respect him. Very few wouldn't want him for a king.

But as it is, Gavriel is Aedion's father and Meave's bloodsworn so if Aedion becomes king, not consort, she could decide that Aedion is 'hers' and try to control him and Terrasen.

And no one from Terrasen wants that. I imagine Darrow would do anything to keep Meave away from Terrasen.

If I remember correctly, it was mentioned that Rhoe wanted to wed Aedion to Aelin so Meave couldn't get him (and probably why only he and Evalyn knew Aedion's true parentage).

I always thought one of Terrasen's noble children would be considered for the next monarch.

Ren maybe, but most probably Elide. She's the heir to the second largest area in Terrasen and of noble blood, with magic.

Her father was best friends with Rhoe, she grew up in the castle with Aedion and Aelin. Her mother used to take care of Aedion and Aelin (the expected future monarchs) so she had the same upbringing as the queen they were supposed to have.

I always thought her uncle was keeping her alive and secret until the question of the next monarch came up (probably after Darrow's death or right before) so he could tell everyone his niece is alive and put her on the throne and rule Terrasen through her.


Hey! I saw your post about Aelin being jealous of Aedion. Can you explain that to me? I don't quite understand how her scowling would mean she's jealous. I'm curious!


Soo English isn't my first language and at the time I made that post, I don't think I was living in England, or it had been a short time. Now it doesn't seem like jealousy to me, but back then that's where my brain went 😂 I think it was due to reading fanfiction where scowl and growl were always used to express jealousy or some other primal territorial alpha emotion 😂

Anonymous asked:

Will you be doing another chapter for aedion mothers fanfic

I will! I have half of it written, so hopefully I'll post it soon!


Good Luck Part 3

This fic is about Aedion's mom and Evalin going to Doranelle to speak to Meave about Demi-Fae rights. Instead of meeting her nieces, she sends Gavriel.

“So,” started Evalin, still holding a knife, “you met the Lion of Doranelle. Glaston will die with jealousy!”

“My brother was the last thing on my mind, Ev. Trust me.”

Emrys chuckled. “The Lion is quite handsome.”

Eleanor hummed in a dreamy agreement. “And the rest of the blood-sworn? All I’ve heard of them are war stories from my father.”

“They all are. Some more than others – or at least, in different ways.”

“Who did Glaston like the most?” asked Evalin.

“Whitethorn. He and father used to argue who was better – he or the Lion.”

“You take after your father then,” smiled Emrys.

“I have yet to meet Whitethorn. Though, we are cousins…”

Distant cousins.”

“I can’t listen to this argument again, girls. Chop your vegetables.”


😳😳😳. wow I saw this and I'm-

wow. This is,,, not what happened. Correct me if I'm wrong but there are MANY allusions to Aedion being sexually abused as a kid in those war camps

Aedion never made light of Lysandra being sex-trafficked. Between the allusion of bring sexually abused as a kid, Aedion was forced to serve the king that slaughtered his family and enslaved and murdered thousands of his countrymen. His body has been used against him for YEARS. He did not compare being bisexual to Lysandra being forced into prostitution 😭



Wtf can we stop ignoring all of the canon abuse from Aedion's past???

Lysandra was sex trafficked and Aedion was used as a political pawn. Both were sexually abused

““Здравей приятелю. Отдавна ме молиш да ти разкажа за България.. Когато за пръв път чух, как в 12 часа на 2ри Юни неистово завиха всички противовъздушни, противопожарни и заводски сирени в столицата… ужасно се изплаших. ” Воина" - помислих си за части от секундата, и се загледах за някакво скривалище. И в следващия момент видях нещо съвършенно потресаващо.. Всичко спря! Не се шегувам приятелю в милионната столица (както разбрах в последствие и в цялата страна) спря всякакво движение - автомобили, градски транспорт, хората по улиците и зад прозорците в работните си кабинети, учениците гонили топка до преди минута..стана неестествено тихо… Уверявам те, приятелю, София е единствената столица в света , където веднъж в годината можеш да чуеш…такава тишина…само воят на сирените! След 3 минути, когато всичко се върна към нормалния си ритъм, се сетих че са ми разказвали, за някой си техен герой Христо Ботев - поет и революционер, който с присъщия на ненавършените си 30 години и на възбудата на епохата авантюризъм, повел на вярна смърт, група също такива невръстни революционери, обединени от представата за “ Свобода на отечеството ” …всички емигранти в Румъния, те са отвлекли австрийски кораб, принудили капитана да ги свали на българският бряг и след няколко дни битки били разбити от въоръжената до зъби турска войска. В този ден на 2ри Юни бил загинал самия Ботев. Накратко това е историята. Чувал я бях, истината да ти кажа не бях особено впечатлен - приключенска му работа… Авантюризъм и малко безотговорност. Така мислех до момента, в който на 2ри Юни се озовах в епицентъра на тази смразяваща тишина и неподвижност…. От тогава всяка година чакам този ден, за да видя дали ще се повтори, дали ще е същото..Дали някой от по младите няма да се зачуди защо, и дали изобщо да се спира.. Вече много години живея в България, пред очите ми са се променили много неща..но тези 3 минути се проектират от година в година. 2ри Юни ме е заварвал и в много от големите градове в България и в малкото планинско селце в което живея. Но картината навсякъде е една и съща.. Хора спряли да помълчат, да се сетят за подвига на един недоживял христовата възраст авантюрист, да му се поклонят, или може би да го осъдят - но така или иначе в тези 3 минути мислите на 7 милиона българи са концентрирани в едно, и това едно в край на сметка е страната им, България. Що се отнася до мен чужденецът…аз в тези 3 минути.. обикновенно изпитвам позорно чувство за завист. Да аз завиждам - на целия български народ, и на всеки българин по отделно..!! “”


Iron Man taught me to be brave.

Captain America taught me to be kind.

Black Widow taught me to be strong.

Thor taught me to be forgiving.

Hulk taught me to love myself.

Hawkeye taught me to never give up.

STAN LEE taught me what it means to be a HERO.


Coming back from Sarah’s event.

She is so funny, and little Taran is so sweet!

What we learned:

1. Manon came to her as she was listening a song and her editor at the time wanted to cut her as it would make Heir of Fire shorter and the books would look better next to each other on a shelf. Sarah said she’d rather die.

2. THAT scene with the thirteen came to her a couple of hours later when she was listening to a different song (I think it was one from Star Wars) and was always there in her head whenever she was writing scenes with them. It’s what made her cry the hardest

3. When she was still writing the previous version of throne of glass where Aelin ended up with someone else, when she finished for the day, she would open a ‘secret file’ and write Rowaelin smut because they had amazing chemistry

4. If she had to choose a guy from both her series (who is not Rhysand or Rowan) she said she would pick Cassian because he would put up with her bullshit (But before that she went on about how perfect Rhysand is for a few minutes 😂 nobody disagreed). She also said that Rowan would intimidate her and he would not be able to put up with her bullshit

5. One of the acotar spin-offs will be about Cassian and Nesta

6. The final line for Kingdom of Ash came to her when she was on holiday with her husband’s family in Costa Rica. They were in a car, Sarah was with her headphones and listening to an epic song as the view of green fields and a clouded mountain (rainforest on top of a hill, in a cloud) came into view and the last line appeared in her head. She started crying and told everyone it was because she loved nature.

7. Josh brought Taran out and he was playing with his own toes. It was the sweetest thing ever.

8. Her new series, Crescent city, will be set 2000 years in the future, where mythical creatures will live with humans, mermaid-like creature will have their own city under the city

9. She was talking about a scene - I think it was the thirteen - and someone wept. Very loud. Sarah said it was the best reaction she’d ever gotten.

This is all I recall at the moment. I’ll update if I remember something else

10. When she and that editor were talking about the size of the books and she told her something along the lines of readers not wanting the new books in a series to be bigger than the first, Sarah responded with “Well what about Harry Potter’ and the editor told her she was no Harry Potter. Sarah said "buuurn”

11. When she submitted the final version for KoA, she got a call that the book worked out to 1008 pages, and the glue they purchased in the US could only hold 1000 pages. She was told that if they didn’t figure it out pages would start falling from the books. She freaked out because she didn’t want to cut anything and they would hand the book over to the publishers in two days.

The team there worked non-stop for those two days - moving the text closer to the big ‘CHAPTER’ lines, changing the spacing… In the end it was around 990 pages

12. The World Of Throne of Glass will be set 10 years after the events of Kingdom of Ash. A royal historian has been hired and he will interview all of the surviving characters, travel the places and so on. We will see how they have dealt with everything, what their lives are like now and how the kingdoms have been rebuilt. I'm prepared for tears when they ask Manon about the Thirteen or Aedion about Gavriel

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