

@coelacanthus-latimeria / coelacanthus-latimeria.tumblr.com

Em || they/them || '99

You can tell when someone’s frame of reference for “normal people” is more “people at the church sponsored ice cream social” and less “people on the bus”


the people in the notes saying “people on the bus aren’t normal” are the people this post is talking about.


Hey anybody going to talk about rescued sacrificial maidens. Like yes a guy with a fuck off sword turned up and so you're not getting fed to the dragon/water creature/mountain spirit/vague embodiment of all things scary and you get to go back home, but is that really home? Your mom hugs you and your dad says he's so happy you're alive and you know that when they said they'll do anything to keep you safe they didn't really mean it. They have a feast prepared and you get to taste what they cooked for your funeral, help wash the dishes after. And it's selfish to think that between the whole village with everyone in it and you they wouldn't pick the lesser evil but it still leaves an emptiness in your chest, knowing exactly how much your life is worth. And the neighbors smile at you awkwardly and the neighbors' kids yell "hey! I thought you died!" because they don't know not to do that yet and maybe you did. Maybe you did.

And the hero with the fuck-off sword rode off into the sunset the way they always do but you're still here and you herd the cows by the cliff where you were tied up in your cleanest clothes waiting to not be alive anymore and sometimes you think that would be easier and when you don't come back one day, you can imagine it's a relief for everyone involved. Maybe you'll be the new thing to haunt the mountain, or maybe you'll follow down the road and listen for cries that sound like yours did. Either way, there's little left to fear. You know exactly how much your life is worth.


Paraglider and black vulture chilling



I NEVER get tired of this video. It would be fantastic if the bird was just flying near him, but the fact it feels safe and comfortable enough to land ON his paraglider, isn't startled when he pets it, and is NIBBLING HIS SHOES... blessed moment, absolutely fabulous, 10/10 gold stars.

Okay but the bird isn't just nibbling

Note that it doesn't start nibbling until he starts smoothing its feathers.

They're grooming each other.

This is called parahawking! That vulture is tame -- it’s wearing jesses (a leather tie around the leg that a falconer will use to hold a bird when it’s on the glove). In fact that vulture is employed. Parahawking birds seek out thermals the same way they would naturally, allowing paragliders to follow them in the process.

Vultures are often used for parahawking both because of their attraction to thermals, and because vultures, as scavengers, are comparatively gentler and more sociable than birds of prey!


insane insane INSANE it is INSANE !!!!!we are meant to rest our heads on other people’s chests and our hands are designed to hold other hands and we share songs we like with each other and tell people about something we saw that reminded us of them and did you ever notice the way your body fits with theirs when you hug them…im going to EXPLODE


there’s an online mobilisation effort called “blockout 2024”, where people are en masse blocking influencers/celebrities who have been silent so far on palestine to make them lose followers and income. and it’s been making celebrities and streamers start posting links to gofundmes and the PCRF, which is great. But after 7 months of silence, I simply can’t look at many of these creators the same way, and the idea that these people with so much wealth and influence only started caring when something materially forced their hand and affected their social standing should disgust you too.

so accept the meager good these people are doing by posting links, but remind yourself that all of them could’ve been talking about palestine this whole time. sharing resources is truly the bare minimum. remind yourself that your faves aren’t exempt from the criticism attached to attending the met gala because they’re your faves. and never forget how many lives they could’ve saved if they spoke up sooner, and bothered to put any of their own money on the line.


Brazilian frog might be the first pollinating amphibian known to science

Nectar-loving tree frog likely moves pollen from flower to flower.

The creamy fruit and nectar-rich flowers of the milk fruit tree are irresistible to Xenohyla truncata, a tree frog native to Brazil. On warm nights, the dusky-colored frogs take to the trees en masse, jostling one another for a chance to nibble the fruit and slurp the nectar. In the process, the frogs become covered in sticky pollen grains—and might inadvertently pollinate the plants, too.  It’s the first time a frog—or any amphibian—has been observed pollinating a plant, researchers reported last month in Food Webs...

pesto is great for many bites but to me it’s always been a kind of samey indulgent experience in a specific way where if you happily eat your way through a large enough portion there will hit a point where you will very suddenly experience something called “pesto remorse” which i have just invented


Riña a Puñaladas

[Image ID: a digital painting of Oksana Kodira (possessed by Koda) and Amber Gris in a dark room with bleached coral walls with water up to their knees.

Kodira, to the right, is a slim yet visibly muscular middle-aged woman. She has light brown skin and wavy brown hair with gray streaks tied into a partial bun. She is wearing iron armor and a dark battle skirt with red banners. On her forehead is a large, red eye. Right above it, a lure like that of an anglerfish hangs in front of her face, providing light.

Amber, to the left, is a fat, muscular middle aged woman. She has white skin and multiple scars on her arm: a gash on her shoulder and a shark bite on her upper arm. She has dark gray hair with white streaks tied into a short ponytail, as well as hair on her armpits and forearms. Her eyes are dark with a light iris, like that of a great white shark. She’s wearing a tank top and cargo pants.

The two women are standing as if about to strike each other with their fists. Kodira is braced with both fists at her side, glaring furiously at Amber. The latter is covering her face with one arm while the other is coiled back about to strike. She is staring intently at Kodira, her brows furrowed in focus. End description]

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