

@clydesballapaloozaextravaganza / clydesballapaloozaextravaganza.tumblr.com

THIS BLOG IS NOW UNDER CONTROL OF THE HEROES OF EVIL. ((If you enjoy my content, consider checking out my patreon--  https://www.patreon.com/doodlestab))
Anonymous asked:

not sure if its just me but the link to ur patreon isnt working :c

The link to it is weird, it probably only really works for people on desktop. Tumblr’s changed a lot, and I wasn’t able to make a direct link, so I had to make a page with a direct link on it, and blah blah blah. But I’ll drop it here for you to make it simpler! https://www.patreon.com/doodlestab


A Post That Should Have Been Made a While Ago™

(ooc) Hey guys! I know updates have been really spotty, and very far apart. A lot of you are newer to this blog (I hit 10k without even realising it!), so you might not know that I tend to take breaks during off times of the year.

There’s a lot that’s happening for the blog behind the scenes at the moment, involving a lot of hands that aren’t just my own. I hope you guys can continue to be patient so future updates can be super fun for everybody!

In the mean time, I’d like to mention a few things! First of– It’s hard for me to continue running a large scale blog like this consistently. I have animals, duties (,.,heh), and myself to take care of. I love creating things for you guys, and I don’t think I ever want to stop. But without stable income, it’s harder for me to dedicate time to this blog on a regular basis. If you really enjoy my content, and want to see more, please consider looking at my newly made Patreon! Even just a couple dollars a month will help me feed my animals, and help take loads of weight off my shoulders so I can focus more on what makes all of us happy!

Second of all, while this blog is in it’s regularly scheduled downtime, I’ve started another, more laid back and less intensive blog. A lot of things that are happening for Clyde’s Ballapalooza Extravaganza are not entirely within my control, so I can only create more relaxed content while we all wait! This ask blog is called Hellpark. All of the characters are aged up, main kids aging at 18+. If you’re interested in less epic adventure, and a little more serious and deep scenes (with humor, don’t worry) check it out!

Anyways, thank you all for being so patient, and I hope I can continue to make content for you all! ♥

(TL;DR, Big things are being made, I have a patreon linked above, and I have a new ask blog you can check out.)

Also, while I’m here, I might as well link the discord for this blog if you’re interested in talking to people about the blog (This one, and the Hellpark blog), or just interested in joining a big south park group in general!


A Post That Should Have Been Made a While Ago™

(ooc) Hey guys! I know updates have been really spotty, and very far apart. A lot of you are newer to this blog (I hit 10k without even realising it!), so you might not know that I tend to take breaks during off times of the year.

There’s a lot that’s happening for the blog behind the scenes at the moment, involving a lot of hands that aren’t just my own. I hope you guys can continue to be patient so future updates can be super fun for everybody!

In the mean time, I’d like to mention a few things! First of-- It’s hard for me to continue running a large scale blog like this consistently. I have animals, duties (,.,heh), and myself to take care of. I love creating things for you guys, and I don’t think I ever want to stop. But without stable income, it’s harder for me to dedicate time to this blog on a regular basis. If you really enjoy my content, and want to see more, please consider looking at my newly made Patreon! Even just a couple dollars a month will help me feed my animals, and help take loads of weight off my shoulders so I can focus more on what makes all of us happy!

Second of all, while this blog is in it’s regularly scheduled downtime, I’ve started another, more laid back and less intensive blog. A lot of things that are happening for Clyde’s Ballapalooza Extravaganza are not entirely within my control, so I can only create more relaxed content while we all wait! This ask blog is called Hellpark. All of the characters are aged up, main kids aging at 18+. If you’re interested in less epic adventure, and a little more serious and deep scenes (with humor, don’t worry) check it out!

Anyways, thank you all for being so patient, and I hope I can continue to make content for you all! ♥

(TL;DR, Big things are being made, I have a patreon linked above, and I have a new ask blog you can check out.)


PEDAGOGUE: Splendid questions, every single one of you!

PEDAGOGUE: I hope you don’t mind that I’m the one answering these.

PEDAGOGUE: This phone reeks of cancer and ash, no thanks to those ne’eredowells sitting atop these cursed high rises.

PEDAGOGUE: And I wouldn’t want my acquaintance here to sully it further.

ZE MOLE: I am not interested in answering zees stupid questions.

PEDAGOGUE: Wonderful, literate riposte aho!

PEDAGOGUE: The Mole and I spend much of our time together, when we’re not leading our villainous double lives, that is!

ZE MOLE: Do not refer to me as a villain, I am ze people’s mercenary.

PEDAGOGUE: Mmhmm, of course.

PEDAGOGUE: Such a silly little act you put on.

PEDAGOGUE: Ehem, as for the questions we’ve been asked-- we spend most of our time working on cultured musical performances for our school’s theatre department!

ZE MOLE: Play.

ZE MOLE: You mean. A play.

PEDAGOGUE: If you wish to put it in layman’s terms, yes.

PEDAGOGUE: We help write, act, and compose all of the school’s “plays.”

PEDAGOGUE: Alongside a wonderful team of “others”, of which I shall not name.


PEDAGOGUE: Why would I spend my time listing off every single individual who’s involved in the theatre department?

ZE MOLE: You are right, I should not expect such gratitude from you.


PEDAGOGUE: Intermittently~

PEDAGOGUE: If you have not already, I highly recommend watching one of our performances live. 

PEDAGOGUE: We all work very hard on each and every theatrical little detail.

PEDAGOGUE: The Mole is a specialist in costume design and script writing.

PEDAGOGUE: He is very meticulous in what he does, I guarantee you that, ahahaha!

PEDAGOGUE: Yours truly-- me, of course,-- works on the song writing and make up!

PEDAGOGUE: I also help coach the underlings so they can become true stars under the spotlight! 

PEDAGOGUE: I can promise you that every person who has joined the theatre department purely transforms when they hit the stage!

PEDAGOGUE: I bet you wouldn’t believe someone like me, a rather brainy and straight-and-narrow individual, can become a completely different person when on stage, hmm?

PEDAGOGUE: Some may find my actions in the spotlight rather questionable, or possibly even deranged.

PEDAGOGUE: I find it nothing but natural.

ZE MOLE: I am starting to feel like it was a mistake letting you drag me here.

PEDAGOGUE: Now now, Mole, don’t say that!

PEDAGOGUE: You and I are practically colleagues!

PEDAGOGUE: Dare I even say friends.

ZE MOLE: Zere you go with your childish day dreaming again.

PEDAGOGUE: Ohohoh, Mole.

PEDAGOGUE: This is another reason why I decided I would answer the questions for you.

PEDAGOGUE: Always a little too cynical, you are.

PEDAGOGUE: Back to the topic at hand, however-- the acting and I.

PEDAGOGUE: The theatre department, or as the Mole and I like to call it,  le département de théâtre,

ZE MOLE: (holy shit)

PEDAGOGUE: is starting up a new show in but a day’s time!

PEDAGOGUE: We have a couple of new comers, some of which whom are... questionable to say the least.

PEDAGOGUE: But I have been working hard to help train and mold them into perfect little twinkling stars!

ZE MOLE: Yes, I’m sure zat’s what you think you were doing.

PEDAGOGUE: I hope you all will attend and watch us shine...

PEDAGOGUE: Mmm, I believe that’s enough about our acting, for now.

PEDAGOGUE: If you have any other questions for The Mole and I, do not hesitate to ask.

PEDAGOGUE: We briskly await your curiosities.

ZE MOLE: Be careful what you ask, he might go off into one of hiz... episodes...


MICHAEL: All of us besides Pete knew each other since mommies started forcing us to go play out in the sun.

PETE: As if it’s ever sunny here to begin with.

PETE: Ugh.

PETE: Okay I guess I’ll answer this one.

PETE: Like, okay, almost two years ago my fucking mom thought it would be an awesome idea to move us away from her deadbeat husband.

PETE: All the way to some hick nobody town in the middle of the mountains.

PETE: And, you know, away from everybody I knew.

PETE: I mean, it’s not like I liked anybody in my old town anyways, they were all happy-go-lucky barbies and flamboyant little ken doll plastic cut outs.

HENRIETTA: So is everybody here, you can’t escape it.

PETE: Ugh.

PETE: Anyways she decided to beat me while I was down, I didn’t have any friends to begin with and now we moved away from everything I knew.

PETE: It was bullshit.

PETE: I was forced to go to a school where, of course, I’d be the new one.

PETE: Do you know how fucking embarrassing that shit is?

PETE: If you don’t conform to their looks and act like there isn’t a care in the world, you’re immediately outcast.

MICHAEL: Who even wants to be some elementary star idol anyways?

PETE: I’d be rotting away before I’d let any of these preps be my friend.

PETE: So like, of course we couldn’t even afford to live in an actual house because my mom’s a whore who can’t keep her pants on if the guy’s loaded.

PETE: And since that was gone, she actually had to get off her ass and work a gas station job to barely scrape by in a nowhere town.

PETE: Basically, moving here fucking sucked.

PETE: But like, a week into being in this frozen hellscape, instead of going home after school, I’d just start walking around the town, hoping I wouldn’t lose my fingers to frostbite that night.

PETE: And so, like, I found this place underneath a bridge.

PETE: So I’d start going there.

PETE: And I made that a thing for like. Three days in a row.

PETE: But then on that third day or whatever, there were other people there.

HENRIETTA: Honestly, you looked like you were going to fight us.

PETE: For like, half a second I was about to.

MICHAEL: Would you look at that.
MICHAEL: Another tortured outcast, shunned by society.
HENRIETTA: ...Tell us your story, Nyarlathoteptic child.
HENRIETTA: We’re just like you.
MICHAEL: It’s dry under here.
HENRIETTA: I have some water proof eye liner if you want.
MICHAEL: Do you need a smoke or something?
PETE: ...
PETE: Sure.

PETE: But I didn’t fight you guys because you guys seemed like, actually cool.

PETE: So like, yeah that’s how I met them.

PETE: Under a bridge or something dark and goth like that.

MICHAEL: It was so goth.



PETE: Professor Prance-a-lot down there told us if we wanted to be a part of the group we had to answer some questions on some random kid’s blog.

PETE: Like, we barely want to be a part of this prissy little get along party anyways.

FIRKLE: I’m just here to watch the inevitable carnage of when this whole place lights on fire...

HENRIETTA: Okay, like, if you’re going to ask us questions, at least ask us shit that we actually want to answer.

HENRIETTA: All of this garbage is just preppy fucking kids trying to butt in the most generic questions possible in hopes that we answer theirs first.

PETE: Again, as if we even want to answer?

MICHAEL: We’re just gonna keep the phone up here long enough for someone else to come and find it.

PETE: Yeah also we just like being non-conformist so fuck you guys and your questions anyways.


FASHIONISTA: Hey Freedom Dorks, that was real cute and all, but we just wanna let you know that there’s still no getting out of that death pit you’re in ;)!

FASHIONISTA: We took extra precautions to make sure stinky little mosquitoes and stupid flying kites couldn’t get out of there, either.

MOSQUITO: I’m not stinky!!!

FASHIONISTA: Oh, and by the way Mysterion~

FASHIONISTA: We’ve decided we’re Heartbreaker’s guardian angels now instead.

FASHIONISTA: What kind of loser guardian do you have to be to yell at somebody who just wants to have a little fun?

HONEY-BEE: Yeah, I thought you guys were supposed to be the heroes!

MYSTERION: Heartbreaker, you’re on the wrong side, dammit!

MYSTERION: Don’t listen to whatever they tell you!

HONEY-BEE: Oh shut up already!

FASHIONISTA: We already had to comfort her once because of your yelling, and you’re just gonna go and make us do it again?

FASHIONISTA: Jeez, what a lousy excuse of a super hero.


FASHIONISTA: Anywayyyyys~


FASHIONISTA: Time for a girl’s only ask sesh! ;)

FASHIONISTA: Let’s kill two birds with one stone--

FASHIONISTA: We’ll all draw the cutest boys around ;)

FASHIONISTA: Or girls! Us girls don’t judge!

HONEY-BEE: Oh no, I’m terrible at drawing on the spot...!

HEARTBREAKER: I don’t know if I’d be that good...

FASHIONISTA: Oh come on you two, it’ll be fun!

FASHIONISTA: Right, Trish?

DREADED TRICIA:  ¯\_(-_-)_/¯

FASHIONISTA: Fine, if it helps you guys, I’ll start!

FASHIONISTA: First off, what kind of cutie list would this be if Super Craig wasn’t on there?

FASHIONISTA: What a hunk, am I right?



HONEY-BEE: I think his outfit’s dumb... but he is pretty cute...!

FASHIONISTA: Oh my gosh, my thoughts exactly Honey!

FASHIONISTA: Also, That one goth kid? Pete, or whatever?

FASHIONISTA: Total hottie!

FASHIONISTA: If he didn’t smell like smoke all the time I’d totally be lurking right now.

HEARTBREAKER: I hung out with him and his friends a while ago.

HEARTBREAKER: Getting past the smell and all the weird music they listen to was hard... but they’re really nice!

HEARTBREAKER: Even if they don’t act like it!

FASHIONISTA: Oooh, a hottie and a softie at heart?

FASHIONISTA: I might just catch myself lurking after all!

FASHIONISTA: And of course~~~

FASHIONISTA: Heartbreaker, I have to say, your outfit is soooo to die for.

FASHIONISTA: I wish I could rock something as cute as that!

HEARTBREAKER: You really think so...?

FASHIONISTA: Totally, girlfriend!

FASHIONISTA: That dark blue with that pink? Maybe you should be called Fashionista instead!

FASHIONISTA: Okay, okay, enough about my drawings. Who’s up next?

HONEY-BEE: [sigh] I guess I’ll go...

FASHIONISTA: Aw, Honey-Bee, what were you even talking about?

FASHIONISTA: This is adorable!

HONEY-BEE: Mmm... I dunno.

FASHIONISTA: Oh, come on. Modest much?

HONEY-BEE: Agh! Okay sorry, I guess my art is cute.


HONEY-BEE: Anyways... To start off, I drew Super Craig too.

HONEY-BEE: He’s kind of cute in that brooding, doesn’t-care-what-you-think kind of way, you know?

DREADED TRICIA: There are so many things wrong that statement.

DREADED TRICIA: Craig is anything but brooding.

DREADED TRICIA: And he super cares about what other people think, he just never shows it.

HONEY-BEE: Oh... Well... somehow that makes him even more adorable, honestly.

DREADED TRICIA: Whatever you say.

HONEY-BEE: Next I drew The Ticker!

HONEY-BEE: His tourette’s sometimes spooks me when we talk, but he’s really nice!

HONEY-BEE: He’s kind of shy and a little introverted, and I think he’s cute because of that!

HEARTBREAKER: I don’t think he deserved Wonder Tweek yelling at him earlier...

HONEY-BEE: I think there’s some weird tension between those two...

HONEY-BEE: Maybe he just doesn’t know that The Ticker has tourette’s?

HONEY-BEE: Um!!! Anyways, the last one I drew was Tupperware!

FASHIONISTA: Something tells me you’ve got a certain little reason for drawing him~!

HONEY-BEE: No! He’s just cute!

HONEY-BEE: His outfit is dorky and lame, even though... I sorta said I based my outfit on the same kind of thing he got his inspiration from...

HONEY-BEE: But it’s still lame!

HONEY-BEE: I just think he’s cute because...!!!

HONEY-BEE: He... just is!

FASHIONISTA: Haha, okay ;)

DREADED TRICIA: I’m up next.

DREADED TRICIA: I’m really good at drawing.

FASHIONISTA: Rock it, sister!

DREADED TRICIA: I think Wonder Tweek is cute because he makes Super Craig look less ugly.

FASHIONISTA: A hot friend is always a plus!

DREADED TRICIA: I like the Prince of Darkness because he’s got like, fire and stuff, and he’s cool and dark and shit.

HEARTBREAKER: It’s kinda scary...

DREADED TRICIA: And I like the Mole guy because he’s like, one of the only guys here who has an actual weapon.

DREADED TRICIA: Or, like, he can use his shovel as a weapon.

DREADED TRICIA: He could cave somebody’s head in and that’s pretty cute.

FASHIONISTA: Seems like you’re into the more dangerous type, huh?



FASHIONISTA: That leaves just one little artist left!


HONEY-BEE: Come on, we all did it, I know your drawings will be super cute!


FASHIONISTA: Aw, is that me?

HEARTBREAKER: Yeah, I drew you because I like your make up, and I think pink looks really good on you!

FASHIONISTA: Oh my gosh, thank you so much!

FASHIONISTA: I felt like I rushed my stuff on today, but that’s like a total confidence boost!


HEARTBREAKER: Next, I drew Doomsday.

HEARTBREAKER: I think his outfit is really creative, and he’s got a really cool crown.

HONEY-BEE: The way he bounces around the base is kind of adorable, honestly?

HONEY-BEE: I didn’t even think he was old enough to know what he was doing, but he seems sure of himself.

HEARTBREAKER: Yeah, I thought so too...!

HEARTBREAKER: And last I drew Mysterion.

FASHIONISTA: Aw come on, girl.

FASHIONISTA: You’re just gonna make yourself sad again.

HEARTBREAKER: No, I know he was being mean...

HEARTBREAKER: But I still think he’s really cool, and he can be really nice, too!

HONEY-BEE: Sure didn’t seem like it...

FASHIONISTA: Baby, he had you running away crying.

FASHIONISTA: That doesn’t sound cool or nice.

HEARTBREAKER: No, I know... I know.


HEARTBREAKER: Uh, anyways, those are the three I chose...

HEARTBREAKER: It wasn’t very good, but--

FASHIONISTA: No no no, none of that.

FASHIONISTA: There’s no shame during girl’s hour, okay?

HONEY-BEE: I thought your drawings were really cute, Heartbreaker!


HONEY-BEE: Totally!


DREADED TRICIA: Better than mine.


HEARTBREAKER: Thank’s you guys...!


Animatic Applications Closed!

Thank you so much for applying, there were so many good artists to sort through! You can expect to receive an acceptance or a rejection email/discord message within the next few days. The latest you should receive this confirmation should be by the 1st of December.

If you applied, and don’t receive confirmation by that date, please contact me through tumblr or the public discord server.



SUPER CRAIG: Whoa wait, Wonder Tweek?


TWEEK: Ugh! Knock this hero bs off for a second!

CRAIG: Uh... Tweek? How did you break free?

TWEEK: That doesn’t matter right now.

MYSTERION: Why haven’t you untied the others?

TWEEK: Shut up SHUT UP I’m not TALKING to you right now!!!

TWEEK: C-Craig...

TWEEK: I... I want to tell you something.

TWEEK: And I’ve been wanting to tell you all day.

TWEEK: And... and I almost did, earlier, but then fucking CLYDE had to go and FUCK SHIT UP--


TWEEK: But... I’m not... I’m not really mad about that anymore.

TWEEK: Not after everything else that’s happened today.

CRAIG: Babe we already discussed this over text, remember?

CRAIG: Everything’s fine.

TWEEK: No, Craig, everything is not fine.

TWEEK: I’ve had a really, really bad day.

TWEEK: Everything has sucked ass.

CRAIG: ...You didn’t have fun on our date?

TWEEK: N-No! I did!!!

TWEEK: But everything since then has gone to shit, and I can’t find myself feeling anything but... pent up anger!

TWEEK: I’m mad at everything stopping me from expressing how I feel!

TWEEK: I’m mad that today wasn’t perfect!

TWEEK: I’m mad that nothing went as planned!

CRAIG: Dude, what are you talking about?

TWEEK: I’m so, so so so sorry, Craig.

TWEEK: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.

TWEEK: And I don’t know if you feel the same way as me or not.


TWEEK: But uh.


TWEEK: hh hh

TWEEK: Okay I’m sorry but I’ve wanted to do this like, all day, and I know this is probably the worst place in the world for this and it’ll probably suck I mean I’ve never even DONE this before and I’m sure you have oh god oH go D--



TWEEK: ...

TWEEK: Oh, wow.


TWEEK: Oh my God I feel so much better!

TWEEK: That was so easy!

TWEEK: Why did I wait this long???

TWEEK: I can’t believe Cartman was actually right about something for once, holy cow!

MYSTERION: Alright buddy we’ve all had our first gay kiss.

MYSTERION: You’ve had your moment.

MYSTERION: Can you please untie us all now?

TWEEK: Hghhh!

TWEEK: I almost forgot, of course!

CRAIG:      .         , ,oh my god ,


WONDER TWEEK: [sniffle]


MOSQUITO: Man... this sucks... (h.heh..,.)

MOSQUITO: What are we gonna do...





MOSQUITO: Uh I mean like. We’re just playing super hero, you don’t need to cry about it...

WONDER TWEEK: This is about more than just stupid game at this point, man! [sniffle sniffle]

MOSQUITO: What are you talking about?

MOSQUITO: Is something bothering you that much?

WONDER TWEEK: I can’t even tell anymore!

WONDER TWEEK: I’m angry and sad and I’ve had my day ruined, I’ve probably scared Craig away from me, and now I have to sit here and watch him... talk to some other guy on a huge fucking screen while I’m tied up, helplessly! 

WONDER TWEEK: Why do I care?!

WONDER TWEEK: Even though I was mad it was almost still fun to have to go find where Craig was kidnapped!

WONDER TWEEK: At least I felt like I could still do something!!!

WONDER TWEEK: [sniffle] But I just want things to stop making me so sad and angry...!! hhHHHhhHhgHH!!!

MOSQUITO: Aw, dude...

MOSQUITO: It’s gonna be okay.

MOSQUITO: I’m sorry about everything I did, honest.

MOSQUITO: Everything I did was really stupid and you didn’t deserve it.

MOSQUITO: It sounded like you were having a good day up until I fucked it all up...

WONDER TWEEK: No... W-well, I mean...

WONDER TWEEK: Yeah, you did...

WONDER TWEEK: But I’m not even mad at you anymore...

WONDER TWEEK: I just wanted to be mad at something...

WONDER TWEEK: I know you didn’t mean anything bad by it...

WONDER TWEEK: I know you’re just really fucking stupid.

MOSQUITO: Thanks for understanding.

WONDER TWEEK: I just... just...


WONDER TWEEK: D-dude, are you touching my arm? 


MOSQUITO: I’m keeping adequate bro distance, I promise bro.

WONDER TWEEK: You’re touching my gloves, stop doing that.

MOSQUITO: I’m not touching you, my hands are tied too!

WONDER TWEEK: Then what’s--




WONDER TWEEK: What the hell are you talking about?!


MOSQUITO: She’s being a naughty little bitch!

WONDER TWEEK: Just tell me what’s ACTUALLY happening, hHHH!

MOSQUITO: She’s chewing through your ropes!



MOSQUITO: Oh man maybe now I can get off my precious little booty, it’s getting so numb--


WONDER TWEEK: I gotta go get Craig first.



MOSQUITO: Oh wait.

MOSQUITO: ...................................... ;^)

MOSQUITO: I get you.


MOSQUITO: I get what you’re gonna do ;^) ;^) ;^) ;;;;;;^)

WONDER TWEEK: Stop winking.

WONDER TWEEK: I’m. I’m not gonna--

MOSQUITO: No, no it's okay, we can wait a couple minutes.

MOSQUITO: Go save your smexy little hubby ;^).

CAPTAIN DIABETES: Mosquito, I don’t like what you just said, and I don’t want you to say that again forever.


WONDER TWEEK: I’m gonna go save Craig.



Multi-Artist Animatic


Artists are still being sought out for Clyde’s Ballapalooza Extravaganza’s super hero climax Multi Artist Animatic! 

We’re already creeping towards 10,000 whole followers on this askblog, and it’d be amazing to make this animatic a present for all 10k! 

There is still one week until applications close (November 27th @ 11:59 PM PST), so if you’re looking to be a part of a project that can hopefully be a lot of fun for us all, apply for the animatic here.

The animatic will be based on the final result of the Freedom Pals vs. Professor Chao’s Heroes of Evil! 

We are accepting both still animatic images, as well as very short clips of animation for this project. Within a few days of applications closing, you will be contacted with an acceptance or rejection message/email. You will be strongly encouraged to join the blog’s public discord, where you will receive a role to access all info you need for the animatic. If you choose not to join the server, persistent direct message contact through discord will be required.

Hopefully this can be super fun for all of us!


TICKER: Do I even know Tweek?

TICKER: I don’t really know that many s-SHIT-- kids in town, I’m home-schooled.

TICKER: But I think you’re talking about that one twitchy guy that works at the coffee shop, right?

TICKER: I go there sometimes, and sometimes if the shop is nn-FUCK busy, h-he’ll go around serving people personally.

TICKER: So we’ve talked once or twice, I guess.

TICKER: I-- SHIT-- I don’t think he likes me very much...

TICKER: It’s whatever cause he’s too freaked out by everything I c-coCK-- do.

TICKER: It’s fucking embarrassing when people overreact when they’re around me...

TICKER: One time he acted like a fuCKING SHIT-- ...a-asshole.

TICKER: He got scared, accidentally spilled something on me, and I got over it pretty quickly.

TICKER: B-but he started yelling at me for scaring him and told me to get out of the shop!

TICKER: ...Before I could tell him s-sHIt that it was an accident.

TICKER: But whatever, I guess.

TICKER: I’m used to it...

TICKER: I just hope that ngG-- FUCK-- SHIT- C-COCK--


SUPER CRAIG: Hey, is there a mic picking us up?

SUPER CRAIG: Oh wait yeah there is I forgot.

SUPER CRAIG: Thomas is that you?

TICKER: Aw shit-- g-god dammit...

TICKER: I almost forgot Craig’s here... s-sHIT.

SUPER CRAIG: Aw man, how come nobody told me you were here?

TICKER: O-oh, god...

SUPER CRAIG: Hey Thomas.

TICKER: It’s... it’s The Ticker.


SUPER CRAIG: Hey Ticker.

TICKER: ...Hi...? C-COCK-- aw FUCK!

SUPER CRAIG: Ehehehehehe...

SUPER CRAIG: What’s going on, man, we haven’t hung out in a while.

TICKER: Um. I dunno. I don’t think you ever answered my last text? 

SUPER CRAIG: Oh, sorry, I’ll check it when I get my phone back.

TICKER: A-alright, I guess-- a-ASSHOLE.


SUPER CRAIG: Hey, have I ever told you how cool you are?

TICKER: L-like... every time we hang out, yeah.

SUPER CRAIG: You’re just... I dunno.

SUPER CRAIG: You’re super cool.

TICKER: I’m, um, flattered, but we’re playing super villains right now, dude...

TICKER: I shouldn’t be b- fffFUCK!! Nnh-- I shouldn’t be buddying it up with you.

SUPER CRAIG: Alright, well we should totally hang out like, tomorrow after school or something.

TICKER: U-um! Sure, I--



TICKER: Oh-- Oh wait, Tweek’s here???

TICKER: Oh God, I shouldn’t have said s-SHIT!

SUPER CRAIG: No don’t worry he doesn’t even check the blog anyways.


TICKER: He talked to me first a-ASSHOLE-- s-shit, sorry--








PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Do you mean that incessant little blonde boy?

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: If you are asking why he is not here, it is because he is dead!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Dead, and gone forever! Hahaha!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: ...I do still talk to him, however!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Born in a world too cruel for his kind, he was bound to meet his demise!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Too kind, ignorant, and gentle-natured, he surely went to heaven when his time was due.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: He was the only kid at school that didn’t make fun of me!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: He’s a stupid little twerp with girly hair, and he always smelled a little too fruity for my demonic nose...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Knowing of his fate, however, I still found it in my blackened heart to save him from salvation!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: So I pulled a few strings before his death.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: The first string...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Was pulling him down into the depths of Hell.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: The second string...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: I could not just keep him as is, lest he succumb to eternal hellfire and torture!

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: It’s easy to watch somebody from afar, set in a perpetual state of misery and sorrow.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: But this boy...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: I wanted to see his agony up close and personal.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Thankfully, fallen angels are treated just a little differently in Hell, as opposed to the wicked and damned...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: And lastly; The third, most important string...

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: Perhaps the easiest string to pull of them all.

PRINCE OF DARKNESS: I made him my friend.

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