
Almost Safe For Work! πŸ’• (Hiatus)


32, Bi Old Softy, Polya, SUB n shy, She/her transgirl, Queuetie, 18+ Please!

senshi of dungeon meshi fame is actually the sexiest character in the world. hes beefy, hes hairy, he knows how to cook, hes completely batshit but also the most level-headed person you’ll ever meet, he took like a month off living his life to make sure a group of strangers didnt die of malnutrition, he ate a dubious bowl of soup once that he was 80% sure contained dwarf meat-

i wish this was me so bad

i mean……………………

tumblr was right to flag this post as explicitΒ 


The other day I told a friend of mine that I never forget to take my ADHD meds because I fucking love my ADHD meds. I'm in my late 30s, I didn't finally get a diagnosis and meds until less than two years ago, and they have changed my entire life.

And he raised his eyebrow at me. We'd been discussing addictive medications a few minutes before, like the Tramadol I finally got from the pain specialist to take once a week or so to give me a break from my chronic pain, so I reassured him that methylpenidate (Ritalin/Concerta) is not addictive (at least not in people with ADHD).

His response? To raise his eyebrow even harder and say "Well it sure SOUNDS like it's addictive!"

And I had to explain to this man - who works in a healthcare related job by the way - that just because medication makes you feel good and helps you, just because you look forward to taking it, that doesn't make it addictive or dangerous. And he wasn't convinced.

The simple fact that I was excited to take a daily pill that has literally changed my life, after decades of fighting to get that medication, made him think I shouldn't be taking it so often. That it must inherently be dangerous.

I'm not even in America, but I'm pretty sure this attitude began there and then spread over here to Europe. This Puritan idea of "if something feels good, you must beware of it. Pleasure is dangerous, it is sinful, it is addiction, it is evil."

I know too many people who subconsciously believe that pleasure = addictive = dangerous = bad. Joy is a slippery slope to hell.

So here is your reminder for today that you don't need to be afraid of feeling good. If something improves your life, use it. Even if it is addictive - learn what that addiction means, whether the addiction is inherently dangerous or not, and whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks and risks.

My ADHD meds are, in fact, not addictive. But I will take them every day because they make my life orders of magnitude easier. I will enjoy them every time I take them.

My tramadol is addictive. I will still take it. I will keep it on a schedule to avoid becoming addicted, primarily because addiction in this case would mean reduced effectiveness. But I am not afraid of my painkillers. They are life changing.

Take your meds, everyone. Don't let anyone scare you away from doing something that improves your life.


If you want to be the kind of person who would do something, then just do it, and you'll be that kind of person. There are no pure personality archetypes for you to fall into, they're an illusion that your brain constructs out of partial datasets and media prerogatives. Let the radical unknowability of the Other set you free.

clusters ought to exist purely descriptively, not prescriptively; identity must fit you, not the other way around

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