
[yelling at roomba] BRING IT ON ASSHOLE!!!

@fucktheflagandfuckyou / fucktheflagandfuckyou.tumblr.com

Jules. West Coast 161 Crew. Vocalist and guitarist for a band called Easy Fix. We like to throw down. She//They. Post-Left. Anarchist. Antifascist. Anti-everything.

fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap



People who think rap is ONLY about sex/wealth/violence have never stopped to consider that rap branches out into a hundred different subgenres. I basically solely listen to metal and "emo" music covers and anime/video game songs and let me tell you I absolutely still have rap in my playlists.

Give this a listen and tell me that rap isn't beautiful and inspiring. Your problem isn't with rap as a medium it's with a certain tone and you can very easily find an artist you actually vibe with. Don't read into the bad propaganda doled out by people who don't know better. It's like saying metal is ONLY about being angry and rock is ONLY about drugs and country is ONLY about loving America. It's only true if you go out of your way to be a music snob.


i think if you can only handle rap music made by white people about anime and video games this post is still making fun of you




Always gotta laugh when radfem trans guys get brought up as a gotcha like they don’t make up more of my blocklist than anyone else. (And as if I don’t explicitly talk about and challenge them constantly)

Only, when they say radfem trans guys they either mean 1. run of the mill anti-feminist trans/misogynists or 2. trans men defending themselves and not like…the trans men/mascs who spend all their free time attacking other trans men/transmascs and accusing anyone who defends them of being trans men (excuse me, TMEs), and calling trans men whiny theyfabs, and harassing freshly-out trans guys about how inherently misogynistic they must be, and constantly pushing gender essentialism. Like yeah, there ARE trans guy radfems and you reblog from them and call them “allies”

TERF trans men: trans women are bad cause theyre born male!

Everyone, correctly: boooo you’re a transphobe!

Radfem trans men: trans men are bad cause we chose to be men…who are bad

People for some reason: omg yes! A man who understands. Thank you king! 🙏


I must not mock Gen Alpha. Mocking Gen Alpha is the mind killer. Mocking Gen Alpha is the little-death that brings total generational solidarity obliteration. I will engage with Gen Alpha lovingly. I will permit them to be cringe. And when they grow up I will turn my eye to their accomplishments. Where mocking has gone there will be nothing. Only generational solidarity remains


the catholic church just called and said the 7 deadly sins are now gooning, price gouging, FOMO, binge watching, ragebait, mukbangs, and reaction videos with just someone in the corner pointing at the content and nodding along


Funny how a little beef between drake and kendrick and suddenly it’s all anyone is talking about and so everyone has just forgotten that young thug is currently in possession of an ancient staff of unknown power


Every Ben-Gurion quote is like "Settler Colonialism, which I think is extremely cool, is essential to the Zionist project."

Ben Gurion voice: "If we have to commit genocide to be settler colonialists, so be it."

Oh yeah. For those that don't know. David Ben Gurion was the founder and first prime minister of Israel.

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