
Send help. Or nachos

@rbnhood / rbnhood.tumblr.com

Ask about my online dating profile. Otherwise: stuff and things. Cosplay things. Comic things. Art things. Other things.

A little continuation in my Gabriella lives au that already happened here and here.

So my another little headcanon, besides that Miguel is awkwardly attempting here to sorta adopt Gwen and is trying to figure out how to convince her to go back to school, is the night routine.

So Miguel (who read too many parenting guides* to catch up quickly and not fuck up this precious child) strongly believes in leading by example. So since he wants Gabriella to have good sleeping habits after her nightly routine he also goes to sleep at sensible hour. But he can't sleep through whole night so when he wakes up at ungodly hour he does some light work not to wake up her.

Then he prepares breakfast and bento (he totally had to learn to cook, you can't convince me otherwise) and with time he started having a little fun with it and then it became kinda hobby. It helps him wind down so that after he sends Gabriella to school he is actually able to take an extra 1-2 hour nap.

(* as in parenting guides for child of Gabriella age, totally clueless what to do with a traumatized teenager but after the denial he probably will do the homework)


also the version without speech bubbles has already been posted on the boop! day ;)

Bringing this back to bump up this very important pool and also deal everybody some psychic damage ;P

(also Wade is not up to tumblr lore. the bear thing was miss officer and mr truffles ;P)


aaaaaaaaaand Yori!

Reblog of my older art that was accepted to be a part of Always: A Cindy Morgan Zine organized by @cindymorganzine that is available now while the collected donations go to Girls Who Code charity!

old wip is here this one was fun one because as far as I remember it was almost entirely (except some black lineart for the face and white lined in rapidograph in I also love because it’s so pigmented) made with Waterman black fountainpen ink. It’s a cheap one and I love it because as you can see it shows so may colors when watered down 💙💙💙💙


and a last batch of doodles just with Miguelito


Lol. Petvengers just got 5k recently and now here half a milion o.o I like this tumblr feature. And for like 13 years on this hellsite and me not being really that active since its an art blog it's a lot like a LOT-lot!!!!!

So thank you! Im happy to have brought so much enjoyment with my mostly silly drawings :3

I have no idea how much of the old followers are still around really but if anyone new is interested the bigger fandoms I've been in are tron, supernatural, mcu, atla / lok and now spiderverse. So if any of that sounds fun, please feel deeply encouraged to take a deep dive into archives! ;)


Well it's law of nature that the tinier (and cuter?) things are the more venomous they get. So it's only totally logical that Miguel's venom beats the actual Venom whose venomousness is questionable ;P

Sorry for another month of radio silence. Things been happening.

Good news I'm ok and with free time now (hopefully not too long, I'm looking for new job) I'm planning to finally move my ass and update the archives here.


Greetings, programs! The Always zine is out now on our itch.io page!

Donations are not required to download the zine, but any amount is greatly appreciated. All contributions will be donated to Girls Who Code in Cindy Morgan’s name.

Thank you so much to everyone who supported this project, whether you sent in a piece or helped spread the word. We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of love you’ve shown for Cindy, and this zine would not be possible without you. We hope you love the final product as much as we do. 💙



Another AO3 app that's pretending to be official when it's not (or at least isn't making it clear its unofficial.) They're using AO3's name and logo, and embedding ads.

There is no official AO3 app

Someone else is gathering your data, potentially your log in information etc and making use of it how they please. (They say they're not but their privacy policy says otherwise)

They are making money from the ads without the fic writer's consent.

They've also rated it Pegi 3 (which is ludicrous)

Please, even if you care about nothing else, for the safety of your data, please don't use this app. Certainly don't give it your AO3 log in details.

I've told AO3 that it's infringing on its copyright. I will be requesting they remove access of my work as I do not consent to my creative content being used to generate ad revenue for them.

I will be reporting it as incorrectly rated.

The only email address I can find is Narusta@gmail.com which is included in their privacy policy, and boboxway13@gmail.com as their developer.

AO3 has no app, and will not have an app.

The site is designed to work well in mobile browsers, and if you have an account and log in, you can subscribe to works (and authors!), you can bookmark work (and leave notes to yourself in your bookmark about what chapter you were on), and you can mark a work as "Mark for Later" so you can find it later when you have time to read. You can even choose a site skin and have it work whenever you sign into your account, whether you're on mobile or at a computer.

If you don't have an account, they're easy to get. You can either sign up and wait the few days until they get to you, or someone who already has an account can send you an invitation (I have several and am willing to send mine out to people who ask).


Greetings, programs! We could not be more excited to announce our full contributor list for the Always zine! The final zine will contain more than 40 works from 25 creators.

For links (and easier readability), view the full contributor list below the readmore.

More announcements to come soon! Thank you!


It's been a while for me since I've been active in this fandom and I'm so grateful @portalpanda reached out to let me know about this amazing initiative💙💙💙 and now I'm in such a nice company! Some names I remember from back in the day, some I'm excited to check out :)

And if you consider supporting this charity zine I'm so proud to say thanks to them I was able to finish one of my forever (like literally years) wip and I'll tease you with it soon enough ;3

Anonymous asked:

What’s boops? How to have it?? I’m so confused

Oh it's tumblr awesome prank :)

It's easy to turn it on mobile. Go to your main blog and edit the badges (or the graphic design in general)

Sorry my dashboard is in polish but I think graphic will be handy anyway.

1. Click what looks like checkbox. Surprise it isn't actually an checkbox! It creates a drop down menu so please remember choose the 1 option (I guess it's usefully if you are given a lot of gifted badges and you want to keep your profile usable)

Then it's very important to click 2 - save.

Enabling those badges gives everybody option to boop you :3

Though there is probably option to turn it on without badges? Idk I fumbled around all the settings to get boops first thing in the morning and I wasn't super awake thanks to the daylight saving time lol

Anyway. Boop away!


Do you have a booping permit yet???!!!!

with such a cute face you don't need a permit ;P


Fun fact: All of Gwenpool's properly spelled fucks were given to Miguel as a reparations for dealing with Deadpool.

(also shock is stupid, I'm strongly on team let him say fuck ;P)

Sorry for the long delay on everything. We were finishing big work project so I've been bit busy but in free time I was finishing one of my forever wips for the @cindymorganzine and I'm very proud of it but the big reveal will come with time ;)

But as for this comic [first part is here] then [there is bonus drawing with Jeff in his 99 napping glory] and there is obviously [the clear first panel] that was originally posted 2 months ago >.< [and it's sketch]


My headcanon is that since Miguel's lab is like the darkest and quietest part of the HQ it kinda doubles as best communal napping spot.

It makes it really hard to be all brooding when spider-werewolf-man is snoring in the background XD cue the silly platform.

is it a cheap joke? yes

had I have to do it? no but actually yes XD

cuz those dumb jokes are actually capable to fight their way through and make me draw more

Since it's been quite a long time a reminder of a first part for a new comic I've just posted ;)

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