
Not All Exits Are Made Equal


GCL - 25 - Loves Cartoons
When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, clumsy. - Griffin McElroy

autism allies (and even a substantial number of autistic people) when you tell them your autism-induced picky eating is not “picky eating” but is in fact an eating disorder that you can’t magically get over in the next 5 seconds:

it’s all fun and games with the jokes about chicken nuggets until you’re watching me try to eat a piece of fruit and gagging so hard that my eyes water over just the thought of putting it in my mouth. Just saying

like i don’t know if people who don’t struggle with ARFID (or eating disorders in general, or food allergies, or anything that makes food difficult) understand what a fucking minefield, like, hanging out with other people is when you genuinely can’t eat food. i can’t eat most takeout food. i can’t eat most meals my friends cook. if my food is made even slightly incorrectly (i recall a time recently when they put some sort of herb in my spaghetti despite me asking them not to), i have to send it back not because i’m “picky”, but because i can’t eat it.

and it only gets worse when people try to pressure me into eating new things, or laugh at the fact that i only eat spaghetti, or berate me for making things awkward and difficult. so many, like, Group activities are structured around/involve the consumption of food and i genuinely don’t think people who don’t have issues with food understand that.

and this isn’t to say like Don’t invite me places or whatever, because that’s WORSE. i WANT to be included. but please:

1. if you’re going to invite me somewhere, invite me somewhere you know has food i can eat

2. if you can’t do that, try doing something at home and making food you know i can eat

3. if you can’t do THAT, let me bring my own food

4. if you can’t do any of those, don’t berate me for not eating anything and please consider doing one of those options in the near future!!!

food is so stressful for so many people for reasons out of our control. whether it be a disorder like ARFID or a food allergy or food sensitivities or anything else that impacts what food we can eat and when we can eat it and how we have to deal with the aftermath of it, i can almost guarantee someone you know and someone you care about is in a unique circle of hell every time you invite them out to eat. Be mindful please

not to be a bitch but if your takeaway from this is “i can’t eat meat and that’s on par with this” you don’t understand what im saying. sensory issues surrounding any food are hell but you have the luxury and privilege of there being, like, two entire diets that allow you to get away with this. very mainstream diets at that. people understand being vegetarian. i eat 2 foods regularly. not to play Sensory Issues Olympics, but “being vegetarian because meat has a bad texture to you” and “sensory issues so bad that you almost threw up trying to eat a single pistachio” are not on par with one another


"dni if you engage with irredeemable media! dni to kill a mockingbird stans" ok well CLEARLY you have never read to kill a mockingbird if you think it's irredeemable media and also having a book that was published in 1960 on your dni stan list is kinda ridiculous actually

i literally do not think any of you have ever read a book published before the 2000s before in your entire life


obsessed with mass market paperbacks. their pleasing rectangular proportions. how they fit badly in a hoodie pocket so you can drag them around everywhere with you like a temporary little buddy. the way they fit in your hand because they're MADE for human hands and not as bookshelf decoration. the way the pages feel when you riffle them gently with your thumb. How pristine and crisp they look when you get them and how creased and folded they look when you're done, even if you try to be nice to them. how that wear is okay, how that's correct actually, because they're made with the philosophy that books aren't meant to be PRETTY, they're meant to be read. that little ripple new ones get on the left side from where you hold them when you're reading, the way the ripple only goes as far as you've read, because u change stories by reading as they are changing you. how you can find thousands of these creased and folded and loved little dudes in every thrift store and used book shop and neighborhood library and you can instantly see the ones that someone carried around in a backpack for weeks or read to pieces or gave up on halfway through because they wear being read like fresh snow wears footprints. I love these poorly made, subpar little rectangles so much. truly the people's books.


Let me ask you a question, Light.

What it is, Ryuzaki?

I've been wondering: Who is your favorite Pokemon Mystery Dungeon character?

...I see what your game is, L. Deducing the probability of me being Kira based on my answer. Not bad, but I'm already ten steps ahead of you.

If I tell him my favorite character is Dusknoir, it's obviously going to link me to Kira. Not only is he a cunning, detective-like figure chasing after himself, but he is part of a species of grim reapers which can be connected to the shinigami.



It would be befitting Light to pick Dusknoir since in the expanded story of Explorers of Sky, he grew willing to take great risks in order to make the world into a better and safer place. And even before his redemption arc, he is shown to be genuinely concerned about fellow Pokemon who are in immediate danger.

Of course, he could always play it safe and say Grovyle, who is a well-written and widely beloved character in the community. Not to mention a true seeker of justice.

No, it's too obvious. I have no choice. I'll just be outright. He can't possibly connect my liking for Dusknoir to Kira if I just present the facts.

I think my favorite would have to be Dusknoir! His development in Special Episode 5 was a fascinating choice and made me appreciate his character as a whole.

I see. I'm personally rather fond of Celebi.


What the hell... Who would care about Celebi? Is this a threat? She is one of the characters who contributes to foiling Dusknoir's plans... Is he that confident in his ability to stop Kira? What is your angle, L...

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!? I love these games! My favorite is Munna!


Misa, what are you doing?! Munna seeks to rid the world of rotten Pokemon! You're blatantly making a connection to Kira!

Besides, Gates to Infinity is hardly worth of the Mystery Dungeon title... It's naive message about trying to better the world just through hope... I suppose it is just like Misa to like this game.

Still! Munna is an incredibly incriminating choice. Dammit, Misa...

Ahehehehe... Wigglytuff.



Hello hello! My girlfriend and I are currently trying to move out. I'd prefer not to discuss any of the details publicly, but our current living conditions are VERY unsafe and we need to get out ASAP. With our current plan we should be out by the middle of 2024, but I thought I'd open up comms for a little extra support!

You can also lend us a hand by checking out my ko-fi or my shop!

Thank you so much for your help! <33

SLOTS: 3/5 taken!


Historical reproductions should be more widely available. I want an ancient Roman shrimp ring more than anything.

I DON’T want the real thing. I want an affordable reproduction I can wear places and make people ask “what’s up with the shrimp ring?” and I get to explain that nobody really knows. It was just a fun fad 1900 years ago.

Ancient Roman seafood crime boss making you kiss his shrimp ring to swear loyalty

“Squillae cimexorum est”, he says.

“Squillae cimexorum est”, you mumble reverently.

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