
cersei lannister will eat your heirs

@kataraswt / kataraswt.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Where does the idea of Jean Grey being angry come from? I always seen her as reserved and collected. The moments where she was angry were imo justified and valid.

When I talk about Jean being angry, I'm trying to 1) add flaws back to her character, to keep her from being one-dimensional and perfect and 2) explain the Dark Phoenix Saga in the way that makes the most sense to me, which is the idea of repression.

I think Jean often is collected, especially around new people, but I think that's because she's repressing a lot of her emotions, including her anger.

We see her express anger some in Claremont:

In X-Factor, where Jean (like everyone else) is having a quarter life crisis and is pretty emotionally unstable, it comes out a lot. In scenes like this one:

and this one:

And though she mostly settles down by the end of the run, more confident in herself and in her relationship and her team and its goals, we do get some good angry!Jean in the nineties:

And then this one, where it's harder for me to put a name to the emotion, but I think it's anger. Righteous anger, maybe, but still. Anger.

(Lobdell Jean my incredibly preachy beloved <3)

And then the famous confrontation between Emma and Jean in Morrison's run:

Morrison and I have our differences on Jean characterization (bc they are incredibly stupidly wrong and I am always right, of course) but I feel like a reading of this scene as an extension of Jean's rage is possible. It feels a bit like the earlier confrontation with Psylocke.

I guess the question for me isn't whether these moments are justified, but more 1) What is it that triggers Jean's anger? and 2) How easy is it to trigger?

A lot of the time it's Scott or Scott-related, frequently it's injustice, and with the Logan one, well, maybe Logan just sucks to be around. How easy it is to set her off depends greatly on the era -- Claremont's Jean is more composed than Simonson's. Taylor's Jean is never ever angry, because Taylor is boring. So it depends, but I think you can say that she's easier to set off than some people (like Taylor, or maybe Duggan) would write her as being.


"In addition to the Batchers, now scattered following the events of Season 2, the trailer includes some new creatures and familiar faces, including Wanda Sykes’ Phee, and ends with the shocking appearance of fan favorite Sith-apprentice-turned-free-agent Asajj Ventress. “We love Asajj Ventress. She’s a character that we’ve been wanting to tell more stories about,” Brad Rau, supervising director and one of the executive producers of the series, tells StarWars.com. And he makes clear that her return will honor prior tales, including the book in which the character apparently perished. “We don't want to spoil anything, but want fans to know that any new storytelling with Ventress will align with the events of Star Wars: Dark Disciple.” [starwars.com]


padme, preserved

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reading comics from the 80s and 90s and early aughts….. comics that were genuinely revolutionary in what they were able to portray…. make me so fucking sad. i think about kim yale and john ostrander and mark waid and kelley puckett and all the other writers who fought against editorialised regression for the characters that they loved, for characters they knew were important and where those same characters are now

oracle year one is a devastating time capsule. look at where babs is in 2023 vs where she was in 1996. think about how she was clawed back from the killing joke into something so important to disabled readers because comic writers looked at her and knew she was so much more. bro im bawling


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