

@gnoissienne / gnoissienne.tumblr.com

A little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of me, a little bit of you

A boy is just a boy until.

I call him a firework/ bursting in bright colours across my sky/ until I call him dynamite/ blowing things up/ things like rocks and mountains/ things like me/ a boy is just a boy until I give him another name/ I call him an explosive/ I call him the end of me/ I call him heartbreak/ a boy is just a boy until I make him a metaphor/ until I want to call him everything/ until I am begging him to be something/ until I am begging him to be anything at all/ a boy is just a boy until I write about him like he isn’t / until he is only words/ until he is simply a reflection of this heart in my chest.


I will never stop believing in this.


She wanted a house that

stayed with her

close to her heart

wherever she would go

a house that was there

to love

to protect

to hold forever

a house that did not

feel strange

it was as comfortable

as her own skin

a house that was

hers to keep

It was her own

so she created a home

within herself


Finding the other half of you unexpectedly and not having being able to sustain them in your life can actually wreck your life I've found.


I realized the secret of loving someone sometimes It is healthier to fast than to feast


Loving someone who doesn't love you is like sailing against the wind. It's a battle you fight against the storm, Against the world, Against your head, Daily

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