
Oh would you look at that ヽ(⌣ᴥ⌣”)ノ


I have searched far and wide...for random awesomeness OwO He/Him :3          Also may be nsfw at times





i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good

I have been struggling

For a long fucking time

with why my adderall was having such uneven effects and varying efficacy

and the weird pattern of what made it work and not work and if it was building up in my system or not

and fucking nobody told me I shouldn’t drink a glass of Kool-Aid to take the pills with

or eat fucking Pop-Tarts or Life cereal

this is the most useful information I have ever received from tubr and it seems to be confirmed by several other places upon searching

so this actually should be spread like wildfire like actually

Me reading this realizing tunglr dawt kom gave me more information about my medication than MYDOCTORRRRRSSSSSS MYYYYYYYY FUCKENNNNN DOCTORSSSSS PLURAL MULTIPLE DOCTORSSSSSSSS

Reblogging to spread this ridiculously important info

Generally speaking, your doctors actually may not know these things. This is the kind of stuff to ask your pharmacist about.


>go down slide

>weeeeeeeeeeeeeee oh

You uneducated fools. That's a toadstool ring. It's a protective circle that keeps I'll will and monsters away from that slide.

In fact, I'd feel safer on that slide than anywhere else in the park!


i'm begging you guys to start pirating shit from streaming platforms. there are so many websites where you can stream that shit for free, here's a quick HOW TO:

1) Search for: watch TITLE OF WORK free online

2) Scroll to the bottom of results. Click any of the "Complaint" links

3) You will be taken to a long list of links that were removed for copyright infringement. Use the 'find' function to search for the name of the show/movie you were originally searching for. You will get something like this (specifics removed because if you love an illegal streaming site you don't post its url on social media)

4) each of these links is to a website where you can stream shit for free. go to the individual websites and search for your show/movie. you might have to copy-paste a few before you find exactly what you're looking, but the whole process only takes a minute. the speed/quality is usually the same as on netflix/whatever, and they even have subtitles! (make sure to use an adblocker though, these sites are funded by annoying popups)

In conclusion, if you do this often enough you will start recognizing the most dependable websites, and you can just bookmark those instead. (note: this is completely separate from torrenting, which is also a beautiful thing but requires different software and a vpn)

you can also download the media in question (look for a "download" button built into the video window, or use a browser extension such as Video DownloadHelper.)


Reblog if you know who the Disney Villains Recruiters from Disney Tokyo Sea are

I just want to see how much they are present outside Japan :)💚


Vader with Luke:

Vader without Luke:

I mean.... he's clearly going very easy on his one and only son who must not be killed the enemy jedi, meanwhile Luke's fighting for his life

Vader to himself while fighting Luke: oh what wonderful bonding this could be, a friendly spar before I tell him the truth that I'm his father. Perhaps if he sees how excellent of a fighter I am, he will surly want to learn and come to the dark side. I hope he likes the chocolate chip cookies I baked earlier, younglings like that stuff, right? He does need a haircut though, he's quite shabby. He looks quite polite too.


Rewatching atla episodes for Reasons and I just realised that Zuko found Appa the night after he found out he was missing. The gaang have been desperately searching for, what? A few weeks? And Zuko sees a poster saying Appa is missing and just squares tf up and finds him immediately. What a fucking madman. 

i mean he had already managed to actually find the avatar, whom literally the entire world (except katara lmao) had believed was dead and gone forever. im pretty sure if zuko decides he is going to Find Something the universe rearranges itself to put it in his path.


This comes in handy when he has kids.

Dude literally found:

🔥The avatar


🔥His lost uncle via a sweaty sandal

🔥A secret civilization thought to be long gone

🔥The last 2 dragons existing

🔥Katara and Sokka’s Father plus Suki

🔥Katara’s mother’s murderer

🔥His honor

🔥His entire nation’s honor

I mean the dude was wild. He was born to find stuff. I don’t really know if he found his mother but like…that too. You kinda get why the Gaang saw Zuko and thought, hey what if we use him to find stuff?


So Zuko’s  Hufflepuff?


In honor of halloween, I’m gonna put together a post of all my favorite creepypastas (cause for as much as I complain about/make fun of them, I DO actually like a fair few haha). I’ll split it up a bit, mostly by if they’re strait up horror or if they’re horror/comedy and I’ll try and include content warnings with them, though do forgive me if I fail to include some as I know there are cws out there I might not be thinking of.

Also I’ll be linking to narrations of the stories in case that works better for some folks like it does for me.

Strait Up Horror:

-Horror From the Vault (pt1 pt2 pt3): Scientists find a coffin made of some unknown material in a weird location and bring it back, what comes out of it isn’t seen, but its effects are and boy is it horrible. The first two parts have various voice actors and I honestly would compare it to an audio version of a found footage movie with how the acting is done, its Very Good. Part three is something a little different, but its part of the series and still fairly good. (cw for: A LOT of body horror in all parts and for bugs in the third part)

-The Rake: I know they like other old creepypasta monsters got ruined after awhile, but the original story was pretty good and still kinda spooks me to this day tbh. ‘Skinwalker’ (yeah I know) is a related story that’s also pretty good and scary (cw for: the main one I can think to warn for is death, the related story has some blood and gore in it too though)

-My Dog Was Lost For Three Days: A man’s dog runs off and disappears for a few days, and then she comes back….or did she? (cw for: I can’t think of any besides maybe body horror to some extent, feel free to hmu if I’m wrong though)

-A Dead God: Humanity goes looking for God and might have found them, and now something weird is heading towards our planet with unknown intentions. Its hard to describe this story, but its honestly a favorite or mine (cw for: someone kills themself later in the story and there’s a loud gunshot noise to go with it and it happens very quickly too, I can’t think of any others atm)

-I Just Bought My Childhood House: A man buy’s his childhood home (a surprise, I know) back after his parents passed away recently. There’s a mystery door in the attic that they were forbidden from opening when they were a kid and they learn why before too long. I really don’t want to spoil the ending because some little gripes aside, its actually pretty good. Its by the same author of the Search and Rescue series as well if that helps sell anyone one it. (cw for: death mention, some body horror I believe as well later on)

- I’m a Search and Rescue Officer for the US Forest Service and I Have Some Stories to Tell (pt1 pt2 pt3): The title explains it all I think haha. Its a pretty good series so I can see why it got popular. (cw for: a lot of odd deaths, some kinda bloody/gory, some aren’t but just…weird, this does include a fair few children too sadly. I’m not sure if there are other cws but let me know if so)

- I Can See Something Moving In the Storm Clouds: A big storm comes through, but it might not just be the weather that’s concerning. (cw for: nothing that I can think of actually)

-The Disappearance of Ashley, Kansas: A town disappears, leaving nothing but a smouldering fissure where it used to be. The only clues about what happened are the last phone calls made before it disappeared. (cw for: the most I can think of is the death mentions, beyond that ????)

-Smile.jpg: Say what you will, but this one does still bug me to this day and the picture in question is my least favorite version of that picture in existence haha. (cw: that damn pic for one which will show up around the end of this one, suicide and death mention as well)

-My Friend Has Been Living In An Alternate Reality: A guy’s friend comes back looking quite different than he did last they saw each other and though he quickly leaves after one night, he leaves his journal behind that details his time in an alternate reality. Its a long and weird story, but its quite interesting and what the alternate reality really is was a neat twist I thought. (cw for: death, body horror and human beings being terrible to one another)

There’s a fair few more, but since I’m not sure on all the CWs I’ll forgo those for now and maybe add them in the future. NOW, onto….


-My Property Isn’t Normal: A story about…well a guy’s property in the woods not being normal, and soon he learns things are a lot bigger than he thought initially. This story does amazing with the balance of horror and comedy and I genuinely enjoyed it (cw: body horror and death certainly)

-Accounts From A Lonely Broadcast Station (season 2): A series that starts a bit more episodic in nature before leading into the big main story. Just a fun little radio station in the middle of the woods where strange things CERTAINLY don’t keep occuring! No birds with eyes that are too damn human here, folks!

-I Sold My Soul For a Used Dishwasher (And Would Like It Back) (part3) : A man sells his soul for a used dishwasher and between losing his emotions, his ability to dream, seeing the dead and the dishwasher turning out to be shit, he decides its time to get his soul back. Shennanigans ensue. This story is super british, the sense of humor included and it was a blast, I’m sad creepsmcpasta hasn’t narrated the third part still tbh. (cw for: death mention, hell being a generally gross place and uh, there’s a boner, it doesn’t do anything besides be there, but its there all the same and I thought I should warn everyone)

-Tales From The Gas Station s1 s2 : A series about a gas station at the edge of town where all kinds of weird goings ons take place. Probably my number one horror/comedy series pasta honestly. (cw for: death, body horror, probably other things I’m not thinking of at the moment)

-Big Daddy’s Ritual: Listen, mrcreepypasta says things like ‘SPANK ME DADDY, I’VE BEEN NAUGHTY!’ and ‘I’M A NAUGHTY GIRL!’ and ‘You lose if Big Daddy touches your butt before 6am’ without laughing somehow, those are the main reasons I’m linking this one haha (cw for: mentions of sex but that’s about it)

This is likely not all of my favorites, because I’m kinda tired and not up to linking EVERY single one tonight, but if I think of others, I’ll reblog this and add more to it. For now though, I think this list is enough to keep folks occupied for awhile.

(I didn’t include urban legend stories because tbh, that stuff is my whole ass jam and I could make an entire post talking about urban legends I’m into….In fact I probably COULD for halloween. We shall see 🤔 )


How to Ditch Amazon

Support your local libraries and the small businesses that are actually making the products you want.  Fuck Jeff Bezos and the systemic, universal worker abuse, gaslighting, and brutality they live off of.


this seems like a good thing to bring around as people holiday shop

BTW!! theres an updated version of Overdrive called Libby and its wonderful. share an account with friends from other places so you can share libraries and also check out their taste in books!!


ways to help protestors if you are unable to protest

everybody has to do their part. as a reference, this was posted on 1 june 2020. if any links are broken or direct to a place they should not, please feel free to add on with corrections. if there is new information with better knowledge, please feel free to share. thank you.

1. donate

do not donate to shaun king. he has repeatedly collected money to “support” black people, but no one knows where the money is.


note: washington dc and new jersey have cashless bail systems.
  1. bail fund google doc (also includes lawyers for protestors)
  2. national bail fund network (directory of community bail funds)
  3. community bail funds masterpost by @keplercryptids
  4. resistance funds (google sheets; lists bail funds around the country)
  5. nationwide bail funds (split a donation to the bail funds listed on the linked page with a single transaction)
  6. atlanta bail fund
  7. brooklyn bail fund
  8. colorado freedom fund
  9. columbus freedom fund
  10. houston chapter of black lives matter
  11. liberty fund (nyc based; focuses services on people from low-income communities)
  12. los angeles freedom fund
  13. louisville community fund
  14. massachusetts bail fund
  15. minnesota freedom fund (as of may 30, 2020, they are encouraging people to donate elsewhere since they have raised enough money; as of may 29, 2020, they do not have a venmo, as some fraudulent accounts have been claiming, source)
  16. philadelphia bail out fund
  17. richmond bail fund


note: more links are listed in the masterposts below.
  1. northstar health collective (healthcare and medical aid for people on the front lines)
  2. reclaim the block (aims to redistribute police funding to help the minneapolis community)
  3. twin cities dsa (provides fresh groceries and hot meals to people in minneapolis)

2. educate yourself

it isn’t enough to sign petitions and reblog/retweet/etc. nonblack people, including people of color, owe it to black people to educate themselves and correct themselves and the people around them on anti-blackness.

note: more links are in the masterposts linked below.
  1. resources and tools regarding racism and anti-blackness (google sheets compilation)
  2. readings on society, racism, the prison system, etc. (twitter thread)
  3. “where do we go after ferguson?” by michael eric dyson
  4. official black lives matter website

3. give out supplies to protestors

people need supplies to protest safely, and even if they bring supplies with them, they can often run out. if you’re able, stock up and hand them out to people protesting. for more supplies to donate, see the “george floyd action” google docs link in section 5.

  1. water bottles (dehydration and heatstroke are not things people should have to deal with alongside bastard cops. if the police in your area are particularly violent or known to use tear gas, get the ones with the sports cap/suction-thing/etc so people can use them as emergency eye-flushes.)
  2. snacks (make sure to take into account that people have allergies of all sorts. foods will have a little label that says “may contain” and then list any potential allergens. write the allergens on the ziploc (or any container you use) in permanent marker, or better yet, write the snacks included in the pack.)
  3. masks (don’t forget there’s still a pandemic going on. also it will aid in deterring facial recognition when the police try to track down protestors,  also part two, if the cops use tear gas, wearing a mask (with the combination of a scarf or bandana) will lessen the adverse effects. lessen, not stop.)
  4. bandanas, scarves, etc. and goggles (ski goggles, swimming goggles, etc.) (see above for explanation on the scarves. same goes for the goggles. anti–tear gas and anti–facial recognition.)
  5. clean shirts (for people who are heavily gassed. also helps deter recognition through clothing.)
  6. wound care supplies (band-aids, packets of neosporin packets or a similar antibiotic, alcohol wipes, etc.; if you can, decant bactine into those little travel bottles.)
  7. a sharpie or another type of marker (for writing bail numbers or emergency contacts on arms, hands, etc. it’s not enough to have your city’s bail fund number stored on your phone; the police won’t give it to you to look it up. give people a marker so they can write it down, preferably not washable so it isn’t easily removed.)


tear gas: if you’re hit, get out as fast and as soon as you can. take anyone you can with you. the longer you’re in the gas, the harder it will be for you to see, and it can irritate your airways, making it hard to breathe. if you’re hit, don’t run; it’ll only make things worse on your lungs. when you leave the area, take a cold shower. don’t use hot water (it will only reactivate the agent); don’t bathe (it will only spread the CS around). (source 1) (source 2) (cdc fact sheet on tear gas)

  1. move them to a clean and ventilated area where it’s as safe as possible.
  2. ask them if they’re wearing contact lenses. have them remove it. if they’re wearing glasses, rinse it with water.
  3. solution of half liquid antacid, half water. spray from the inside going out, with the head tilted back and slightly towards the side being rinsed. if they say it’s okay, open the eye slightly while doing this. (source)

bullet wounds: the most important thing is to stop the bleeding. be sure to check for an exit wound and cover that as well. treat both wounds, but treat the worse one first.

  1. stop the bleed (youtube video by uc san diego health)
  2. first aid in active shooting scenarios
  3. making a tourniquet (a commercial tourniquet is best, but improvised ones can work as well if done properly; the most important things to remember is that tourniquets are for limb injuries and are not meant for the head or torso and that they have to be very tightly wound on the injury.)
  4. how to apply pressure dressings


  1. adult cpr tutorial (youtube video by cincinnati children’s; think of “staying alive” by the beegees or “uptown funk”)

4. be a source of information

be responsible with this. people’s lives are at stake. that being said, the media is a fucking joke and the best way to get accurate information in a grassroots rebellion is amongst ourselves. record everything, but if you are going to share any information at all, be sure to blur people’s faces.

  1. signal (encrypted messenger app; messages delete after x amount of time): app store | google play
  2. tool for scrubbing metadata from images and selectively blurring identifiable features
  3. tech tips to protect yourself while protesting (by rey.nbows on tiktok, via vicent_efl on twitter)
  4. cop spotting 101 (google docs)
  5. know your rights (by personachuu on twitter)


remember to keep phones OFF unless absolutely necessary. cell phone towers, stingrays, location notifs can all be used to track you and other protestors. don’t fuck around. if your phone must be on, keep it on airplane mode as often as possible and only communicate using encrypted methods. no, snapchat doesn’t count. (a twitter thread on stingrays, for those interested)

  1. lawyers assisting protestors pro-bono (by riyakatariax on twitter)
  2. atlanta: 404-689-1519
  3. chicago: 773-309-1198
  4. minneapolis: 612-444-2654

5. miscellaneous links and links for protestors

  1. masterpost of petitions to sign, numbers to call, places to donate, and more (carrd by dehyedration on twitter)
  2. #blacklivesmatter (google docs by ambivaIcnt on twitter; includes information on relevant events, other masterposts, lists of petitions and donation links, how to protest safely and protests to go to, and more)
  3. george floyd action (google docs; includes information on apps to download, supplies to buy and donate, places to donate to, protest safety, resources on unlearning racial bias, and more)
  4. how to get out of ziptie “handcuffs” (by finnianj on tiktok, via katzerax on twitter)
  5. how can i help? by @abbiheartstaylor
  6. how to make a signal-blocking cell phone pouch
  7. tips for protestors by @aurora00boredealis
  8. twitter thread for protestors (by vantaemuseum on twitter)
  9. also, if you’re protesting, change your passcode. make it at least 11 characters long and don’t use facial/thumb recognition.
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