
Spookiest Bi

@magikarrot / magikarrot.tumblr.com

Hey, nice to meet you. 28, Non-binary(but whatever pronouns idk), bisexual. I kinda just reblog whatever interests me thats on my Dash. If you'd like something tagged, please let me know.

/r/falloutlore is probably the worst subreddit because every discussion there is like, the opposite of worldbuilding. It’s worldunbuilding. There was a post that was like “how do wastelanders know how old they are?” and all the responses were something along the lines of “well The Lore never explicitly states that people use calendars, so most rural [read: uneducated] wastelanders probably have no idea what year it is or how old they are. The ones who have computers know everything perfectly because computers have internal clocks :)”. 

Like, ignoring how insanely and disgustingly classist that is, it doesn’t even make sense? A lot of wastelanders are farmers, who have to know what season it is in order to know when to sow, when to plant, and when to harvest. Most early civilizations would develop some sort of calendar shortly after agriculture as the necessary next step. 

And then, from there, you could speculate about post-war harvest celebrations. How do wastelanders celebrate the end of the harvest season? What sort of rudimentary holidays do they celebrate? We know that Diamond City celebrates Christmas and Halloween, what other old-world holidays are celebrated? There’s so much speculative worldbuilding you could do but they insist on stopping at “akshually The Lore doesn’t say that they have calendars so I don’t think they do :)”

I saw a post on /r/falloutlore this morning wherein a guy “proved” that Necropolis  was actually built upon the ruins of Las Vegas. OP’s proof consisted of looking at the map for Fallout 1, seeing that the icon for Necropolis was closeish to Vegas, and coming to the conclusion that Necropolis was the post-war location of Las Vegas.

This is a rookie mistake, because if you play Fallout: New Vegas (2010) by Obsidian Entertainment, you will see that the city of Las Vegas has become New Vegas, as a subtle nod to the title of the game. 

/r/falloutlore be like: Using the average adult’s running and walking speed, the head bobs of the courier to determine number of steps, the average adult’s gait, and my own data gathered from walking around the Mojave wasteland, I have determined that the desolation of the Great War has actually shrunk the planet by several orders of magnitude. In this post I will


happy birthday to the only song


i regret to inform everyone who's been reblogging this post that the nielciciregamusic youtube channel was not owned by neil at the time of this track being released, meaning this youtube video was a reupload. checking bandcamp, it says that two trucks's real birthday is on may 3rd!🎉


Happy birthday to the national anthem

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