
I'm not gay Greg

@chanandlerbongthings / chanandlerbongthings.tumblr.com

Hello! I go by Chandler ,Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, and Lancer , he/it pronouns I mainly do 90s sitcoms and sometimes musicals, I'm INTP 4w5, and also I'm a ND minor
Anonymous asked:

just please remember it's never too late to change your mind. you can come back from this. if you stay then one day you'll look back and know you made a good decision with not going through with it. I can promise you that. from the bottom of my heart, you are loved, so loved.

Thank you so much!!

Anonymous asked:

I'm so proud of you, so proud of you for coming this far, and I know you're trying, and you're doing amazing and its probably so hard for you and you deserve better but you're doing your best and I want you to know I'm proud

Thank you!!

Anonymous asked:

Rachel, we all love you so much! Please try and hold on for us. I know things are hard, but please, please try to hold on. I promise you everything is going to be alright.

Ok! I’m pretty sure I’ll stay!!



have a snail!!

[me and this snail are very proud of you, you are doing great and i wish you best of luck on all your future encounters]




I wish the Friends characters were real so we could watch comedies together and love each other

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