
Studying, Languages, Coding and Arts

@productiveravenclaw / productiveravenclaw.tumblr.com

Lorina, 20. Computer Science major, Artist and language enthusiast

10 Things You Should Include in Journal Entries

  • The moon phase
  • The weather
  • An affirmation for every day
  • Patterns you noticed during the day
  • Un-explainable experiences
  • Anything you believe is a sign or message from a deity
  • Major changes in life situations
  • Astrological events
  • Psychic experiences
  • Strong emotions felt

Not everyone has the spoons to write in their journal every day and that is okay! It will never make you any less of a witch!!


Every year when January rolls around I have the urge to simplify – to start the new year fresh and clean and uncluttered. This doesn’t mean getting rid of everything (I’m faaaar from being a minimalist), just getting rid of the things that weigh you down. So, here’s the unofficial guide to simplifying without going full-on Marie Kondo. 

physical clutter

What’s the area in your room that stresses you out when you see it? Start there. A few quick tips on how to clean specific areas:


  • Take allll your clothes out of your closet, wardrobe, or dresser
  • Put the things you know you’re keeping back in right away – your favorite jeans, that black dress you wear all the time, etc
  • Once you’re left with just the ‘maybes’, try every item on.
  • If you wouldn’t buy it all over again, it should probably go.
  • Don’t just toss what you don’t want, though! Donate it to a local thrift store, charity, or church with a community closet.

desk + shelves

  • Again, start by completely clearing off your desk and study area.
  • Go through your binders and make sure everything is in it’s correct place
  • Migrate materials from old classes into files out of the way if they’re important, or toss them if you won’t use them again.
  •  Make sure everything has a home – pencils should be in a bag or mug, papers in files or trays, and notebooks neatly stacked.
  • Make a point to clean your desk regularly!
  • If you have supplies you don’t need, donate them! Let’s be real – you have way more pens than you could ever use.
  • Books are also a wonderful thing to donate! Your local library or thrift shop would be my top pick. 
  • If you still have old textbooks laying around, list them on your school’s bulletin board to sell, since most thrift shops won’t accept them. 

under your bed

  • Let’s be real: most all of this can go. Grab a trash bag and toss anything that’s not important.
  • You can get one of those rolling tupperware under-the-bed organizers, or just stick what has to stay under there in a thin  cardboard box.
  • Be sure not to leave things loose under there, or you may end up with some unwanted pals living under there ~

digital clutter

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have a lot of digital clutter. It’s so easy to build it up and forget about all that you have stored on your computer!

  • Go through your phone and delete photos you don’t need, apps you don’t use, and old messages. 
  • Do a major computer overhaul! Delete old files and programs so that you have more space.
  • Put all your files into folders so that they’re easier to find later on.
  • Take a look through your friends and following lists, and delete all those people that post negative things.

mental clutter

This is the big one. Mental clutter comes from all of the above, plus just living your life. Some tips for decluttering your mind:

  • Do a nightly brain dump. Before you get into bed each night, open up your journal and write down everything that’s on your mind. Once it’s on paper, you can let it go until the morning. 
  • Find relaxing habits to practice everyday: yoga, taking a warm bath, going for a run, etc
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation
  • Keep a planner!
  • Practice not letting yourself harbor bad thoughts
  • Stay away from negative people if you can. You don’t need negative attitudes to be adding your already stressful life!

simplify your schedule

  • Learn to say ‘no’ more – if you don’t want to go to your friend’s-cousin’s-niece’s dance recital, don’t.
  • Streamline your daily routine;
  • Get ready faster by nixing the makeup you don’t love to put on and finding quick and easy hairstyles
  • Make an outfit idea board on Pinterest and fill it with outfits that you can make from pieces you already have in your closet so you spend less time finding an outfit 
  • Cook meals in advance when possible, or stick an easy meal in the crockpot before you leave for the day
  • Tidy every room just a bit before you leave it, so that you don’t have to devote an hour to cleaning it later on
  • Make time for you each week
  • See if there are any chores that you can outsource (eg, some grocery stores will shop for you for free, all you have to do is order online and go pick it up)
  • Don’t feel like you have to participate in something you don’t enjoy. If you don’t love the sport, don’t play it

I hope you all have a very simple and relaxing year, good luck to you all!


An unforgivable transgression that has marked me for life. You think you’ve suffered. You think you know blood. You think you’ve walked on corpses. Spread them from here to the horizon and I have walked f u r t h e r!


going into the new year

"the return" by mary oliver / howl's moving castle / emily dickinson / @akeleegirl / night in the woods / coming soon by annie dirusso / "invitation" by mary oliver


I needed this drag. Let’s change guys and not look back

working out your brain is a must!!

• hydrate it by drinking lots of water

• eat dark chocolate and blueberries and walnuts and salmon and other foods high in antioxidants!!

• play little brain games on your phone; I like wordconenct! anything that makes you think!

• read books. It’s simple but necessary. Even better - join a book club, or read with a friend, so you can have discussions after. This will improve your reading comprehension.

• do puzzles - it doesnt have to be sudoku, I love playing Beat Saber on the Oculus Rift because it makes my brain have to match colorful patterns to physical movements very quickly!

• learn a new dance - even a tik tok trendy dance. Learning new dance moves are proven to strengthen synapses!!

• go bird watching, or foraging, or anything outdoors that requires you to explore pattern recognition and visual searching

• watch a movie with the intent of analysis - this is best done with a cinephile friend!! talk about tropes and symbolism and character growth

• cross stitch, or sew, or do anything that requires matching nimble hand movements to patterns

• play or learn an instrument!

• develop a consistent sleep schedule (or as close to consistent as you can get!)

• when eating, try to identify the ingredients and flavors you’re perceiving!

I hope this helps :)

I like how this went from me feeling like “hm why is this attacking me 🤨” at first, but feeling grateful seeing an added guide on a genuine expansion on a “ how to” work out the brain. This genuinely helps a bunch. People find solace in doing activities that get them through life by doing said activities of phone/tv or if that’s all they’ve ever known in their life to get them through things + etc tho. However, this was very impt to point out. Slowly beginning incorporating things to work the brain in ones own time.


thinking about how fiona's bit in the first shrek movie about how ogres are so ugly and unlovable, which is overheard by shrek, is the perfect example of how self-deprecation can really harm not only the people around you who love and care for you, but also people who share the same characteristics that you are mocking in yourself

I need to do a better job of reminding myself of this.


I firmly believe that there’s a “right” time to read a certain book. It’s okay if you’re interested in a book and it sits on your shelf for years. Maybe it didn’t call out to you when you wanted something to read because it was waiting for the right time to mean the most to you. Not saying this is always the case, but this has happened enough to recognize the magic.

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