
Lazy Lyz.

@lazylyz / lazylyz.tumblr.com


Will never know peace until I find another relationship like this


women have been fucking men in the ass since the beginning of time...

Women have literally been fucking men the ass since the beginning of time


i love parking my car perfectly and beautifully and correctly with plenty of space between the lines and then coming back and still having to squeeze my fat ass into it like a boba through a bendy straw because someone parked their oversized Daddy’s Special Boy-mobile a smooth 6 inches from my goddamn door


Now this is the sort of thing that shows how even animation that closely replicates panel by panel plots from a comic can add so much.

Laois' method of centring himself before a fight are open to interpretation in the comic, (perhaps he's just loosening his joints for battle) but the animation shows him outright handflap stimming to centre and ready himself.

My boy ;3;


I'm a disability advocate that mostly works in the autism space, and I want to say why this scene is so fucking important.

He's stimming and it's A: Not a bad thing, B: It leads to him being centered enough to do something.

This is so central to what stimming is for a lot of autistics, it helps us get into a headspace where we can do what we need to. And for a manga/show to portray this without stigmatizing it or making a bit deal is HUGE.

I did a talk last year at a big psychology conference, and afterwards an audience member told me he noticed me stimming as I set up my laptop. I wasn't even aware, but he said that seeing me stim on stage gave him hope for the future, as he was autistic and still in the closet about it. Now, seeing a badass character who is very much autistic, very much badass, and uses his stimming to do awesome shit, I get what he was talking about. It's amazing.

I want to use this as a perfect example of how to portray autistic characters without stigmatizing them. They're weird, they don't always fit in, but they can be 100% badass in their own way when they are allowed to follow their own path.


When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.

If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.

Make sure to spread this around. This is important.


Also worth mentioning

No but seriously reblog this. If you actively reblog about LGBT rights you can also reblog this post you know. Also look through notes. Unless I see more activity on posts from Georgians I'm going to be aggressive about this


since mrs, ms, and mr are all descended from the latin word magister, i propose the gender neutral version should be mg, short for "mage"


people who say “I’m a pretty good judge of character.” are usually not a ‘pretty good judge of character’

“I just know when people are lying.” do you? bc you sound like a cop

so true. and then 250,000 people die because of medical errors each year. many because they weren’t listened to.


honestly advertising is so fukcing wasteful not even just in the convincing you to buy shit you never actually wanted but like

how much electricity is wasted displaying ads that could've gone to keeping houses warm. How much paper is produced just to be turned into pamphlets and ads that will just be thrown away. how much internet bandwith is wasted just on the amount of ads that are on the internet nowadays. How many hours worth of labor went into producing ads that are going directly into my adblocker or my waste bin that could've been time spent doing literally ANYTHING useful?


Not to undermine the message, because yes, especially locally, votes count - but the only reason they were able to avoid the veto-override was that a couple more Republicans changed their votes from when they originally passed the legislation.

So, actually this is more "vote and" adding to the message rather than undermining, because at least one of those Repubs said her changed vote was due to people in her district contacting her and urging her not to support the override. So vote AND contact your reps.

(Kansas Reflector is a good source for KS news for those interested)

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