@girlcored /

emma || 19 || she/they

posting: everything i've held a long term interest in (m*a*s*h, star trek, stardew valley, the sims 4). you know the drill.

I'm like if a girl was core . you can call me emma or soojin (수진). i am actually half korean, not a kpop stan. but i do enjoy kpop. i study compsci at college.

mutuals always feel free to dm for discord!!

if you are my roommate: leave


i NEED the cliff chiang variant for the boy wonder. i loveee cliff chiang




ok I'm going to catch up on nightwing comics I'll let you know how it goes

just sort of skimmed the annual bc i'm here for dick above all else. in retrospect bea being involved with spyral should have been a plot point the whole time lmao?? was this totally a retcon because i DO NOT remember this . also i've never read ric grayson bc. erm. well that was what caused me to stop reading comics for a while . SORRY

tom taylor gets a lot of shit for being the worst comic writer ever but he's just sort of a lib without a lot going on. at worst he's boring. sometimes his inner dialogue feels like he's read one too many tumblr fandom posts ?? i don't like how it feels when bruce directly acknowledges dick as his son. i DO however really enjoy the way bruce will continually put himself down, even in his own head, to celebrate dick's accomplishments like it is very #Dad. however i'm not entirely sure if tom taylor himself is even aware of this dynamic because everything he ever writes is so completely earnest that it kind of takes me out of it for a second. does this make sense .

good robin/bad robin is actually SOOOO fucking funny. do tim and damian still have the rivalry bullshit going on because i like to imagine they pretend to hate each other until it's time to do shenanigans (vigilante torture) together

dick's love language IS acts of service but i don't think we should just accept that his birthday gift is "helping others" IDKKK that just feels like a little too much. again it's just too much and it takes me out of the story LMAO


ok I'm going to catch up on nightwing comics I'll let you know how it goes


Needless to say, I am HORRIFIED.

‘All that you need to know about boars can be summed up in the fact that if you wish to hunt them, you must have a specially made boar spear. This spear has a crosspiece on it to prevent the boar from charging the length of the spear, driving it all the way through his own body, to savage the human holding the other end.’

-Boar and Apples, T. Kingfisher

fuck OFF

Note that pigs are also HUGE. So, yes, they ARE slightly larger pigs.

So I grew up in the city and have never seen a pig in real life and I just googled it and WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS

I thought they were like labrador sized, like, fat labradors, not mini-cows.

every time I see this post there are more people discovering how fuck off huge pigs actually are and I love it I thought this was a thing everyone knew but clearly not and I’m laughing 

This is me with our Tamworth boar, a heritage breed closer to their wild cousins than the Yorkshire above. I am a fully grown, average sized human. He was a gentle sweetie who, sadly, is no longer with us. His name was Mr. Big. 



Forever laffin’ at people who don’t understand how enormous, terrifying, and tenacious wild boar are. 

They’re like if bears had knives protruding from their closed mouths and Didn’t Know When To Quit. Their survival instincts when they’re wounded aren’t “run away and minimize injury” it’s “take the thing that hurt you down with you” They also make sounds like someone crossed a pig with an alligator.

Their head and neck alone can be like the size of an entire human torso.

Also forever laffin’ at people who think pigs are tiny, ‘cause we designed those things can get in the neighbourhood of a thousand pounds in ideal circumstances. 

It’s like when people assume Tuna must be small because they’ve only ever experienced them in hockey puck form.


Like seriously why the fuck y'all think everyone FREAKED THE HELL OUT when Dorothy fell into the pig pen in Wizard of Oz? It’s because pigs are HUGE and weigh a shitton and would crush her in an instant.

also dont they eat like, basically anything?

YUP. Pigs will eat people, if given the chance. They dgaf.

That’s why boar hunters use a team of very tenacious dogs to hold the boar so they can be speared without fucking you up. The dogs wear body armour. 

I’ve heard stories of people shooting boars, and if it didn’t kill them, it just pissed them off. 

how the hell did we ever domesticate these things?


…“how the hell did we ever domesticate these things?

Very carefully, I would imagine.

WIld boar babies are rather cute, like living humbugs…

…but the adults and their ferocity have been associated with warriors for thousands of years, from Mycenaean Greece (a helmet made from sections of boar tusk)…

…through Celtic Europe (reconstructed carnyx war-horns and standards)…

…Ancient Rome (the crest of Legion 20 “Valeria Victrix”). A couple more legions also used a boar as their crest - I wonder did they squabble over which was the “right” one the way a couple of Swiss cantons had a little war over whose bear was best…?

…then Anglo-Saxon and pre-Viking helmet crests…

…right up to the late Middle Ages (here the white boar badge of Richard Duke of Gloucester, later Richard III of England)…

…and the blue boar badge of the Earl of Oxford, more usually represented by the De Vere arms, quarterly gules and or, in the first a molet argent.

After Richard was defeated at Bosworth in 1485, there was a run on blue paint as inn-signs were changed to reflect new loyalties since Oxford was on the winning side…

It gets mentioned in the movie “Snatch”, the book/movie “Hannibal” and the webcomic “Lackadaisy Cats”, among numerous other fictional sources, and IRL it’s suspected to be the reason why numerous missing persons have stayed missing.

More here (another comment to this same OP) and here (slightly different).

Here’s some boar-hunting armour for dogs, ancient…

…and modern…

…and the modern one looks very like a simple style of ancient…


So when Odysseus’s old nurse recognizes him by the scar he got from the boar-tusk slash that almost killed him… now you get the resonance.


This post…it just really went places on me.

i feel like we didn’t spend long enough on the tuna


people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333

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