

@thrussyallegations / thrussyallegations.tumblr.com

24 - terminally stupid


  • i am allowed to spend my time creating things, even if they are not beautiful.
  • there is no such thing as a "real job." all forms of work are real and valid.
  • there is nothing that i need to accomplish to be worthy. i am already worthy.
  • doing nothing is good for my soul.
  • i am not defined by what i produce.
  • my worth cannot be measured by my paycheck, my job title, or a list of professional or academic achievements.
  • i do not need to monetize my hobbies, it is enough to spend time doing something i love.
  • i will not let society decide what success looks like. i can define what successful life looks like for me.

people (mostly on twitter) are pissing me off so much with the "its reddit, who cares"

like, its not a social media, its a collection of forums, if you hate certain subs for their politics or opinions, dont visit those (you control the buttons you press or whatever)

meanwhile were about to lose so much information about niche hobbies and interests,

and these are the same people who were complaining last week that you cant find anything on google without adding "reddit" at the end,

are you fucking stupid, do you want to have to look through unrelated blogs and ai generated/pay walled quora answers everytime you need technical assistance or wanna talk about a hobby? is that what you want?

im this close to losing it


i love it when italians argue about italian. like we don’t even know how our language really works we just roll with it

Italian is 107 different provincial languages stuck together with spit and half a prayer

My bf lives in another region and we are constantly arguing about regional variations of words and we both live in the fucking north of Italy

one time i saw a map of italy but instead of cities and roads etc it was just covered w different ways you can say the word vagina. it was covered

oh I can think of at least seven ways to say the word vagina right off the top of my head rn. I can’t imagine what I could do if I tried harder



this is the Italian Vagina Map, reblog to… I’m not sure actually. Can’t hurt though. 


gibbon skeleton

hey gibbon - okay, I’m gonna ask you to do this, but please don’t get violently euphoric this time - I can’t reach this box. could you… [ sigh] extend your arms to get it for me?



some sobriety ideas


Listen to me.  If the weekend comes and you can’t stand the thought of not having your time filled with survival requirements and/or the idea of socializing un-anesthetized scares/freaks/weirds the fuck out of you? Go see a therapist and tell them that. Tell them that you can’t stand the thought of doing nothing. Or doing something for no reason other than enjoying it. Tell them you can’t relax without chemical help, be it socially or just in general.  It is not normal. Everyone doesn’t live that way. Even all the people you go drinking with on the weekend? Not all of them need it. But you? You can’t have time off without it. That’s not normal. Look. I’m not hating on social drinking. Before the pandemic, my favorite thing to do with my friends was go to a local brewery and try all the weirdest beer I could find. But when that wasn’t an option, I wasn’t destitute. Boy howdy though there were some people I knew who were. And more importantly, I’ve known people who got help. Some of them got therapy and some got on medication, and it was a world of difference. Some of them even can still drink and often do! But they aren’t driven to it by any need other than wondering what a beer that’s called “Girl From IPA-nena” tastes like.

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