
𖤓 ⁺₊⋆ ——╯╰—— ⋆⁺₊ 𖤓

@alcorian / alcorian.tumblr.com

Call me Alcor or Alvie. I'm 20, he/it, and aromantic. Queer as in gay, and queer as in weird. I spit on beauty and actively celebrate ugliness. I'm Alvie_Pines on Ao3, aka Alvie from the TAU discord. ─── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ───
Info for my LMK discord! ─── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ─── Disclaimer: This blog is pro freedom of fiction and may contain (tagged) problematic, squicky, or triggering media. Block and filter at your own discretion. ─── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ─── [Header ID: A drawing of Sun Wukong in an energetic pose, surrounded by dragons. End ID] [Icon ID: Wuxian from Legend of Hei in front of a blue and purple sky. He is a young man with long, straight, dark hair and a neutral expression. End ID]

🇵🇸 Help an autistic child and his family get out of Gaza:


This is targeted aid; i.e. focusing on a specific donation campaign to increase chances of that person meeting their goal and, in this case, evacuating a warzone.

If you have a few dollars to spare, please send it to Aser and his family.

If you don't, share the link with others who might.


wait jews can't turn on and off lights? lmao huh?

Only during the Sabbath. Lol. Some legit hire a gentile person to work electricity for them. They're jokingly called "Electric Goys." lol.

What the actual fuck

Yeah it’s weird.

Something to do with being forbidden to work on the Sabbath.


im pretty sure its because its forbidden to light fires on shabbat, actually. electricity involves a spark, which many think is similar enough to kindling a fire that it should be forbidden ^^

though ive also heard that using electronic appliances is akin to creating something new (which is of course forbidden on shabbat)


🇵🇸 Help an autistic child and his family get out of Gaza:


This is targeted aid; i.e. focusing on a specific donation campaign to increase chances of that person meeting their goal and, in this case, evacuating a warzone.

If you have a few dollars to spare, please send it to Aser and his family.

If you don't, share the link with others who might.


The Anarchist God-King: When a work of fiction has a group of people who are coded as libertine anti-government radicals but only ever depicts them unanimously obeying the fiat decrees of one guy


I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not — like — the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience

Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt

Also, a lot of the so called harmless examples used for peaceful protests were specifically supposed to be disruptive as all hell. Like, take sit-ins, for example. What you were probably told is that black people just refused to leave white only establishments to make a point.

But how they actually worked was manipulating racist policies to cause as much of a delay as possible. They'd sit down at the bar to order (that's how those restaurants worked, you had to sit down to order and there weren't many tables) and when the waiter said they couldn't serve them, they'd respond that they would wait until they could be served. And then all their friends who they organized this with would do the same, and they would sit there at every seat until they're holding up the whole line. Then nobody could order and the restaurant was forced to either close, serve them, or try and fail to work around them. It wasn't just to make a point, it was to cost them money and time.

Even what was framed as "quiet peaceful protest" was actually very disruptive both socially and economically.


The thing about hyperfixations is that All of your emotions about it are Hyper. Including anger. I see a dumb fucking take about fnaf and I literally want to punch a hole in the wall


You know, being a disabled kid of disabled parents is actually kinda beautiful sometimes. I have a childhood memory of sitting on my mother's rollator being pushed cause my legs were too sore to walk, both of us using the same mobility aid to get around. She used to take me to school on the back of her mobility scooter, and when my chronic pain got worse as a teenager, she gave me all of her wisdom on how to deal with it.

Its always portrayed it as this tragic thing, but really it's just life. I'm so grateful to have had parents who understood what I was going through cause they'd been through it too.


[Image ID: Clear block letters with black outlines. The background is bright pink and covered in little white hearts. The text says "Your disability does not make you hard to love". End ID]


[image description: an outline of a person laying down, and above that outline there’s a neon outline filled in with a translucent blue color. both outlines are on a black background. above that, text on a white background reads “leftism leaving people’s bodies as soon as someone’s disability affects their hygiene”. /end image description]


Shout out to the ten year old who just got diagnosed. Shout out to the housebound fourteen year old. Shout out to the eighteen year old who can’t go to the university they wanted. Shout out to the twenty two year old who can’t get a job. Shout out to the twenty six year old with a caretaker. Shout out to the thirty year old who can’t buy their own house.

Shout out to young disabled people. We exist.


I was gonna go to sleep but some sort of phantom possessed me and I had to make this

[ID: A mostly grey monochrome digital drawing of Megatron, who is curled up in the center, where shadows seem to close in around him. His face is buried in the side of a pony plushie held tightly in his arms. The plushie is a purplish pink, the only color in the piece, and appears to be glowing. The glow surrounds Megatron in a soft protective layer. END ID.]


Since the r-slur is making a comeback (you know, the word that starts with R, has six letters, and ends in D), I'm gonna make a little PSA:

  1. Yes, it's an ableist slur.
  2. Terms like "asshat," "head-up-ass," "up their own ass," and "high on their own farts" exist. There's also words like crap, dogshit, half-assed, assclown, and chucklefuck. And on the less vulgar side, there are terms like ridiculous, nonsense, train wreck, pointless, insipid, self-absorbed, pretentious, annoying, boring, contemptible, vile, and disgusting.
  3. Substituting words like restarted, poptarted, brain damaged, smoothbrain, etc. is still ableist, because either 1. you obviously still mean the r-word, or 2. you're still using disability as an insult.

For those who genuinely are confused about what word OP is talking about (and there's plenty of reasons somebody might not know it and dancing around it isn't helpful for them):

It's "retard" and the variant "retarded".

And because I've seen some people legitimately try to argue this: No, you cannot use this word to insult other people "because you reclaimed it". To reclaim a word is to apply that word to yourself as a means to stealing it's power from those who use it against you. As soon as you weaponize it against somebody else you're no longer reclaiming it, you're just hurling a slur at other people.

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