
Nerd Corner


Oh snorror (snail horror)

why am I too much of a coward just to end myself it would be the best for everyone


I've hurt myself too much and now I can't sleep because I cant lie comfortably


What is wrong with me? Why do I have so few people who care about me? What do I have to live for?


I am incapable of sustaining any friendship because I'm an awful person


I am absolutely nothing and i mean absolutely nothing and i deserve to be left behind and forgotten about


What have I got to look forward to? What have I got to give? I will always be the hanger on, the spare part, the extra one, the dispensable and it feels awful


No one will notice me gone in the long term and will continue to thrive


I am utterly unloved and unlovable and as a result I will never be happy and I will never make anyone happy

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