

@incorrectmysticmessengerquo-blog / incorrectmysticmessengerquo-blog.tumblr.com

incorrect Chat's from mystic messenger. Submit box will be open if you submit a quote or a chat. Please add the source to it! spoilers will be tag as #mysticmessegerspoilers. If you wish to repost these chats edits please credit me mod naru and zentherainbowunicorn.

Want to make Mystic Messenger Chatroom Edits?

Well you’re in luck, ‘cause here’s the templates I’ve created to make my Mystic Messenger chatroom edits! There are two versions: one for Photoshop, and one for GIMP. Bear with me, they require a bit of explanation:

Things you’ll need before downloading the template:

Other things that might be useful:

My #MM Chat Edits tag for emojis, speech bubbles, and other chatroom edit-related things.

@mysticmessengeraudio, the blog I co-admin where we post translated audio from the game (including emoji voice clips)

Photoshop or GIMP?

I originally began editing the chatrooms in GIMP, before I installed Photoshop on my laptop. GIMP is a free version of Photoshop with many of the same tools, albeit less user-friendly.

I moved to Photoshop a few weeks ago and improved upon my template. The Photoshop version is slightly better organized, with things like the little speech triangles and text already included. 

Ultimately the Photoshop file is easier to use and has more features, but it’s up to you what you’re more comfortable with.

The Files (on Dropbox):

Additional Notes:

Please, please credit me if you use these, as it took a lot of time to make them!

If you’re wondering where the example chatroom edits come from, two of them (not the space station one) are from my Everlasting Party (Time Loop AU) fanfic, if you want to check it out ^^

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