
Wait, What?


You can call me D! I’m 25 and use she/her. I like Star Wars, musicals, and stranger things. I'm a bit shy but if you want to come talk to me feel free

I might've added the BG3 Art Book to my dnd assets stash

It' 100% does not have things like the 5e players' handbook + 5e’s character sheet, several gm guides, critical role's explorer's guide to wildmount, baldur's gate and waterdeep city encounters, 101 potions and their effects, volo's guide to monsters, both of xanathar's guides, a bunch of other encounters, one shots, and class builds

In no way are there any pdf’s relating to any wizard who may or may not be residing on any coast

(Edit that I’ve moved the folder to the new link above! So if you catch a different version of this post that link won’t work anymore!)


I HATEEEE the term “my Roman Empire” bc it’s like a term that’s grown from a meme about how “men think about the Roman Empire while girls think about Girl Things teehee!” Can we just go back to calling it “my white whale”. Bc THAT comes from captain ahab a man whom we can all relate to.


i miss when someone would post an image and then another person would reblog from them with seemingly the same image but there was a lucky luciano hidden in there somewhere. and you spent 5 minutes looking for it. do you remember how we used to play


I know that’s kind of the go-to thing to show that a vampire character is “one of the good ones” or whatever but it actually seems a little bit more fucked up for a vampire to steal blood from a blood bank than for a vampire to attack people for blood, at least as long as it’s not the kind of vampire where a bite is instantly lethal like it never stops bleeding. 

People can recover from losing some blood but blood bank blood is constantly in short supply and is reserved for people who imminently need blood transfusion of a specific blood type or else they die.

I also hate the “I can just substitute human blood with animal blood” like the whole idea of vampirism sort of hinges on the fact the only thing you can feed off of are humans.

YOU get it

Once you start having vampires subsist on animals, well, like, so do humans. In fact the average human probably eats more animals per year than most of the animal-blood-drinking vampires I’ve seen depicted.

That’s not a vampire, all you’ve written is an immortal superhuman who subsists on…food, even if it’s a bit undercooked. That’s a fucking elf.

Some of y’all’s ideas of other options for “ethical” vampires is insane.

“Ethical vampires should feed on criminals.” So it is ethical for a person to get death penalty without trial and/or to be literally consumed by other citizens as punishment for a crime? That’s the prison-industrial complex.


Ok so I have thought about this extensively. I have come up with a solution to the ethical vampire dilemma that covers pretty much all the bases.

How do you get blood from a human source consensually, without attracting negative attention?

Trendy high end spa.

Advertise a revitalizing blood detox facial. Spas are always doing these kinds of wacky treatments. It’s gimmicky and attention grabbing enough to draw in the upper class. Vampire gets daily blood, and the “victims” pay large amounts of money to give it to them. Spa is highly praised for its luxurious and unique services and draws in more customers

I am certain this would work

“i have come up with an ethical solution: a healthcare scam that steals people’s blood”


somewhere in an alternate 1985 two other future besties meet


i haven't posted any of my full color stuff cause my camera doesn't pick it up too well, but this was fun


​i wish this was in my cart and not someone else’s

you can just take it from their cart. its not their possession if they haven't bought it yet

if i were thrift shopping and you put your hands into my cart to take a unique handpicked item i was intending to purchase i would break your legs


sometimes the best fanfics are written by middle aged adults with years of writing experience who simply know how to craft a good story. but also sometimes the best fanfics are written by a sixteen year old girl with something deeply wrong with her

#fandoms need both



trade secret, the middle aged adults with years of writing experience are just the sixteen year old girl with something deeply wrong with her but all grown up


instead of identifying with a sexuality label which will inevitably always be a vague generalisation, i will release a continuously updated smash or pass list of every being on earth so you'll never be in doubt


Steve Rogers leaves dishes in the sink.

In 1938, Bucky Barnes comes home from a long day at the docks and looks down at a full sink. He directs a halfhearted glare in the direction of the small lump doodling something at the kitchen table. “Goddamnit, Steve. Dishes.”

In 2016, Steve Rogers rubs his face and drags himself into the kitchen before heading out to search the city — the cooling trail — again. He drops his plate into the sink. There’s already some other things in there. He’ll get to them later, probably. When he has time. It doesn’t really matter.

He turns to go.

The shadow behind the refrigerator shifts slightly, and the Winter Soldier hoarsely whispers, “I swear to God, Steve, there’s a fucking machine for it right there.” 


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