
Parker/Knight, taking those baby steps

@parknights / parknights.tumblr.com

Sideblog dedicated to the NCIS ship of Alden Parker & Jess Knight, because their chemistry is too much fun to deny.

We're baaack~!

Did you miss all the Parknight posting? :3c

It's been a long while, but this blog does have some drafts in waiting...as well as new fanworks and other content coming! Starting tonight! 🎉 But, given how things are...kinda unsure regarding tumblr, this blog has been fully backed up on pillowfort. And, from 2024 on, posts here will go up simultaneously there, too!

If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reply to this post, send in an ask, or DM me! I am happy to answer~


@justtopostmyfic-blog - Tyvm, justto! Yeah, writing Roman, whether in this imagine or...any other time, is a lot of fun! 😆 Developing hcs for the Parker men or the Parker family at large is an interesting exercise, esp since, even with all the tidbits we've gotten about the Parkers, there is still so much we dunno about the family. 👀

Alden deffo becomes a bit more like his teen self with Roman around, tho... Not always great, but maybe not the worst thing? Esp since Jess can be as much of a hothead at times. X'D


Parknight imagines, miscellany 30: untamed

She's sure she's seen this scene play out a dozen times before.

In defense of his best friend. In his confusion over his ex-wife. In the tumult over his old flame popping up in the middle of a case. Whenever his blood family gets involved…and countless times, whenever they, his NCIS family, are on the line.

Knight's seen this unbridled fury of Parker's maybe a time too many, but—in a way—she understands it. She understands it, because there's a fiery part of her that wants to act first and think about the consequences later, too. They've got this in common.

Luckily for Parker, Knight has more practice at reining hers in, as well as seeing his spark to life, and she gets close but doesn't step between when Parker lunges for Agent Colfax. Colfax may be gloating (and being a huge jerk about it, given Torres' precarious situation), but he's not worth losing a badge over.

"Parker, Parker, hey, c'mon," she says, and her hands on his arm help still him, help keep him from doing something he wouldn't regret in the moment but would absolutely regret when Colfax took action. Knight leads Parker back to their car, turning him away from Colfax's sneer, telling Parker that they've got to get back to headquarters and follow up on what the FBI agent just spilled, to see if it's all legit.

They sit in the car for a minute, and Parker…maybe heard half of what she said. "…sorry," he mumbles, and he turns the engine over, although they sit there for another beat.

"Colfax is just someone who likes to get off on getting under people's skin." Knight studies his profile and, seeing his anger ebb in the way the lines of his face relax, she gives him a smile and risks a little humor. "…but I don't blame you. He does have a very punchable face."

He snorts. Just the one, but then Parker genuinely laughs and shakes his head. He glances at her, his own smile small, and he sighs. "I don't like others messing with my people." After a moment, Parker adds, "…I don't like the thought of them touching you."

Her breath hitches. Her brain says that's the collective "you" he means, the team "you"…but all the time she spends out in the field with Parker, all the moments where he chooses to lean on her when he claims he doesn't lean on anyone—that makes her skin flush, and Knight awkwardly nods, desperately trying to focus on the more important things at hand as they drive back to base.

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Parknight imagines, miscellany 29: carpooling

Parker's on his way to the bullpen from the break room, having snatched a tasty-looking donut someone brought in a quickly disappearing pack of dozen, when his phone buzzes. He balances coffee and pastry in one hand and fishes his phone out with the other to answer. "G'morning, Jess."

"Not a good morning," Knight hisses back. Odd. She's not one to dampen her temper when she feels it, but she sounds as though she's whispering right about now.

He quirks an eyebrow. "You just pull in? It's the last Monday of the month, so I thought—"

She laughs, darkly, her voice thin and unlike her. Parker can imagine her shooting a certain someone (thankfully, not him) a glare. "Yeah, but I think I'm just about done carpooling with McGee. If it means being roped into helping the Tech Trolls out of the blue…"

Now he furrows his brow, because that doesn't add up. McGee down in Cyber, amongst his kin? A perfect picture. But Knight? She speaks other languages, but computer isn't one of them. "Lemme see if I can swing by and steal you back. Gimme a few minutes."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alden…!" Knight exhales, and her usual cheeriness returns.

He might say "You're welcome" or "No problem" in normal circumstances, but—seeing as how he suspected Cyber's previous head was ready to clock out of the department and NCIS for good—Parker decides no comment is best here. Instead, he asks, "I take it this means, to lower the incidence of surprise, Carpool Mondays with McGee are off now?"

"For this and a handful of other reasons," she grumbles. But, a beat later, Knight adds, "Maybe…I should switch it up. Know anyone looking for some company in the morning ride to work?"

Parker can hear the smile in her voice, just as sure as she can hear the smirk in his. "What time tomorrow? Unless…you want to stick with Mondays."

"N-No. Tomorrow's good. Uh. Seven?"

"I'll pick you up then." And Knight disconnects first, but Parker rounds the corner to the bullpen, his coffee and donut in hand and—well, the donut turns out to be the second-best surprise of this morning.

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@justtopostmyfic-blog - Sry for the extremely late reply to this one from these old hcs, hon! >.< But I agree! Parknight getting any chance to be warm, cozy, and safe esp given what might come when s21 arrives tomorrow 🙃... I just want the bbs to be happy!!! 😭

I do like your line of thinking, tho~ Parker addicted to his screens, even tho he knows better... Knight prolly goes for either of two best ways to distract: midnight snack (actual sweets/pastries) or midKnight snack (sexy funtimes ofc).


Parknight imagines, miscellany 28: lost and found

They are absolutely screwed if they cannot find it in the office lost-and-found.

Well, technically, Knight knows, she's fine; her goose isn't cooked and neither is Torres' because they can keep track of their credentials. So can Parker, for that matter. But McGee? Was it Torres or Jimmy who mentioned this is the second…no, was it third?…time McGee's been in this exact same situation?

Either way, being down an agent, especially their most tech-savvy one, is really bad for the MCRT if the director learns of this, which is why Torres is outside, inconspicuously searching the parking lot; McGee is in the bullpen, checking every trashcan and desk drawer and nook and cranny a flashlight can reach; and Knight is in the back hallways, on the off chance someone wasn't thinking or didn't care enough to return McGee's creds to him directly. Hence, the lost-and-found box, around the corner from the vending machines.

Knight's never realized a lost-and-found box could be so full, though, especially for an agency full of investigators. Tired of sifting through cup cozies and bent letter openers, she picks up the box and upends it onto the floor. It's messy, sure, but it'll be much faster to search this way.

"Looking for something?"

She freezes, mid-crouch and mid-sort, because Parker cannot hide the amusement in his voice for the life of him in certain situations. Her cheeks flush for second, being caught, but then her face cools, imagining the penalty if McGee truly has lost his creds. "Um…"

Parker squats down on her right and appraises the lost-and-found box's offerings. "That is a lot of junk. Some fun knickknacks in here, though," he amends, picking up one of those souvenir pens with charms floating in water halfway up the barrel. He holds it out so Knight can see it's a King Kong-themed pen. Ah, makes sense for the Kong aficionado.

"Just—looking," Knight manages with a brief smile.

Parker quirks an eyebrow. He puts the pen down and reaches into his blazer's inner breast pocket, withdrawing a small, black, leather case. "Maybe looking for this?" he teases, flipping it open to reveal McGee's NCIS credentials.

The warmth rushes back to her cheeks, and Knight glances between him and the pile of belongings on the floor. "Where and when did you find it?"

"I noted you were all acting squirrely since first thing, and McGee doesn't freak out that wildly over any little thing, so." He shrugs. "I checked the obvious places not hit: men's room and break room. Found it maybe fifteen minutes ago stuck beside the fridge in the latter, easy enough to miss."

"Parker! Fifteen minutes ago?" She pulls a face. "You could've told us and stopped this already."

He shrugs. "Eh, Torres likes being outdoors, and McGee could stand to learn from this panic after misplacing his credentials yet again."

Knight shakes her head at him and brushes her hair back over her shoulder. She begins to collect the lost items back in the box. "As for me?" she prompts.

"As for you…" Parker smiles, that soft mischievous smile of his that makes his eyes crinkle, that reminds Knight that he's got a side to him she's pretty certain only she gets to see. "I heard the clamor back here. Thought you could use some help."

Knight eyes him, hearing amusement in his tone again. Nevertheless, she's happy to have his help—and his company—as a quiet highlight for an already chaotic day.

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36 Hours

Just when I thought I was out of this universe, a missing moment pulls me back in. ;P *Note: This is set in my “20 Winks” universe and is set during the events described in the oneshot, “What’s Yours Is Mine, What’s Mine Is Yours,” but this can be enjoyed on its own~ I just highly rec reading the previously published stories first for major feels. :3c

Fic: “36 Hours” [FFN] [AO3]

Pairings/Characters: Tom Dalton, Timothy McGee, & implied Alden Parker/Jess Knight (so please tag with Parknight, ty~ c:), with cameos from Nick Torres, Ronnie Tyler, & Dale Sawyer, as well as a background OC

Rating: light T

Words: ~4,710

Additional info: suspense, friendship, romance, 3rd person POV

Summary: Disgraced former Special Agent Tom Dalton has some visitors, but it’s the one who has nothing to say that frightens him. -—Or, McGee and Parker question an imprisoned suspect, and McGee leaves with more questions than before.

      Dalton had come to appreciate exercise more behind bars. He’d been fit enough, during his days as an NCIS REACT Agent, and less so once he’d become Supervisory Special Agent. But being behind bars had robbed him of distractions that once kept him from focusing on his physique.

      Not to mention being in prison meant he couldn’t enjoy his cigarettes the way he had, long ago, atop the roof of NCIS headquarters. No, cigarettes were currency, and he couldn’t acquire them like a free man. Dalton had to be careful when he had them, and he risked a smoke only when he absolutely needed it.



hii Mew @parknights : whumpy h/c casual imagines!

"boy, man, baby" (parker/jess + dad roman) Parker gets seizures, not graphic. And later he tries to vomit but can't, so no puke described.

Pp is lying in a hospital bed in a fetal position, he was admitted after he got knocked out by real toxin gas. Jess escaped unscathed and has just arrived at his bedside where he's mostly conscious now. ...

"I feel weird." Parker whines twice within a few minutes.

"Weird how, cub?" Jess asks him after the second time, sounding very worried and a little exasperated. Everything looked normal on the monitors.


The Secret


Jessica Knight x Alden Parker

Summary: Together again


It passed two days after Parker’s escape, but for Jessica, it seemed like a million years. Her children kept asking for their dad, and director Sweeney began to suspect her and Parker’s marriage. All was awful.

“Mommy, look! I made this for daddy. Do you think he will like it?” Ayse told her.

“Oh my baby girl, I’m pretty sure your daddy’s gonna like it,” she smiled at her daughter, “Even more because you made it,” she winked.

“I’m pretty sure that daddy’s ok, and he will be by your side soon,” Jessica tried to sound optimistic.

But in reality, she didn’t know if that was true, but she wanted it to be. The team and Parker hadn’t made much progress in the investigation but were optimistic, at least, she was. She started to look further into her husband’s old job, and she finally found something.

A hacker called Maxwell knew about The Raven, and even if he refused to help them, she knew that Parker had something planned.

Meanwhile, her kids hadn’t stopped talking about their dad. They missed him a lot.

“Mommy, will daddy be here for my first school day? He promised me he isn’t leaving me alone,” Ayse cried.

“Mommy, is the bad guy chasing daddy found?” asked Matteo.

“Mommy, do you believe that daddy is a bad person?” asked Selim.

“Why do you ask that, honey?” Jessica asked, confused about that particular question.

“There is this boy in my school, he is one year older, and his dad works for the FBI like daddy used to, and he says daddy is a bad person because he killed someone,” 

“What? No, no! Honey, that’s not true, your daddy hasn’t killed someone. The truth is that the bad man, who is chasing daddy, killed his ex-partner in the FBI and now everybody says that is your dad’s fault, but it isn’t,” she tried to explain. She was shocked to hear that. She knew children could be ruthless but not that cruel.

“Is he a bad person?” asked Ayse.

“No, no, honey, no, daddy isn’t a bad person, he just… He’s isn’t in his best moment right now,”

“Jess,” McGee called her.

“Just a minute, my loves,” she told her kids, “Is everything OK? Have you heard from Parker? Is he ok?”

“He’s ok. We have a plan,”

Jessica left the kids with Kassie and reunited with ther team. Among them was Parker… and his ex-wife. No, she wasn’t jealous, but she didn’t know what to think. 

They were in the prison that Maxwell calls home. That was the plan: use him as bait. But it didn’t happen as planned. Sweeney came for Parker in the middle of the road, and The Raven’s people came for Maxwell, too. There was a shooting, and Vivian got shot, and Parker didn’t move by her side, not even to say “hello” to her. That was the first time Jessica felt jealous in her eight years of marriage. 

Not much longer, she was on a flight to Hawai’i with Jane Tennant, Ernie and Nick. She only said goodbye to her children and left. Parker was still with Vivian. There wasn’t a “goodbye, love”, or “good luck,” or even a “take care, I love you,” No. It was only Parker’s boss mode telling orders and orders. Although she wasn’t so happy with that, she didn’t flinch, but deep her, she only wanted to hit him in the face. They were going to talk once she got home. 

Fourthly, they captured The Raven, and after a little celebration in Hawai’i, Jessica was back in D.C. with her children waiting for her at the airport. 

“Mommy, I missed you so much,” Selim hugged her.

“Daddy said that you were going to be back yesterday,” said Matteo.

“I was, but we had problems with the flight, but I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere for a long time,”

After hugging her children, she caught Parker’s glance. He was smiling, happy to see her again. 

“I missed you, too,” he told her.

“It didn’t seem like that,” she replied jealously.

“Are you saying this because of what happened with Vivian?” he asked with a little smirk.

“Maybe. I’m your wife and the mother of your three children, but I didn’t get a “Hi”, she accused him.

“I love when you’re jealous,” he smiled.

“I hate you,”

“I’m sorry. I love you so much, my queen,” he hugged her and whispered in her ears.

“I love you, too, Alden,”

“Can we go home now?” Selim asked.

“No! I want a hamburger! Daddy promised me to have one!” said Ayse with her arms on her hips.

Parker and Knight laughed and decided to fulfill their daughter’s wish. On the way home, Jess took her husband’s hand and smiled. Finally, they were together again.


@justtopostmyfic-blog - don't mind me, replying to your comments in reverse order, i'm waaay behind on things For Reasons 🙃

I'm rly happy you enjoyed the recent imagine! *lol* I linked "Ripples" there since there are allusions, altho it's not technically set in the same universe...but it can be, if you want it to be! 😉 this mew honestly is just melting and summer has barely begun hALP

Can you imagine, tho. If not only mermaid!Knight...but merman!Parker? 😎 my gods, a merman who hates water the HORRORS XD



Parknight imagines, miscellany 27: cooldown

The over-the-top temps at the start of the season were a warning. Now, they're barely a month into summer and dealing with…the second? third? heatwave in the D.C. area, and air conditioners are giving up the ghost left and right.

"I think I'd give anything to live in Antarctica right now. Or the Arctic," Jess grouses as she stands in front of his open fridge and closes her eyes. Ahhh, the blast of cold feels so nice…!

"Or maybe live down in Autopsy," Alden quips, coming into the kitchen and joining her. He's close but thankfully not touching as he leans against the opposite side of the fridge.

Jess squints at him and snorts at the smidge of gallows humor. But what catches her eye more is Alden's peachy hue…he looks redder than usual, and it worries her, because everyone's sweating in this heat, but Alden— "All right, switch places with me."

He quirks one lazy eyebrow but obliges, any gripe about his power bill or the contents of his fridge spoiling dying on his tongue. Alden watches her walk backwards out of the kitchen with a secret smile for him, but then he loses track of her around the corner when she disappears down the hall.

Jess heads for the bathroom and leaves the door wide open. She eyes his tub—a clawfoot piece, because his place is a mix of modern and antique…a surprising mix just like him—and turns the spigot to the right, watching the water rush in at full blast. Jess sticks her hand under the cascade, and it's tepidly cool at first, but it chills the longer it runs. Thank goodness, she thinks.

"So this is where you wandered off to," Alden remarks behind her.

She turns to find him leaning against the doorjamb. He's still red, so Jess grabs a washcloth, dips it in the water, and beckons him inside, where she starts to dab at his brow. When he sighs against her touch, she relaxes in the slightest. "We both need to cool off, Alden. C'mon. We can make the day of it. Grab the rest of the Rocky Road you have in the freezer. Prop your tablet against the towel bar and binge a season of—anything, really."

He leans into her touch but settles her with a heavy-lidded, skeptical stare. "…spend the entire day in a cold tub?"

"The entire day with me," she reminds him, handing him the washcloth. With her hands free, Jess smiles and pulls her thin t-shirt up over her head, the shirt briefly catching on her knotted hair before her bun pops free with a bounce. Then she hooks a thumb in the waistband of her sleep shorts and undies and a finger in the waistband of his boxers.

Alden snorts. "Lounging like a pair of mermaids," he says, but he takes half a step closer to her to kiss her and another step as she walks them backwards, closer towards the tub.

"Only if lounging is the only thing you have in mind," she retorts against his lips, and she laughs as Alden shows her just how enthusiastic he is about her plans for the rest of this previously unbearable day off.

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