
Hinata Rare Pair Week

@hinatararepairweek / hinatararepairweek.tumblr.com

May 11-17, 2020 Prompts have been chosen! Also check out our twitter at https://twitter.com/HinatasHarem!
Anonymous asked:

So could anyone possibly do haikyuu hinata x suna I don’t know why I am so into this ship but I am

The event wrapped up a few weeks ago, but we do still accept late submissions if someone wanted to do it! That would defiitely be a great ship to focus on ☺️


here’s my seventh and final entry for @hinatararepairweek! it was lovely to participate in this event along with so many other talented people! i had to go with kenhina for my final entry. i hope you all like it!

summary: kenma and hinata enjoy a night out in the city together.

pairing: kenma/hinata

prompt: free prompt



here’s my sixth entry for @hinatararepairweek! going back to kenhina for the last two days, and it’s especially fun to use the fake dating trope on them. i hope you all like it!

summary: kenma accidentally tells his mom that he’ll be bringing his boyfriend to the family reunion. problem is, kenma doesn’t exactly have a boyfriend.

pairing: kenma/hinata

prompt: fake dating



@hinatararepairweek Day 5: Praise

Relationship: Oihina Rating: Explicit (no smut but it is very sexual in content) WC: 2,242

Short Excerpt: When he finally found the club, he checked his phone. Shoyou’s last message said that he’d be on the dance floor so that at least narrowed the areas he could have been in. It was dark and hazy in the club, the wave of lights sweeping over the crowd as they moved to the music. Tooru waded into it and immediately felt dizzy from the heat and the mix of sweat and heavy perfumes. 

He felt like a literal fish out of water, slipping between people whose only focus was the music and the person they were dancing with. It was good music, but he felt like he couldn’t enjoy it until he found Shoyou. He was the only reason he was there.

Just when Tooru was beginning to worry, he spotted a familiar mop of bright hair popping up in the middle of the dance floor. Grinning, Tooru made his way toward him, not the easiest feat with how thick the crowd was. He finally broke through and nearly landed right on top of Shoyou who caught him at the last moment.

His hands gripped onto Tooru’s arms and his face brightened with recognition. He shouted something that looked like Tooru’s name, but even his voice couldn’t be heard over the pounding music. They laughed and gestured their greeting instead of saying it out loud. 

Shoyou’s large eyes reflected the myriad of colored lights as he looked Tooru over. He didn’t need to say anything for Tooru to know that he was impressed by his look, his hand playfully flicking the collar of his shirt. As if his heart wasn’t racing fast enough, it was going out of control as he looked Shoyou over in person.

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