

If you find a prompt you like, go ahead and use it! No need to ask cause I'm likely never gonna use them! I have too much creativity and no time to use it. If you want to know about me, (which idk why you would?) I'm aro/ace she/them and autistic. Loves plants, cats, soft things, rain and music If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Anonymous asked:

Hey, are you alright?

I'm alright. Just stressed. I'm going back and forth playing phone tag with Blue cross and Blue shield (insurance company) cause I cut off service with them months ago and they're trying to charge me money dispite me not being a client. Plus they're trying to charge me nearly a $1000 dollars for it because I didn't give them paperwork...for a month...that I wasn't a client...

First person I called: We have no record of your cancelation

Me: that's hardly my fault

First perseon: *after a while* Let me transfer you to someone who will be better able to help

*put on hold*

Second person: *confirms on the recorded line that they see my original cancelation from months ago as well as the cancelation that was done just then by the previous person who transfered me to stop any new payments*

Me: so this was an error on your guys end. Cool. Please fix this

Me: *gets another bill a week later and has to call them AGAIN*


Zack wakes up alive. The last thing he remembers if giving Cloud his sword on the cliffs. He sits up from his prone position in the alleyway. Tucking a loose lock of blond hair behind one ear he gets up and walks towards a bar.

"Seventh Heaven? Why does that sound familiar?"

"Hey blondie!" Zack ignored the man, busy trying to count his gil to see if he has enough money for a hot meal before he begins his search. Besides, he's not blond, so he can't be talking to him right?

The man grabbed him by his shoulder, "Hey I was talking to you!"

Aka Zack wakes up in Midgar in Clouds body.


Time traveling cat remnants au where they find themselves in Nebilhiem. They know Mother is supposed to be around here somewhere, but can't figure out which direction to take. It feels like her cells are all throughout the mountain!

They followed the sounds of a commotion, finding a young Cloud fighting his bullies, and losing horribly. Incensed by the attack on their older brother they flung themselves and the attackers and all but shredded the teenagers.

Cloud ended up crying into thier fur.

The blond always made sure to take good care of his fuzzy friends after that.


Cloud sat at his desk in his Shinra issued accommodations. Just ten minutes earlier he had been excited about joining the Silver Elite fanclub, now he just sat there, staring blankly down at his laptop.

What had he just read? Did all of these people treat the general like a piece of meat? Gods! The blond pondered for a few moments, desperately trying to come up with an idea to make his idols life just a little less....that.

He decided he was going to make his own Sephiroth fanclub with the help of Kunzel and Zack and it was going to be exclusive and heavily monitored. And most of all, RESPECTFUL.

They keep thier status as the heads of this elite club (heheh) secret, simply calling themselves "The Triad" Many people speculate about thier identities, some claiming it was the Holy Trinity themselves.

Hojo is livid and as the secret Chairwoman of the Silver Elite, he wants his competition delivered to the labs ASAP.


Ok, I don't think you guys properly appreciate the sheer chaos you would receive by throwing Danny Phantom into the ff7 universe.

We all know he would troll the hell out of literally everyone. And with extra servings of sass too.

Can you imagine if the ghost zone just...spat him out??? None of the scientists would have any way of stopping him due to there being no ecto technology (so long as you don't count mako as a type of ectoplasm)


See, he still thinks it’s Zack’s ass he’s gotta kick for the state of the Buster Sword…but we all know it that’s not the case…

Please be sad about this with me because I’ve been thinking about it all day…


Another time travel gone wrong au, where clouds enhancements were successfully sent back in time to his younger self body, but his mind and memories were not.

Can you imaging bratty child Cloud with all the strength of AC Cloud but none of the maturity or control?


Oh god, that would be such a nightmare for everyone involved.

But, twist that idea a little more and maybe have the planet just scrambling the two? Like, it had to send Cloud and his enhancements back, but had to "disassemble" him to do so? So adult Cloud shows up but with none of his enhancements and makes it to Shinra, salty as hell, and finds out his cadet self has been gifted the things he went through hell for. A true nightmare for everyone involved.

Totally not what I was going for but I love the idea of Older Cloud having to Turk while also being his "little brothers" keeper


Prompt-based fandom events are when you really learn everyone’s colors like you’ll find the people who take the prompt “death” and come up with some smarmy ship-art of character A and character B walking over dead leaves while wearing scarves and drinking hot cider and then you’ll find the people who take the prompt “sunshine” and write how a bright glint of sunshine reflected off the barrel of a gun is the absolute last thing character A sees before taking a bullet to the chest

you can lead a content creator to water but you sure as fuck can’t make him drink

content creators, much like the elder gods, must not be given requests that can be left to interpretation, for the results bring madness upon the unwary

Which is why I kind of love just throwing random prompts out there, like I’m a a fanfic writer… theoretically… and I have no idea how I’d write this, if you, another fanfic writer… theoretically… want to have a go, have at it, I have no idea what it will be, you probably have no idea what it will be.

But it will be something.


Time traveler Cloud au but he didn't actually time travel. I mean he did he just didn't go as far back as he was supposed to.

Also he's in the wrong dimension.

AZGS think they've finally found their C after he went missing two years ago, but why won't he talk to them?

Cloud is just thinking, 'Man, these guys really wanna catch me don't they? I haven't even blown anything up yet!'


He had decided to take shelter after it started pouring down rain and rushed over to the entrance of a cave, parking Fenrir safely inside before exploring deeper.

He accidentally stumbled apon a secret entrance to a lab and found a baby with silver hair and oh so familiar green eyes alone in a crib. Fortunately, while he faintly felt the pull of Reunion, he couldn't sense Sephiroth at all. So he made a judgment call and took the baby.

Two months later and he's on the run from both Shinra and Avalanche, both insisting that the child must perish for the safety of the planet.


Zack placed a bottle of Bacon flavored soda on Genesis's desk and left it there with a hidden camera recording.

The rant Genesis made about that "Abomination" was legendary. He then placed it on Sephiroths desk.

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