
Mulch Gang!

@cupidsb0ws / cupidsb0ws.tumblr.com

reese|22 minors dont follow terfs die by my hand

Reese • 22 • any pronouns werewolf

more about me here

pronouns page here

I like a multitude of things, and this blog is NOT spoiler free ! Things are usually tagged if its a fandom, but pls tread with caution.

As always, terfs die and minors please don't follow me.

Aside from that, feel free to dm me! I love making friends !!!


hey! you shouldnt make jokes calling cis people eggs, especially when they are real living breathing human beings with intelligent thought and critical thinking. if you do, you're weird and i think you should consider the effect your words more often, because as someone who was a very public facing cis person who had a lot of Egg jokes made about me before transitioning, it still makes me fucking sick to think about. it fucked me up so bad that i refused to transition until i quit my job and wasnt under the eyes of people making bets on my psychology. how dare you fucking speak down to me regarding my own identity. how dare you fucking claim to know me better than i know myself.

it is not the privilege of trans people to have their stated gender identity believed, nor is it a sin of cis people to acknowledge their option to transition and still remain cis. make egg jokes about fictional characters, fine. but accusing a stranger of not being the gender they claim to be is not something you get to reclaim when you're trans.

and no, i don't feel better about these jokes now that im out. you dont get to say "i knew it". that is the same exact thing, just played out retroactively.


you heard me say "don't make egg jokes to people who arent out" (a very specific direct action) and decided i meant "don't ever try to help your friends who might be struggling with their gender identity" (a very broad passive action).

damn. damn it is really sad that you want me to be wrong that bad. that you decided that's what i said.


Why are you feeling so down lately


Spring showers bring bad times and blue foul moods i gues and i trie to use my laser to yeah i admit i was i wanted to show off in front of a bunch of people and the lazer disdnt turn on realy it just spark a little bit which also made my chest hurt a lot which w whi was big for me well big pain because ive been having heeartburn to latetly because i not been etaing right at all and when i e eat sometimes it is moldy with tons of trash on i t

And it reminded me of when no one liked me especially when mavado walking around a lot more now and randomyl challenge me to wrestling and i think ok im a good wrestler betre than him so we go by wrestling rules for this challenge right so id ont expect when it when theres exploding Proximity Mines or he jumped on my he ad with spiky boots which i think been fucking up my brain bad too

So yeah my tehcnolodfy not working good and im not even a good wrestler i think even though i try really hard and my organs been not working good and my mind not been working good making ti even harder to find companionship which is never going to happen for me


Maybe you can try eating something less moldy

What u got for me


slightly parallel universe where tumblr allows alphabets from other languages to be used in peoples urls, so 2012 bloggers used katakana phonetically to shorten their ridiculously long fandom urls that contained every single ship theyve ever loved so that the whole goddamn thing could actually fit onscreen. a few users started using khmer and sinhala and other alphabets that are hard for monolingual english speakers to parse solely so it would be difficult for most tumblr users to @ them and/or track them down to block. this lead to discourse blogs demanding that people post selfies to "prove" that they arent using arabic for "nefarious purposes" and saying blatantly racist shit like "i block people using sanskrit on sight" or "can you claim ancestral reasons for using ge'ez?". someone gets called out for race-faking because they use chinese but their icon is a white woman, who turns out to just be a fictional character that they like, and they actually are chinese. several prominent and terminally online leftist blogs make bizarre claims about how using alphabets they dont know is basically the exact same thing as paywalls on academic articles because its "hiding information from people who cant afford college". it all culminates in staff making a meme that reeks of "how do you do fellow kids" vibes about how only cyberbullies use bangla, which is widely condemned by literally everyone as being racist as hell, and any further alphabet discourse from then on is shot down hard by merely posting tumblrstaffbangla.jpeg




I went to Mad At You Island and there was this really old mean communist guy there with a really old gun, also some weird fucking bug, yeah


Being on your phone in bed at home during your free time: this sucks I'm wasting my life away what am I doing

Being on your phone at work:

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