

@thrivinginfrench / thrivinginfrench.tumblr.com

je suis prêt
Anonymous asked:

Can you share some phrases I would need as a tourist?

Bonjour- Good Morning/ Good day

Bonsoir- Good Evening

(Don't say salut to someone that you don't know well- very impolite)

Parlez-vous anglais? - Do you speak English?

Où est xy? - Where is xy?

Quel train/ bus est-ce que je dois prendre pour aller à xy? Which train/ bus do I have to take to get to xy?

ça coute combien? - How much does it cost?

Je voudrais une baguette/ un pain au chocolat/ un coca- I'd like a baguette/ chocolate croissant/ a coke.

La facture, s'il vous plaît. - The bill, please.

Je voudrais payer. - I'd like to pay.

Par carte - by card

en espèces - cash

Un billet pour le musée/ le bus, s'il vous plaît. - One ticket for the museum/ the bus, please.

Je suis étudiant/e -I'm a student.

Je ne parle pas français. - I don't speak French.

Je ne comprends pas. - I don't understand.

Pouvez-vous répéter ça? - Could you repeat that?

Où sont les toilettes? - where is the restroom?

Here you go! Voilà !


Crois en toi • Believe in yourself • /kʁwa ɑ̃ twa/ ❤️ Like this post to support French Words and to keep seeing us in your feed.


Training your pronunciation in a language!

First, a foreign accent is just fine. There is no need to change it. As long as people can understand you, you’re killing it. However if you want to improve it, I have a few tips and guides!

First: train your ear!

If you can’t hear the sound differences, you can’t speak them either.

The article has tons of ways to train your ear to hear the differences. Basically: imitate immersion. Listen to everything in your target language. Getting a tutor is also a great way to train! They can go through pronunciation drills with you and point out your weaknesses so you can correct any issues sooner, rather than later!

And even if you can’t hear any difference between two tones or sounds in a language now, I promise you: you can learn!!

Next: train your mouth!

Watch and mimic. In the article below, I give tons of ways to achieve this.

Basically, copy every native you can see and hear. Practice tongue twisters, games (especially ones focused on minimal pairs!), watch YouTube videos on half the speed, use Forvo (amazing resource!!) and watch and repeat everything you can. Babble like a baby. Practice makes perfect!

Check out the link for all of the tips and to find some guides on pronunciation in specific languages!


Soooooooo, for 2022 I’m really making it a focus to become fluent in French, or at the very least to a point where I’m comfortable having a conversation in French.

With that being said, I would like to change the name of this blog to something more encouraging. I’m stuck between the 3 names below and would like help choosing. Just drop a number in the replies for whichever one you prefer. S’il vous plaît et merci.

1. thrivinginfrench

2. insighttofrench

3. insightfulfrench

Okay so I already have 3 votes for thriving and that’s the one I liked best so let me just go with that. Thank you for voting!! I’ll be changing the name as soon as I post this and then use the rest of the week to map out how I’ll be attacking French in the new year.

Bonne Année!!!


Soooooooo, for 2022 I’m really making it a focus to become fluent in French, or at the very least to a point where I’m comfortable having a conversation in French.

With that being said, I would like to change the name of this blog from “strugglingtofrench” to something more encouraging. I’m stuck between the 3 names below and would like help choosing. Just drop a number in the replies for whichever one you prefer. S’il vous plaît et merci.

1. thrivinginfrench

2. insighttofrench

3. insightfulfrench


11 septembre 2001. On se souvient tous où nous étions et ce que nous faisions quand le drame s'est produit. N'oublions jamais. • September 11, 2001. We all remember where we were and what we were doing when it happened. Let us never forget.


La famille - French vocabulary list 👴🧓👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🐕‍🦺

à â ç è é ê ë î ï ô ù û ü

une cellule de base de la société – fundamental unit of society

un lien de parenté - family relationship

la parenté - affinity

une alliance - kinship

une filiation – direct line of descent

le système familial - family system

apparenté - related

ancestral - traditional, age-old

la famille adoptive - foster family

la famille biologique - biological family

la famille nucléaire - nuclear family

la famille élargie = la famille multigénérationnelle - extended family

la famille proche - immediate family

la famille nombreuse - large family

la famille monoparentale - one-parent family

la famille recomposée - stepfamily

la famille homoparentale - family with same-sex parents

le géniteur = le père biologique - biological father

la génitrice = la mère biologique - biological mother

la descendance - descent

les descendants - descendants

les ascendants - ancestors

les alliés - allied family members

le gendre = le beau-fils - son-in-law

la bru = la belle-fille - daughter-in-law

le grand-père paternel/maternel - paternal/maternal grandfather

la grand-mère paternelle/maternelle - paternal/maternal grandmother

aux temps de mes grands-parents - back in my grandparents’ day

aux temps anciens - in the old day

l’arrière-grand-parent - great-grandparent

dériver de qch - to stem from sth

qch est dotée de qch - sth is equipped with sth

l’épanouissement social – social development

légué par testament - left in one’s will

le concubinage - common-law marriage

à l’essai - on a trial basis

qch est en augmentation - sth is on the increase

c’est un cercle vicieux - it’s a vicious circle

le même schéma est reproduit - the same pattern of behaviour is repeated

rester en bons termes - to stay on good terms

le consentement mutuel - mutual agreement

par consentement mutuel - by mutual consent

la procédure de divorce - divorce process

le compromis - compromise, concession

vivre sous le même toit - to live under the same roof

la génération - generation

le conflit des générations - generational conflict

l’opposition - conflict

épouser qn - to marry sb

être admis par la famille de son époux/son épouse - to be welcomed into the family of one’s spouse

prendre conscience de qch - to realize sth

faire prendre conscience de qch à qn = sensibiliser qn à qn - to raise someone’s awareness of an issue

l’autorité parentale - parental rights, custody

les rapports dans le couple - the relationship between partners

égalitaire - egalitarian

le mouvement féministe - feminist movement

prendre une décision en commun - to make a decision together

évoluer vers qch - to move onto sth

associer - to combine sth

le choix conscient - conscious choice

la résidence - residence, place where you live

la demeure - house, home

le ménage - household

le foyer - household

avoir gain de cause - to win the case

discuter un problème - to discuss an issue

aborder la question de qch - to address an issue of sth

la prédilection pour qch - preference

l’union libre - free union

validé par la loi - regulated by law

un lien indissoluble - unbreakable bond

admettre des exceptions - to allow for exceptions

imposer qch - to impose sth

le modèle de garde des enfants - model of custody

la garde alternée des enfants - joint custody of the kids

livrer les enfants à eux-mêmes - to leave the children to their own devices

alternativement - in turns

la séparation - separation

le système de partage - sharing system

qch découle de qch - sth stems from sth

De quoi décule cette mutation dans le modèle familial ? - Where does this change in family type stems from?

l’évolution des moeurs - social changes, change in attitudes

la coutume = les mœurs - customs

la vie de couple - coupledom

le couple moderne - modern couple

le couple traditionnel - traditionnal couple

le monde est en constante mutation - the world changes all the time

le modèle familial - family model, family type

le travail féminin - female labour

la femme au foyer - housewife

l’homme au foyer - househusband

une activité dite virile - an acitivity considered to be reserved for men

une activité dite féminin - an acitivity considered to be reserved for women

pour le meilleur et pour le pire - for better or for worse

se contenter de qch - to settle for sth

partiel - partial

attendre de qn - to expect from sb

affectif - emotional

éventuellement - potentially

dans tous les domaines - in all areas

au nom de qch - in the name of sth

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French expression: c'est pas mes/tes oignons-

lit. It's not my/your onions.

Meaning: It's not my/your problem./ It's none of my/your business.

Bonus, if you want to say "mind your own business" you say

Occupe-toi de tes oignons

Take care of your onions (not mine)


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