Anonymous asked:

Hi! Can you update the link for the psd 129? and is there any chance you still have the link for this coloring /post/111097943912/teen-wolf? It's also not working :(

Hey! Sorry this took so long. I'm updating some links and updated psd 129, you can download it here. As for the other psd, the teen wolf one, that was a reblog, it's not one of our psds, I'm sorry.

Anonymous asked:

If we use your psds in a free gif hunt, is a tag in the post and etc good enough credit?

Hey! Thanks for asking. It's not necessary to tag me, a like or a reblog on the psd that you downloaded to use is enough to make me happy, it makes my work reach other people :)

Anonymous asked:

hey, how can i download your concert (taylor/harry/zayn) psd?

Hi, I'm updating some links. You can download it here.

Anonymous asked:

Hello, I spoke to you these days, the PSDS that are not working, follow the numbers: PSD 138 BY COLORING-PSD / PSD 135 BY COLORING-PSD / PSD 126 BY COLORING-PSD / PSD 144 BY COLORING-PSD! / THANK YOU

Hi, thank you for the heads up. I've updated the links for these psds, but I'll leave them here for easy downloading.

coloring-psd 138: https://sta.sh/01j6pvo7gyyk.

coloring-psd 135: https://sta.sh/0rt9dqvqadv.

coloring-psd 126: https://sta.sh/01ptkm12s19k.

coloring-psd 144: https://sta.sh/026smqotua7e.

If you have any problems with these links, feel free to come back here. Have a nice day! :)

Anonymous asked:

I can not do the download. Says the PSD views limit has been exceeded. Não consigo fazer o download. Diz que foi execido o limite de views do PSD. Please, help. Por favor, ajude.

Hi, someone else came to talk to me about this too. I updated some links but apparently this problem is still happening... Could you tell me which psd (number) failed to download, so I can update it for you.

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