


Just a girl that likes to play video games and sing. 平和と繁栄。

This is funnier than anything shitpostbot could ever dream of.

Only 32 days until this joke expires. Reblog while you can.


Source: twitter.com

Daughter of Evil.

I don’t usually do dark themes but I really wanted to try, hope you’ll like it !


And it’s taking over Instagram.

You are using the term “men” very loosely here…

this beard shit is out of control.


Looks awesome though.

it only looks awesome to you because you were raised in an era where masculinity is met with scorn and disgust.

It’s a game called “gayer than aquaman.”

I already want this trend to die

Smurf ass looking motherfuckers

I can’t believe how triggered you people are because some of some fucking hair dye.

I think it’s cute. But lately, even my followers have shown how intolerant of silly things they are.

Omg I love it 😍😍😍😍😍

“Men who dye their beards aren’t real men”

Literally what is wrong with these people??

You’re a pedophile, you ugly mutant. What’s wrong with you? Drop dead.

How is she a pedophile? Don’t make baseless accusations

words dont have meaning here

0-100 just like that.


Everyday is Punch-A-Nazi-Day!

This time: Seattle

This isn’t okay. All you hear him say is something about so and so deserving welfare? He wasn’t there to fight. Hurting people for their opinions isn’t going to make them change them. You’re just going to end up pushing them further into their own radicalism.

hey dumbass did you not see the actual swastika on his armband? are you fucking blind?

http://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes It is possible to change the minds of radical people without violence. Your rights end where anothers begin. Swastika or not he has the right to free speech and the right to life. It is illegal to assualt people. He can press charges and Ii hope he fuckin does. It’s people like you and the dumbass who punched him that make me have to fucking defend nazis. Fuckin degenerates.

maybe we wouldn’t have to fight nazis if you didn’t defend them and let them germinate and spread their evil rhetoric. maybe the very act of wearing a swastika which has been associated with an ideology that resulted in the death of millions of innocents is considered harassment and incitement by nature. maybe by being punched, that Nazi will never have the balls to tout the most evil symbol in modern times on his arm. fucking fascists.

Nazis dont even make up .01% of the U.S. population sweetheart. If they were going to kill anyone today we’d fuckin crush them in a heartbeat.

you’re going to wait for a Nazi to kill someone before you start revoking their right to free speech? Jesus Christ do you hear yourself? did we not learn from uh, idk, the Holocaust, about how waiting for someone to provoke violence before we act as a country to stop it is a Very Bad idea? and where are you getting your statistics on nazis? do you actually think that in a national poll you’re going to get an honest answer from a Nazi about whether or not they’re a Nazi?

and FYI nazis killed someone not so long ago, her name was Heather Heyer. where’s the action.

Uh, yes, actually.

Neo-Nazis and their political views simply existing is not illegal, and by no means a reason to assault them.

Was the driver even a nazi, or are you using that to demonize and radicalize?

oh yeah, so we just let nazis (who have committed literal crimes against humanity) enjoy the legal perks of democracy without repercussions.

the law isn’t always in sync with morality. if you live in the United States you should know this.

and as far as I’m concerned, if you march down the streets of Charlottesville with people holding Nazi flags and torches, you’re no better than they are. so yes, if demonizing and radicalizing someone who walks with nazis as a Nazi is what I’m doing then I’m perfectly content.

They haven’t broken the law by existing. If you are that uncomfortable with someone existing, that’s a personal problem.

Being a Nazi isn’t an involuntary state of existence. It’s a refined and conscious ideology. If you label yourself as a Nazi or wear a swastika you are conciously commiting an act of hate against Jews, Romani, the disabled, POC, the LGBT+ community, etc.

I don’t hate them for “existing”. I hate them because they are actively contributing to an idea that has a track record of death, a pride in killing, and a mantra of genocide.

Simply by existing, they are not doing anything wrong. They are not attacking people and harming them just for being.

But they did. It was called the holocaust. They may not be doing it now, but they did.

And if you ID as a Nazi you too are a perpetrator of that crime.

So is every black person a perpetrator of gang crime, then?

Cause your logic says so

Are all black people part of a gang? no. it’s stupid to even say that. what the fuck.

do all self proclaimed Nazis share antisemitic rhetoric and do they associate themseleves politically with the same people who condone genocide? yes

That doesn’t mean they’re at fault for it though.

Also, the term you’re looking for is “Neo-Nazis”

Watching a nazi get punched is nice

It may be causing further radicalisation but i still enjoy seeing it

The username and profile pic says a lot. (Lenny)


If depression was a musical

This is a bop

ok this keeps coming on my dash and every time the notes are filled with people being like WHAT IS THIS so i am HERE TO ENLIGHTEN YOU, FRIENDS

this is from the musical Firebringer which is free to watch on Youtube. it’s by Team StarKid of A Very Potter Musical fame (think you recognize the girl singing? that’s Lauren Lopez, also known as the funniest Draco Malfoy the world has ever seen)

anyway, Firebringer is a female-driven, hilarious musical about bisexual cavewomen and you are going to want to watch it. trust me.

Our entire office sings this at least once a week.

Re blogging this for later.

Source: youtu.be
Anonymous asked:

If someone asks if an OC is yours and it is, and they doubt it, how do you prove it? Do you have to prove it?

If someone asks me if an OC of yours is yours, then show posts of that OC’s conception, files, doodles, commission logs etc, tangible proof that precedes the question or act of theft.

No one can steal or doubt your oc if you have 0 anything of it, so you’ll always have some form of proof at hand.

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