

너였구나 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 운명같이 온 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 밤하늘 속 서로를 보던 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

wayv nicknames given by c-fans:

kun - 钱锟 (qían kūn)

  • 挪移 (núo yì) - this is a pun off the phrase 乾坤大挪移, which is a martial arts system and a bit of a meme. it’s pronounced qían kūn dà núo yí, and since the first two characters are pronounced like kun’s name, fans used this phrase to generate a lot of nicknames.
  • 小挪 (xîao núo) - little nuo. see above. the in qían kūn dà núo yì means “big”, so fans play off this and call him little nuo
  • 挪挪 (núo nuo) - see first point
  • 旦旦 (dàn dàn) - pun off the chinese word for new year’s day, 元旦节 (yúan dàn jíe), which is kun’s birthday
  • 锟哥 (kūn gē) - means older brother. you can tack it on to the end of a name to show respect, and on a huya live, kun revealed that even people more senior and older than him call him kūn gē, so now everybody calls him that

ten - 李永钦 (lí yông qīn)

  • 啊疼 (a téng) - téng sounds like ten, ah is an affectionate prefix you can put before someone’s name
  • 啊deng, 啊ten, etc - see above
  • 小十 (xîao shí) - xîao means little and shí is the number ten in chinese
  • 猫猫 (māo māo) - kitty 🐱
  • 钦钦 (qīn qīn) - based on his chinese name
  • 七塔蹦 (qī tâ bèng) - pun off chittaphon, but i don’t rlly see this that much anymore

winwin - 董思成 (dông sī chéng)

  • 昀昀 (yún yún) - how you say winwin in chinese. this character also means sunshine, so his nickname also means sunny 🥰
  • 董老师 (dông lâo shī) - teacher dong. in chinese, you add “teacher” after someone’s name of they’re an expert in the field or a respected person
  • 董老板 (dông lâo bân) - boss dong. in casual conversation, you refer to someone as a boss to put respect on their name
  • 董花花 (dông hūa hūa) - dong flower 🌸 . idk where it comes from but it’s so cute 😭

lucas - 黄旭熙 (húang xù xī)

  • 卡卡 ( ) - cute nickname based off his stage name, lucas
  • 港仔 (gâng zi) - hong kong kid. gâng is the second character in hong kong, xīang gâng
  • 嘻嘻 (xī xī) - sounds like the last character of his name in mandarin, but also a sound for laughing

xiaojun - 肖德俊 (xīao dé jūn)

  • 铁块儿 (tîe kùaier) - piece of iron. not sure where this comes from tbh but his fans call themselves miners
  • 铁茉莉 (tîe mò lì) - iron jasmine. referencing his princess party costume.
  • 俊俊 (jūn jūn) - self explanatory
  • 小龙 (xîao lóng) / 恐龙 (kông lóng) - dinosaur or little dino

hendery - 黄冠亨 (húang gùan hēng)

  • 黄瓜 (húang gūa) - cucumber. c-fans call him this because huanggua sounds like his mandarin name, huang guanheng
  • 瓜瓜 (gūa gūa) - see above
  • 王冠享 (wáng gùan xîang) - this is a meme from when lucas misspelled his name in dream plan, and because lucas thought his surname was “wang” instead of “huang” at first
  • 小王子 (xîao wáng zi) - little prince
  • 小亨 (xîao hēng) - little heng

yangyang - 刘扬扬 (líu yáng yáng)

  • 羊崽 (yáng zâi) - sheep kid
  • 羊羊 (yáng yáng) - sheep, pronounced the same as yangyang’s name
  • 养羊 (yâng yáng) - yangyang with the tones changed to pronounce it in a cute/affectionate way
  • 刘狼狼 (líu láng láng) - liu wolf wolf. this is a newer one that c-fans comment under pictures of yangyang where he looks very charismatic/sexy

these?? 💕💖💞💖💕💘💘💗💞💘💞💖💖💞💖🌸💕💖💞💖💞💖🌸💕💖💘💕💖💞💕💖💕💖💕🌸💕💖💞💖💞💘💖💗💞💖🌸💗💖💘💗 for u

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