
Hot mess trying my best

@littlemissrebma / littlemissrebma.tumblr.com

Rebma. Jacksonville. recently finished 30 rotations around the sun. INFP pan(romantic)/demi(sexual). She/Her/Hers. currently rwrb/ TZP brainrot club loves doing good, & getting into good trouble.

this can't be true can it

Apparently yes and I cannot wrap my head around this. You're telling me most of these teens and early 20 something's dominating social media do not even have a laptop full of organized directories of favorite images? They aren't downloading and playing with creative SOFTWARE rather than stupid little "apps??" They already can't navigate what was supposed to be the new standard level of technological familiarity!?


what the fuck

oh so this is why no one pirates media anymore

I'm one of the "kids these days" that is barely literate with a computer and I hate it. Common laptop operating systems now are so hostile and confusing to me compared to my parents' old Windows Vista desktop. They're visually noisy and chaotic, connected to the internet in a billion different points, and there's no good way to look at all your files arranged together in a nesting tree or organize them in a meaningful way. Customization is almost nonexistent and it's so hard to troubleshoot when you have a problem. Programs are paid subscriptions, you can't just download something and have it on your computer.

I never did understand much about computers but now it seems impossible for me to ever learn...


a gentle fact about this world is that people will want to help you. a cruel fact about it is that you do have to put on your big boy pants and open their contact on your phone and say some human words to ask them for it


echo park be reading your soul sometimes

taking the opportunity to resurrect this image from the wise abandoned grain elevator I encountered August 16th, fucking 2011, over a thousand miles away from where I am now.

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