
Ask and RP Blog

@astronomicalgallows / astronomicalgallows.tumblr.com

Alternia's Exterminist Service. Shawes Nonlaw | 10 Sweeps | Single-verse Fantroll Blog | Written By Skull, Mun is 18+ but blog is sfw | Pretending to be a 'Rust' Blood | All art by me unless started otherwise | Profile Picture Cred: Aqua

remember that time panda almost fucking murdered penguin?


[PVT]: Why are you avoiding me


[PVT]: i’m nøt. I’m at my wørkstatiøn søldering a setup før a høløgraphic sighted scøpe.


[PVT]: We don’t need one of those

[PVT]: nø, we døn’t, but i like tø make things. It’ll either sit øn my shelf cøllecting dust ør i’ll find a use før the parts it cønstitues øf.

[PVT]: Well, we’re J--n the middle of a forest and metal J--s a resource we don’t have much of. J--ust keep J--t for repairs on my arm.

Anyway, J--’ll be going soon. 

[PVT]: be well.

[PVT]: Whatever, J— can’t be dealing with your silent treatment. Talk to me when you’ve grown up.

- astronomicalGallows [AG] has ceased pestering this user -


[PVT]: Why are you avoiding me


[PVT]: i’m nøt. I’m at my wørkstatiøn søldering a setup før a høløgraphic sighted scøpe.


[PVT]: We don’t need one of those

[PVT]: nø, we døn’t, but i like tø make things. It’ll either sit øn my shelf cøllecting dust ør i’ll find a use før the parts it cønstitues øf.

[PVT]: Well, we’re J--n the middle of a forest and metal J--s a resource we don’t have much of. J--ust keep J--t for repairs on my arm.

Anyway, J--’ll be going soon. 

Anonymous asked:

✘ - what’s the biggest fear you have revolving those closest to you?

Don’t have any fears. People want to keep suggesting those around me are J--mMoRtAl and are MoNsTeRs like a stupid Pupa Pan story, so why the fuck should J-- care or fear anything happening to them J--f they can’t die, or have special circumstances. Of course J-- don’t believe anything anyone says J--s true. There are gold bloods that can proJ--ect lasers out of their eyes, other people can’t do J--t but that doesn’t make them a god. 





For Multimuses: Please Specify Muse(s)

J-- came here to escape Zymeri, not to watch old people pda.

Oh my god, shut up. Problems don’t J--ust fucking stop when the ‘power of friendship’ comes knocking at your hives door. You really are sniffing some acid and stop listing off my contacts as J--f they’re my sidekicks J--n a stupid superhero lineup. 

J--ust because you are scared of being alone ,that doesn’t mean J-- am. J-- don’t care, people are overated and J--’ve been far more productive without them J--n my life than when they are. The only thing J-- agree with here J--s that you’re an asshole. bye bulgesucker. 

- astronomicalGallows [AG] has ceased pestering this user - 


J– came here to escape Zymeri, not to watch old people pda.

J–magine smothering yourself J–n grubsauce and hanging yourself like some weird fetish for everyone to see, and then using J–t as a profile picture to tell people half your age that they’re stuck up, when you’re the one with the hanging fetish. 

Sounds like you need a good old look at yourself, because a few perigees ago you were losing your mind on social media because you lost your barkbeast or something. Unlike you J– don’t care to recall every detail about your life, but this obsession? You need a better hobby, old ma, you J–ust look mega sad. 

J–’d say ‘Good day’ too, like a running away coward but J–’m not you, and J–’m not actually a freakshow who takes cullbait photos. J–t feels J–llegal even talking to you.

“Old ma”

I’m grateful to be such a parental figure in your life.

At least I don’t hide things and have the power to protect myself and those i love rather than shunting them to the side and hiding in my own self loathing fears.

‘UwU my boyfwiend died!’

Wait til the day you die and your boyfriend has to go on for a figurative eternity with nothing but the memories of you to carry with him, and he’ll be stuck with what…that insufferable blue blooded puritist?

Maybe spend more time fostering communication and trust with people than pointing out illogical bullshit at face value and you’ll amount to more than backwoods yeehaw zombie puncher and actually be a goddamn success in the eradication business, yeah?

Shit show of professionalism when your every word marks your fucking carrer path with stains of objective shcism revolving arouns benign clownshit.

Do you? Do you really? Because J-- don’t think you do, “old man”. You waste your life on social media, trying to ‘show’ people that don’t even pay attention to you that you’ve found this ‘new life with meaning’. J--’ve seen the shit you write, poetical nonsense of rubbish. J-- used to be the same, a fucking shut J--n who used to draw because somehow J-- had convinced myself J--f J-- J--nvented a rose-tinted world J-- could delude myself J--nto existing J--n J--t longer than J-- wanted well yeah, his death fucked me up, J--t made me go outside and see reality and yeah, J-- fucking saw the truth and J--t was anything but pretty. 

The thing with bulgesuckers like you, you said you’re against J--mperials and the same shiteaters J--’ve seen spew your bullshit many times before J--s that you’re exactly the same as them. Your words are J--ust propaganda to brainwash people to step J--nto a mass produced grave.  

And yeah, asswipes like you are the reason WHY my J--ob J--s as demanding as J--t J--s. The only souls that erect from the grave are those who fell J--nto the trickery of eating poetry up off the plate and whatever the fuck else you say to people. 

Don’t you dare tell me what the fuck to do, or act like you know fuck all about me or my life. J-- don’t care who the fuck you are, but J--’m clearly talking to a deluded pied piper. 


J–f J–t’s not the sound of drilling doing my head J–n, J–t’s my boss banging on about chasing up developments and J–f J–t’s neither, then J–t’s the stupid lost J–n the sauce bulgehead.

Ah. My bad, i’ll turn the drill øff.

Yøu want me tø get søme ice før a cømpress?

No, J– don’t need to be grubbed. J–’ll J–ust go out and hunt. 

Økay i guess.

J--f the lost J--n the sauce guy tries anything again, kill him.


J-- came here to escape Zymeri, not to watch old people pda.

J--magine smothering yourself J--n grubsauce and hanging yourself like some weird fetish for everyone to see, and then using J--t as a profile picture to tell people half your age that they’re stuck up, when you’re the one with the hanging fetish. 

Sounds like you need a good old look at yourself, because a few perigees ago you were losing your mind on social media because you lost your barkbeast or something. Unlike you J-- don’t care to recall every detail about your life, but this obsession? You need a better hobby, old ma, you J--ust look mega sad. 

J--’d say ‘Good day’ too, like a running away coward but J--’m not you, and J--’m not actually a freakshow who takes cullbait photos. J--t feels J--llegal even talking to you.


J–f J–t’s not the sound of drilling doing my head J–n, J–t’s my boss banging on about chasing up developments and J–f J–t’s neither, then J–t’s the stupid lost J–n the sauce bulgehead.

Ah. My bad, i’ll turn the drill øff.

Yøu want me tø get søme ice før a cømpress?

No, J-- don’t need to be grubbed. J--’ll J--ust go out and hunt. 


J– came here to escape Zymeri, not to watch old people pda.

Then turn off your husktop and go spend time with him.

Someone’s lusus didn’t teach you how to read. Keyword J–s “escape”, not “engage”. Besides, we all liked J–t better when you were offline for how many perigees? Four or five. J– don’t know, because J– don’t care to remember you.

You know, you’re un-neededly snippy for someone who has two easily noticed quadrants filled.

Have you considered noise canceling headphones? Im sure…someone can make some for you.

At the same instance, i was more referring to spending time with one who’s more likely to ease your nerves and listwn to you, and given witnessed public interactions and mentions im sure you can figure out which of the two i meant by “him”

Seek comfort in familiar places, though tread not on fickle thoughts, as isolation is desolate as infinite nothingness. Easily able to swallow us all, as it is to enlighten through pure silence and own thought.

Wow! What horoscope did you grab that vague pile of crap from, Mystic Meg? That being said, J--nstead of being a pandead daywalker drooling at my profile for J--nformation about me, get a life! Lowbloods don’t have long to live, you know? And you’re wasting J--t being a creeper on Grublr.


J--f J--t’s not the sound of drilling doing my head J--n, J--t’s my boss banging on about chasing up developments and J--f J--t’s neither, then J--t’s the stupid lost J--n the sauce bulgehead.

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