
another law and order: svu account

@lawandorderimagines / lawandorderimagines.tumblr.com

taylor. 27. black. she/her main blog taylortheeshowpony

My friend hello Assalamualaikum. Please forgive me as I have to do this ask you. I don’t know where to begin but I hope that you find it in your heart to help us ya Allah 🤲🏼 we need help very much urgently even just to share my donation post for us it is gonna help us so much.. my friend, we will look this as a thank you And hoping Allah Touch you heart.. Shukran 🤲🏼🧎🏻‍♀️


oh absolutely! anything i can do to help!


TW: mentions of coercion, sex, allusions to toxic relationship dynamics

You listened intently as detectives Benson and Stabler went on about consent and coercion and by the end of the lecture and long after they'd left, it got you thinking about last week with your classmate Drew. He'd done you a really big favor by fixing your laptop and instead of money, you repaid him by letting him take you out on a date which turned out to be a disaster. You liked Drew, he was nice enough (until he wasn't), but he just wasn't your type. He was a "super senior" meaning he had failed his senior year the first time around; this is his second attempt.

In the beginning, the date had started off okay. He took you to this family owned Greek restaurant and he seemed interested in the things you had to say, and you had similar interests, but you just couldn't find it in you to be attracted to him. When he dropped you off at home is when things turned south. Drew had wanted a kiss, but you told him that you don't kiss on the first (and in this case, the last) date. A look flashed across his face, but then he stated that he understood.

Against all odds, you felt bad, so you backtracked, and decided to kiss him instead. And now here you are, in a relationship with someone you don't even like in a romantic sense. On the surface, Drew is a caring boyfriend, but there are times when he can be not so sweet, like when he's pressuring you to have sex. He's always making you feel bad because you wouldn't sleep with him, and once again you caved. You had gotten back on his good side when you told him you were "ready".

"I just...wanted to time it right. My mom has her first night shift in a month tonight. Come over at 7:30." Drew's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, and sure enough he showed up at 7:30 on the dot; you led him to your room and you started to feel sick at the thought of what you were about to do, and you just hoped you were a good enough actor.

You wanted to shudder as his hands moved on your bare skin. "That feel good baby?" His voice disgusted you, but all you could do was nod; if you do this he'd get off your back and maybe you could breakup with him. To your surprise it didn't last long, which was good for you and Drew quickly got dressed and left, embarrassed he couldn't...perform. You took a shower at the hottest you could stand without passing out, scrubbing your body raw

After the third shower, you just couldn't take it anymore so you texted Drew a one sentence message stating that it was over and blocked his number. You rummaged through your bedside table until you found what you were looking for: the little white card that said Special Victims Unit and an idea started forming in your head

a/n: i'm so sorry this took so long, i was in the hospital for a bit last week and i was in no condition to write, not to mention i haven't written anything for this blog in like close to two years. i hope to get back to writing soon.

a/n 2: this might come with a part two if i feel up to it


older boyfriend elliot older boyfriend elliot older boyfriend elliot older boyfriend elliot


hey I just wanted to know when r u writing the svu and child victim


i'm writing it now. i had a medical emergency around the time i had gotten your request and i'm also trying to get back in the groove of writing. hopefully i can have it out (really really) late tonight or early in the morning


i know i've neglected this blog but i'm just so tired. i have so many ideas but not enough time to get started on them

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