


GoodbyeVanny on AO3 & Instagram, I do Good Omens Art! I will literally reblog any and all good omens content that comes cross my dash. Trans inclusive blog Art tag: #goodbyevanny art

Good omens my beloved. Gonna start posting a lot just to get some stuff going. Gotta hit you with the classic here- oh how I love these fools.


Forever and a Day - 16

Forever and a Day - 16

I’ve got bad news Aziraphale you’re going to be thwarting his wiles for the rest of eternity 😆

If you like this story and want to see the next page, or any of my other comics, consider joining my Patreon! We have a lot of fun over there.


wait for it: a crowley parody

Heylo maggots of mine, it's the good omens mascot here. I combined my two obsessions and made a Hamilton parody from Crowley's perspective. The weirdest thing is how few lyrics I had to change. By the time I post this, I should have recorded and put it up on Youtube, the channel's in my pinned post. The video is... here.

(Note: So it's May 31, and I found this in my draft from... March 11. Sigh. It's fine. It got done eventually.)


Aziraphale writes me a letter everyday  I’m keeping his bed warm while the angels look away They’re on God’s side in heaven, trying to keep the Fallen all in line They can keep all of heaven, but this angel’s mine Love doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes and We keep loving anyway We burn and we fly and we break and we make our mistakes And if there’s a reason he’s on our side  When heaven and hell both tried Then I’m willing to wait for it I’m willing to wait for it Heaven is a fire and brimstone preacher But there are things that the homilies and hymns won’t teach ya The Devil was a genius, and God commanded respect When I Fell they left no instructions  Just an angel to protect Hell doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes and  And we keep living anyway  We sin and we Fall and we break and we make our mistakes  And if there’s a reason it’s not divine To love and protect what’s mine I’m willing to wait for it  I’m willing to wait for it Wait for it I am the one thing in life I can control I’ve been a sinner and the sin was original  I am not Falling again, I spit on Fate I am not standing still I am lying in wait A human faces an endless uphill climb They have something to prove, they have nothing to lose A human’s pace is relentless they waste no time What is it like in their shoes? A human wouldn’t hesitate, they exhibit no restraint They’d take and they’d take and they’d take And they keep sinning every day They laugh at the stakes They ask and they ask when they ask it’s okay And if there’s a reason they seem to thrive When all I can do is survive Then I’m willing to wait for it I’m willing to wait for it The world doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes and And we keep staying anyway  For love, and for hope, and for hate and for all our mistakes And if there’s a reason I’m still alive When so many have died Then I’m willing to wait for it I’m willing to wait for it

*sips brainrot from a twirly straw* mmmhm your mascot is so normal it's insane.


Touch of a feather - ficlet by CaptainBlou

Berlin - 1889 “Well, if you must know,’’ the angel started, fidgeting with the lapels of his coat. “Have you heard of this lovely invention called a gramophone?’’ Crowley had, but still shook his head, happy to let him explain. “It’s a device that allows you to play music! Isn’t it brilliant? They engrave the music on large discs, apparently, and the machine plays it, which means you could technically listen to symphonies directly in your home!’’ Aziraphale was literally buzzing with excitement. Crowley could feel the way his body was heating up, positively shivering as he explained. He steadied his hand on his cane and looked at him with an encouraging smile, waiting for more. This time, the angel’s blush was more frank, going all the way down his neck. “Anyway, the company that produces the device is currently designing their logo, and they called for, erm- well, models.’’

Read more on AO3

Thank you @phantomram-b00 for the beautiful art <3


Hands doodle (save me David's hairy hands, save me)

tag list after the cut


i'm backing up my laptop files to a new drive and i found the tiniest scrunckliest crowley doodle that i don't even remember drawing

look at him he's such a cutie


And because I like my life to be harder, I made a mini comic for my next collab for Reverse Bang. Echoes of an Angel was written by amazing @gwenstacyismyicon , and you should give it a shot! Or her other works ♡ I wish there would be more from this AU, because oh boy, we went soo crazy with ideas! And, honestly, I would love to read and draw more of Crowley's piece of art. (please click/tap on the picture to see more details, preview is quite blurred)


Two years ago I sumbitted a few sketches for Good Omens Reverse Bang and had no idea what could come from it. That I could participate on a whole multichaptered story I am imensly proud of? (I'm talkign about Sunshine, don't mind hidden ad) Draw a picture every month? And lastly, most importantly, meet amazing people and make friends? Well, here I am, two years later, joining the Reverse Bang again and being paired with my dear friend and brilliant writer @elfontheshelves again! I would't be happier working with anyone other than you. Thank you for everything ♡ Our latest collab: Questionable home decor or how Crowley's life was turned completely upside down by the appearance of a certain angel back into his life. An angel that had been on his mind for the past, oh so many years.

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