
⋆ I want to believe ⋆

@spacephant0m / spacephant0m.tumblr.com

My name's Danny and I’m an emotional wreck I mean artist | they/them and queer | current faves: Mr. Robot, Voltron, Overwatch, Shadowhunters, Queer Eye, Panic!, Critical Role

Stuffed Animals in Magic

I’m an adult and I still LOVE stuffed animals. While I can usually resist a little better now than when I was a child, I’m still tempted to buy one every time there’s an opportunity. Here’s some examples of how to use your inanimate furry friends in the craft:

🦁Sew a dream pouch inside of a teddy bear to encourage prophetic dreams! You could also tweak this to make it help with astral travel.

🐯Enchant it with all sorts of protection spells, set it in the corner of your room as a guardian to ward off malevolent spirits.

🐻Stuff with lavender and other calming herbs, hold it and smell it to calm and cleanse yourself.

🦁Make it a spirit vessel, and allow spirits to visit you inside the animal. (This can also allow you to cuddle with your spirit companions.)

🐯Use it as a poppet! Especially for cursing. Get a stuffed animal you don’t care about and treat it as you would any clay poppet (except now, you can stuff it with things too instead of just surrounding it.) You also have the added advantage of being able to smack it against the wall without causing serious damage.

🐻Draw a sigil on the stuffed animal. Perhaps one for creativity, and you play with the stuffed animal a little to get the creative juices flowing!

🦁Place a stuffed version of an animal associated with a deity in your altar. Hecate likes dogs, for example. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind that being there.

🐯 Enchant stuffed animals with good fortunes before donating them to children’s hospitals or nonprofits

🐻 Make a spell out of the act of making one yourself, sewing intent into every stitch.

🦁Use them in any spell to represent childhood, innocence, comfort, sleep, imagination, and simple pleasures.

feel free to add more!

Doing a tarot spread for a friend: all upright cards, super positive and uplifting, great advice
Doing a tarot spread for myself: “Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy? Have some reversals and the Tower”

Five of Swords.

Even when faced with insurmountable odds, know that the persistent soul will eventually overcome. Do not be a slave to your struggle. Have faith in your strength. Believe in yourself. Don’t give in. Don’t give up.


I was at work and I had the hiccups and I was stocking an aisle and this lady in the aisle heard me hiccuping and said "oh have you got the hiccups?" and I said yeah and she said "...Do you want me to get rid of them?" and I thought she meant she was going to scare me so I was like "n-no thanks" and she was like "you want to keep your hiccups??" and I said "yeah please dont scare me" and then I wandered off

And then a couple minutes later I still had hiccups and she walked by on her way out and she said "I wasn't going to scare you you know" and I said "you weren't?" and she said "no -- I have a way I can cure hiccups" and I was like "well what is it?" she's like "theres something about me that when I talk to people their hiccups just go away. i just chat or maybe tell them a story and after a minute or so their hiccups are just gone" and I thought she was like definitely on some pseudoscience shit so i kind of laughed and joked like "you should expect a call from the X-Men soon then" and she said "no. For real. I bet your hiccups are gone now aren't they?" and sure enough my fucking hiccups were gone. They stopped while she was speaking to me and didn't come back all night

what the fuck kind of power did this woman have... was she a hiccup witch??? I have so many questions for her

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