
Better Living through Nanotechnology


This blog is a Garbage Pile and I am A Mess.

if u weren’t aware of salvation army’s homophobia, its prety hardcore

a guy in a salvos truck yelled at me and my gf while we were kissing today so I was thinking of this

Do you know, when I was in high-school I went to the mall near my house with my girlfriend to do some Christmas shopping.

We were there, sixteen year old me and seventeen year old her, holding hands and window-shopping, minding our own business.

This Salvation Army shitheel gets aggro about it in the middle of the mall and I’m there totally flabbergasted cause like, it’s christmas

Only, 16!Tabi had even less composure than 26!Tabi, so I lost my fucking mind on her.

Thing is: when I’m really angry, I don’t rage, I go all cold and apparently that freaks people out, because I could see my gf backing up and the lady getting tense and then I realized that anger doesn’t solve problems.

So instead, I started wailing.

Picture this: 5’4, tiny, blonde haired high school girl with her little violin on her back and pearls in her ears just as PTA-approved as could be, full on sobbing in the hallway.

Just, sobbing like my dog’s been shot.

Now my gf’s like, “oh fuck” and the lady’s like “oh fuuuuck!” and I’m here, head thrown back, tears down my cheeks and in that shrill, distressed, /loud/ voice, “WHY WOULD YOU B-b-be so MEAN?! It’s CHRISTMAS!”

And the lady’s like “please stop Oh fuck” because now we have a crowd, and this Molly Weasley of a woman putters over, “what’s the matter, dear?”

And mall security’s coming and this bell ringer is looking very uncomfortable so I just look at this matronly ellen-watching suburban housewife lady, eyes wide and wet and my lip wobbling.

“I was, she s-said, s-s-she said I was going to HELL!”

And I burst right back into tears.

Maaaaaaaan, they didn’t even stick around to ask why she’d said it. Soon as I said it, Mall po-po bounced her like a fucking pogo stick.

We get outside and my girlfriend’s like “that is the most Slytherin thing I have ever seen anyone do.”

It was four years before I saw the Army back in that mall.

that is beautiful


Holiday reminder: don’t let anyone get away with trying to make you feel bad about yourself.


So yeah, they’re not just ‘homophobic’, they’re bigoted fucking murderers.

(Wikipedia article on her death conveniently (for SA) omits Salvation Army connection, linking only to expired articles from local newspapers)

SA claims that they didn’t turn her away, and accept all homeless people, except, it’s not like Jennifer Gale was only trans woman refused shelter by Salvation Army, making this denial appear to be worth less than bullshit:

and to think i was gonna help my aunt with this…


Annual reminder not to trust what our SA donations actually support.

There are plenty of other charities who help out the needy this time of year. Support a local food bank or community housing center.

THIS IS SO IMPORTANT I’ve told ppl this but now I have sources

Salvation Army are scum. Judgemental assholes.

🎊Tis the season for reminders: Salvation Army is a horrifically conservative as well as plainly ineffective charity that runs more like a business. And actively spreading reasons not to support them helps them wither amd make room for more productive and hollistic charities.

Another great seasonal reminder: Slytherins are awesome 🐍🐍🐍

It doesn’t run like a business. Businesses have to pay the women who work for them.

Few months early but if I see Salvation Army in a mile radius of me, I’m walking around with my pride flags


It’s never too late to learn the right way to do things: button sewing technique via imgurmore…



I feel like I just reblog this every time it is on my dash, with hope that one day I will stop being such a goof about sewing buttons.


You mean someone don’t do it like this?

Yeah I was taught to just sew them flush against the fabric. It didn’t work as well as I thought it should…

Yeah, I’m so downloading a copy of this post because buttons and I do not like each other.


I worked as a costume designer and assistant in a costume shop for 2 years and honest 2 god this will save your life.


I am a professional tailor and I approve this message.

Now sew 50 of these fuckers onto period costumes 😩


oh it totally does, but you can’t hear it because space is a vacuum and sound can’t travel through a vacuum! 

and that’s a good thing, 

because the roar of the sun would clock in at around 120db heard from earth, about the equivalent to having a train’s horn go off three feet from your face. 

constantly. all the time, even at NIGHT. there would be no escape.

Once I dreamed the sunrise was especially loud one morning


sometimes I think I’m not really a jewelry person and then I remember that I REALLY, REALLY am, it just has to be the right kind of jewelry.

Where are these I need them in my head


Time flies! It’s been four weeks since the last time I mentioned my bullshit job search and/or an interview, because it’s been that long since I’ve had one. Also, this next week is the first week where I would have received an unemployment check and don’t, because I’m out of benefits. Fun!

I’m pushing myself so hard to find a job that my health is suffering and I’m back in the wheelchair, which is great for networking events because people in wheelchairs have cooties and they are invisible/untouchable/nobody will sit next to you or talk to you. Check out this row I had all to myself at a sold-out, standing-room only talk specifically about diversity in tech, attended exclusively by a bunch of fuckin ableist cowards:

But good news! It turns out I probably couldn’t find a job because nobody hires over the summer (cool!) and I’m changing up my strategy based on what I’ve learned by attending in-person events that are destroying my health.

I do have two more interviews coming up, thank the holy caterpillar butts. Current interviews are for:

  • Entry-level position in a growing field I’m targeting, still pays more than I made at my last job because assholes
  • Position that matches my experience at a stable company, pay could be double what I made previously, but job is in San An-fucking-tonio

I’ll be setting up an on-site interview for #2 soon, but holy shit I can’t see it working out long term. I live in Austin. The commute is over 200 miles a day. My last commute was 90 miles a day and I wanted to die doing that for three years. I hate San Antonio and I don’t want to live there. But if I get that job my plan is to buy a cheap-ass house to sleep in a couple nights a week and have a roommate living there so it’s not sitting vacant constantly.

Went to a job fair on Thurs, still trying to recover from it, got some good leads. We’ll see.


Hyper-realistic packers are OUT packers that look like these things are IN

Yes the fish are included, they live in the balls


For people who are not themselves polyamorous, but who are dating someone else who is... how did you know that was a relationship structure you were comfortable with? Or, if you are polyamorous, would you date someone who is not interested in dating more than one person?

[The question is not applicable to me; just observing]

I’ve pointed this out to others before, but I think your first question misunderstands what polyamory is.  Polyamory is not “wants multiple partners”; it’s “okay with partner(s) having other partners”.  A person who only wants one relationship but is fine if their partner also has other partners is polyamorous.

Perhaps in a technical sense, but I think my meaning here is clear. If someone prefers monogamy but is neutral about their partner having other partners, are they really going to describe themself as polyamorous, or just their relationship structure?

I’m not certain how I would feel about it in practice, but in theory, I suspect I wouldn’t mind being one of several people my hypothetical partner was involved with. I feel neutral-but-cautious about it—I’m largely independent and don’t have the social energy to support someone relying exclusively on me for romantic attention. BUT I wouldn’t say that my lack of absolute objection to the idea makes me polyamorous.

Hey, this was me actually. I’m monogamous but almost all my relationships were poly. And I disagree with the notion that dating a polyamorous person makes you poly. It... does not... necessarily. It seemed like an orientation from my perspective (my poly friends seemed driven to keep finding new partners), but this is likely complicated by my also being a demisexual-leaning ace.

Your question re: how do you know you’re okay with it? Well, there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?

Turns out, I’m not. In theory, I could be, but, uh, yeah, in theory doesn’t happen in poly. If everybody involved was a responsible adult, sure! Inevitably, at least somebody in the polycule is either highly mentally unstable, in need to significant emotional coddling, or both. If you win the jackpot, like I did, you also get people with jealousy problems and people who cheat on you because they hate communicating.

But if you’re independent and don’t want a partner who needs to hang out and talk to you EVERY NIGHT, and you value alone-time, it’s nice. Also sometimes you luck out and not everybody is batshit and you end up with some cool friends for group outings and shennanigans. That’s also nice.

I’m fine sharing a partner. I’m not fine with all of the bullshit baggage that came along with Every. Single. Goddamn. Relationship. And. Every. Single. Node. In. The. Extended. Polycule. I. Was. In. Everybody. Was. Insane. Myself. Included. Beware.


"The private prison industry is set to be upended after California lawmakers passed a bill on Wednesday banning the facilities from operating in the state. The move will probably also close down four large immigration detention facilities that can hold up to 4,500 people at a time.

The legislation is being hailed as a major victory for criminal justice reform because it removes the profit motive from incarceration. It also marks a dramatic departure from California’s past, when private prisons were relied on to reduce crowding in state-run facilities."

Bravo, California!

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