


I'm a nerd. that is all.


  • ❝ God, what if we just fucked one day? ❞
  • ❝ Don’t sass me in front of the internet. ❞
  • ❝ Follow your stupid fucking dreams. ❞
  • ❝ Come at me scrub lord, I’m ripped. ❞
  • ❝ I just wanna have sex with space. ❞
  • ❝ Get in the tub with me, daddy. ❞
  • ❝ Will you just relax and let me kill for money? ❞
  • ❝ That sounds like your problem. Fuck you. ❞
  • ❝ Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. Eat your teeth. ❞ 
  • ❝ Make like a tree and fucking die. ❞
  • ❝ Dude just…just pity laugh at least. ❞
  • ❝ Man, Club Penguin’s gotten weird. ❞
  • ❝ We are like the Stephen Kings of stupid. ❞
  • ❝ Why do you enjoy watching me suffer so? ❞
  • ❝ Do I have to jerk you off to blow your mind? ❞
  • ❝ I haven’t had so much fun since I killed my parents. ❞
  • ❝ Unfortunately I had sex with a guy/girl over the weekend. ❞
  • ❝ What’s a vegetarian zombie say? GRAAAAAAAINS.
  • ❝ Revenge is a best dish served fuck you. ❞
  • ❝ Who wears pants anymore? So 2015. ❞
  • ❝ I need an ice cream sandwich and a gentle blowjob. ❞
  • ❝ Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. ❞
  • ❝ The bananas has gone bad! ❞
  • ❝ I cared for those bananas! I raised them with my own two feet! ❞
  • ❝ Did you know I’m a professional joke? My life is a joke. ❞
  • ❝ What if everyone just had constant helicopter dick? ❞
  • ❝ [ name ], does getting me wet fill you with determination? ❞
  • ❝ I can’t prove that someone ISN’T a reptilian. ❞
  • ❝ Wouldn’t it be funny if, like, you lost a family member? ❞
  • ❝ These balls are coming at me fast and furious. It’s like that movie, ‘Speed’. ❞ 
  • ❝ Call me One Direction ‘cause my relevancy is dropping by the day. ❞ 
  • ❝ One time I killed a person and I didn’t report it to the police. ❞
  • ❝ I wanna take a girl to the Grand Canyon, fuck her, and throw her in. ❞ 
  • ❝ Nothing like a gunshot wound to the face to really mellow someone out. ❞ 
  • ❝ If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst! ❞ 
  • ❝ [ name ], I’m on a date with a guy/girl right now and you’re embarrassing me. ❞
  • ❝ I’ve made a decision. I’m gonna in the kitchen, gonna open the dishwasher, and I’m gonna climb inside. ❞
  • ❝ I do apologize for my actions, even though they were totally and completely justified. ❞
  • ❝ I could pee on this couch, right now, no problem, while looking you directly in the eyes.❞ 
  • ❝ Look, you tell a couple jokes as a dad and suddenly everyone’s like ‘you’re making dad jokes.’ ❞
  • ❝ All of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are blue, except for three of them. And there are four. ❞ 
  • ❝ And Abraham said unto Moses, ‘Bro, dude, aliens.’ ❞
  • ❝ I’m gonna throw you out the window. We don’t even have any windows in this room…I’m gonna carve out a window and throw you through it. ❞ 
  • ❝ DO IT YOU SACK OF SHIT! – Sorry. That didn’t come out as encouraging as I meant it to. ❞
  • ❝ [ name ], if there’s one thing I can be totally honest about, it’s that I would happily lie to your face.❞
  • ❝ If I took pole-dancing, I would be worried that it would be too erotic for everybody else. ❞
  • ❝ Next time we make love, [ name ], would you please refer to me as your sweet cakey treasure? ❞   
  • ❝ I try to show at least one other human-being my butt hole every single day. ❞
  • ❝ The only people who don’t like sluts are the people who don’t get any. ❞ 
  • ❝ Have you ever though of a career in driving people fucking insane? Because you are already a PRO at it. ❞ 
  • ❝ I am actively looking for ways to get you to shut the fuck up. ❞
  • ❝ First of all, you have to stop calling it ‘Mary Jane.’ That’s the first rule of stonerdom. People will think you’re a fucking narc. ❞
  • ❝ First of all, no one says ‘pot-eyes’, you fuckin’ narc. ❞
  • ❝ If by OK you mean like on the inside I’m just going ‘AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’ then yes, I’m quite OK ❞
  • ❝ When you walk outside there are three elements of nature that you must avoid: snow, wind, and bees. ❞ 
  • ❝ Could you imagine if you unlocked outfits in real life? Like, “Congratulations you wiped your ass, here’s a new shirt.” ❞

I know not all of my followers are familiar with Twitch/Youtuber Cryaotic, but he’s evacuating his home in the wake of the hurricane and his few frustrated and exhausted tweets have really humanised a distant news story (for me, safe in the UK).

I sincerely hope that everyone in the path of Irma remains safe and their livelihoods and homes are as unaffected as possible.  We sometimes forget that real people are disrupted and devastated by distant news stories. There are many ways to help if you can, no matter where you live.  (I’m tagging communities who may want to help)




💗🍆 BITCH I’M READY!!!!!!!!!!!!

🔪👀 i think i’m going to kill someone


💚💖 already done B)


™🖤 i like this game

🔥🙍 some bad shit is gonna happen but I won’t care


💊🌲 seems legit

🎂☺ idk. Cake ??


😯🖕 ....oh god


Idea for October

So as most of us know Anti won’t be re-appearing for October as Jack has the tours coming up and has to prepare and plan videos for that time, too (which gives him hardly any time to do anything else super big). As an idea, how about we do a little event for October since technically the 10th is also known as Anti’s birthday, which is the day it would start, maybe something along the lines of #antiart a counter tag for the previous #septicart event in August! The event would be a surprise gag, so nobody talk about it too openly yet! Prepare art of any kind, draw, edit, theorize and write as much as you want and start posting on the 10th of October out of the blue, until the 31st! Let’s surprise Jack and Robin, show our appreciation for all the work and love that goes into creating the Anti character, something that started right here with the community! What does everyone think?


A cool idea!! Let’s get in on this, guys! :D

Ooh! Count me in!! :D


Count me in! Maybe we can use #antiversary or #happy anti


Today the Department of Awesome Parenting is catching up on the latest collaborations between French anime artist Thomas Romain (previously featured here) and his sons for their Father And Sons Design Workshop. First Romain’s sons come up with creative character concepts that they draw. Then Romain uses his professional skills to turn each colorful character into a polished piece, making sure to incorporate even the smallest details contributed by his sons.

Follow Thomas Romain on Instagram or YouTube to keep up with their latest work. You can also support their project on Patreon.


I’ve gushed about this before but I wanna reiterate that if someone did this with my artwork as a child I’d have felt GREAT. I’d have been so proud that an adult finally saw what I was actually going for rather than the limitations of my execution. This is the best example in the world of what an “idea” really means vs. how it’s put to paper.

Anonymous asked:


them just wearing each other’s sweatshirts/merch, swapping eyeliner tips, sleeping in late and waking up with messy hair, virgil feeling surprisingly calm and loved just sandwiched between the both of them, dark just carrying the both of them over his shoulders, anti kicking both of their asses at video games and rubbing it in their faces before they lean in and kiss him, just ahhhhh

Anonymous asked:

Thomas's Sides, Mark's Egos, and Jack's Egos are all together as the Youtubers hang out. No one is sitting with Anti. Virgil is too tired and anxious to start meeting people right now, so instead of staying with the sides where they're talking to LITERALLY A FUCK TON OF EGOS LIKE WTF THERE'S A LOT, Virgil decides to go sit with Anti. "What th' fuck are ya doing sittin' here whit me?" Anti asks, unused to people choosing to be with him. Virgil just sighs and says that he can't handle the others'

shit right now. So they start to tentatively talk, Virgil even COMPLIMENTING HIS THROAT THING CAUSE WOAH YOU LOOK LIKE YOU CAME FROM A HORROR MOVIE, so they start to really get into talking. Every time the egos and sides get together, you can find Virgil and Anti hanging out, till one day you don’t find either. Everyone goes searching for the two cause WTF WHAT IF ANTI KILLED VIRGIL but no they’re just making out in Mark’s bedroom.


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