
Cities drenched in rain

@aeipathy-not-apathy / aeipathy-not-apathy.tumblr.com

"But the truth is I want to kiss you past that. I want to kiss you for every star that ever was and ever will be. I want to promise you even more than that."

Canon Physical Traits of the Gangsey

GANSEY - very tan - would look great standing on a yacht - fantastically styled brown hair - hazel eyes, sometimes with nerd glasses (actual-nerd, not hipster-nerd) - classically handsome anglo-american bone structure - arm muscles worthy of the gods - hollywood smile - polo shirts in a range of pastels and brights - elitist shoes

ADAM - also very tan - short hair somewhere in the chromatic range of dirty blond to light brown - “pretty” blue eyes - taller than Gansey but shorter than Ronan - lean/lanky with narrow shoulders - “gaunt” - very pale eyebrows (and probably very pale lashes because of how genes work) - looks like he fought in the Civil War (both in appearance and tiredness level) - serious/sad expression

NOAH - “smudgy”, whatever the hell that means - blond hair, presumably in whatever style was popular for rich white boys in the mid-2000’s - small eyes and large ears - always wearing school uniform - looks like a decaying ghoul when viewed from an unflattering angle

BLUE - short and choppy dark hair with bangs and lots of clips - large eyes - generally hot, according to Adam and Gansey at least - approx. 5 feet tall - dresses like she has watched every youtube video on how to “upcycle” your clothing

RONAN - blue eyes and dark eyebrows - buzzed hair and back tattoo, obviously - pale skin that begs for a sunburn - chiseled nose - chiseled muscles - “handsome”, according to everyone - marginally taller than Adam and considerably taller than Gansey - either scowling grumpily or smiling smirkily - usually wearing a tight af black tank top and edgy distressed jeans - can grow a beard in like under a week

HENRY - cheekbones that could slice off your entire face - flawless eyebrows - hair that doesn’t believe in gravity - actual model


me: maybe i’m exaggerating how much lucasfilm ignores padme i’m probably just paranoid and overreacting

starwars.com: publishes an article about the most fashionable people in the galaxy and makes it a contest between only leia and lando without a single mention of padme “wears a new ridiculously stylish outfit every 5 minutes of each movie” amidala


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