
It's Like the Sky is New

@lipstick-stains-on-lace-veils / lipstick-stains-on-lace-veils.tumblr.com

Sandra. 23. Catholic. In love with Jesus, humanity, & my best friend. 💛

Hello everyone! It has been a long while since I’ve posted. This story tugged at my heart and I wanted to share it here.

This beautiful woman owns an urban farm near where I live (and in a city where a lot of my students live). She basically showed up to work on the farm one day and there was a for sale sign in the ground. Her landlord hadn’t given her any heads up. :( They’re building over her current plot with condos so she obviously can’t afford to even try to buy it. She and her family are attempting to move into a new lot close to home.

Please support her by sharing this or donating. Urban farms are so important to the environmental and emotional health of a city. It brings green space and beauty and life into cities. She describes a cut flower farm here, but she also does a lot of work in distributing produce locally, which helps resolve food deserts (areas where people do not have access to fresh, affordable produce). 

Thank you for reading this!


Hi, friends!

I am still alive and well, for those of you who may have been wondering in the back of your minds. I stopped tumblring quite a little bit ago, and then gave up social media for Lent, so...it’s been a while. I don’t really intend to be super active on here any time soon, but I will continue to pray for you all and possibly lurk every once in a while.

For those curious, I am still very much in love with the boyfriend I was talking about before I stopped posting. We just celebrated our one year anniversary. :) We are also making plans to move to the same city (!!!) when I finish my year of service in August. Please pray for us! And let me know how I can pray for you.


I wish as a younger, baby Catholic I wouldn’t have been sold that massive amounts of children =holiest woman. In my parish women with 7+ were always treated as the go-to for advice on being a holy wife, mother, person. It was like the Catholic community as a whole used children as a unit of measurement of visible holiness. This made me feel a lot of unnecessary guilt about not being physically (let alone mentally) capable of having more and more and more children. I wish Catholics who choose to TTA (try to avoid pregnancy) for grave reasons (especially invisable reasons like mental health) were rewarded or praised by the community as women with 10 children are. These couples need support as well, taking care of mental/physical health of your body which is a divine gift from God, the wellbeing of born children, and struggling to avoid by days of abstaining is holy family work too.


A stray dog in Bolivia joined a monastery and became a monk. The resident monks of St. Francis Monastery, named for the patron saint of animals, decided to adopt a dog they call ‘Friar Bigotón’ from the Cold Nose Project, which hopes the dog’s story will now inspire more monasteries to take in homeless pets. Source Source 2 Source 3


Bigotón means giant mustache in Spanish FYI


There is no more time for me to only attend daily mass just when I feel like it, to veil sometime in the future when I feel confident enough. There is no more time to let my spiritual reading sit on my shelves, and my Liturgy of the Hours gather dust. There is no room for withholding discussing my faith in public “unless asked,” no carefully worded replies that won’t make me seem “too weird” by secular friends. Daily prayer cannot merely be little conversations with God throughout my day, when I feel compelled to. There is no more room to make my faith a “part” of my life, I must embody it with all of my being.

These are times where we must say “enough.” There is no room to dangle our feet in the secular world anymore, stand in the wings and see the Church as merely here to aid in our growth. The Church need the laity now more than ever, and recent events have made me more aware of just how much I personally have been taking the Church for granted. I have never felt this grim certainty and determination before - but perhaps this is God pulling good out of bad. 

Perhaps, as in times of war, this is where we stand up and be counted.


I can’t wait until we as a society wake up and acknowledge that pornography is a public health crisis. obviously it’s reductive to say that it is the cause of sexual violence but you’re lying to yourself if you honestly think it doesn’t exacerbate it and desensitize men and boys to extreme forms of misogyny. I’m sick of women being called paranoid bitches who hate sex or hate fun because we oppose a system that treats us like commodities for sale

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